The sanatorium "Svetlana" in Perm is located on the coast of the Kama River, in a picturesque corner. The institution operates throughout the year. The organization is dedicated to the treatment and promotion of the he alth of children aged four to fourteen.
Features of the institution
The sanatorium "Svetlana" in Perm is located at the address: Kirovsky district, Tantsorova street, 14.

Employees of the institution provide services for treatment and wellness procedures (exercise therapy, massage sessions, halotherapy, electrophoresis, swimming pool, sauna). The organization specializes in the treatment of patients with pathologies of the respiratory system and neurological ailments. In the children's pulmonological sanatorium "Svetlana" patients are given the opportunity to attend classes according to the primary school program. The institution also provides various types of leisure: staging performances, group classes.
It is designed to treat one hundred and thirty patients. Specialists conduct medical therapy and wellness procedures. SickSix meals a day are provided. Juices and fruits are on the menu every day. The Department of Pediatrics treats patients with the following types of pathologies:
- Asthma.
- Defects in the development of the trachea, bronchi.
- Chronic lung pathology.
- Recovery period after pneumonia.
- Allergic damage to the respiratory tract.
- Recurrent bronchitis.
- Chronic ENT diseases.

Staying in a sanatorium is contraindicated in the presence of the following conditions:
- Acute pathologies.
- Deterioration in patients with chronic ailments.
- Presence of mental retardation, seizures of epilepsy.
- Pediculosis
- Infectious pathologies of the skin.
- Contact with patients with acute infection.
Children coming to the pediatric department of the Svetlana sanatorium in Perm should have the following things with them:
- Clothes, shoes (including interchangeable).
- Sport suit.
- Hygiene supplies.
- Enough underwear (for daily shift).
- Items for needlework and drawing.
- Achievement document, diary, textbooks (for students).
Department of Neurology
It is intended to treat fifty people. Patients with the following pathologies are treated here:
- CP.
- Encephalopathy, which is accompanied by mental retardationdevelopment and speech.
- Consequences of CNS infections.
- Complications of brain damage.
- Neuroses.
- Incontinence.
- Headaches.
- Disorders of the peripheral and autonomic nervous system, degenerative pathologies.

Staying in a sanatorium is contraindicated in the presence of the following conditions:
- Acute course of CNS ailments, the presence of severe impairment of motor functions.
- Muscular dystrophy.
- Epileptic seizures.
- Dropsy of the brain.
- Moderate to severe mental retardation.
- Mental disorders.
Patients coming to the neurology department of the Svetlana sanatorium in Perm must have:
- Clothes.
- Shoes (including interchangeable).
- Handkerchiefs.
- Hygiene supplies.
- Sport suit.
- Enough underwear (for daily shift).
- Items for drawing and needlework.
- Diary, textbooks and academic record (for students).
The opinion of parents about the institution
"Svetlana" is a well-known children's sanatorium in the Perm Territory. Unfortunately, many clients of the institution are dissatisfied with his work. Feedback from parents indicates that food and treatment are not of high quality, the staff does not maintain cleanliness in the premises. In addition, some teachers treat children incorrectly, do not offer theminteresting entertainment and do not monitor the he alth of patients. Parents complain that after being in the institution, the condition of the kids has worsened. Despite the large number of negative reviews, there are clients who like the quality of the work of the Svetlana sanatorium in Perm. They say the kids enjoyed their stay.