Unfortunately, at the end of summer, many people begin to show signs of hay fever. This is due to the flowering of weeds belonging to the family of Compositae and haze. After reading today's article, you will find out what is allergic to in August and what to do at the first sign of the disease.
Main symptoms
Unfortunately, many people who have not previously experienced allergic reactions often confuse hay fever with the common cold. To prevent this from happening, you need to consult a doctor at the first sign. Otherwise, it is very likely that the allergy will become chronic, and then it will be much more difficult to cope with it.
This disease is usually accompanied by dermatitis, rhinitis, swelling and itching. Many patients experience increased tearing and redness of the eyes. Also, the characteristic signs by which this disease can be recognized include coughing, body aches, headaches, insomnia, and increased fatigue.

In especially severe cases, an allergy in August (what it happens to, you will learn a littlelater) is accompanied by shortness of breath, redness of the skin, rash and even suffocation. The patient may also experience high fever, nasal congestion, and conjunctivitis.
Which plants are most likely to cause this problem?
To understand what can cause allergies, just carefully study the flowering calendar of plants. Throughout the last summer month, there is an increased concentration of wormwood, nettle and ragweed pollen in the air. The latter is quite common in our area, so most of the people prone to hay fever suffer from it.
This is not all that blooms in August. Allergies during this period can be caused by pollen of plantain, calendula, tansy, bluegrass and immortelle. Approximately the same reaction can begin after eating some fruits and herbs.

In addition, signs of allergies may appear due to the activation of microorganisms actively developing in molds and fungi. Such microparticles are transported over very long distances and have an irritating effect on the respiratory tract. Also, allergies at the end of August may appear on some garden and house plants. Including asters, daisies and chrysanthemums.
How to deal with the problem?
The treatment of hay fever should be started immediately, without waiting for the end of the flowering season. Otherwise, there is an increased risk that a harmless runny nose will eventually develop into bronchial asthma.
To those who know firsthand thatsuch an allergy in August, the first step is to minimize contact with fungal spores and plant pollen. In addition, a few general guidelines should be followed to help you get through this difficult period more easily.

Many experts advise hanging several layers of gauze on window openings and constantly moistening it with plain water. It is better to choose the evening hours for going for a walk. You can also go outside after the rain. It was at this time that the concentration of substances that cause an allergic reaction in the air significantly decreases.
People suffering from pollinosis are advised to leave for such countries as Italy, Spain and Greece for the entire period. You can also wait out the dangerous flowering period at the ski resorts. Those who do not have this opportunity should drink plenty of fluids and systematically rinse the nasal cavity with s alted water.
Medicated treatment
People who have severe allergies in August should definitely see a doctor. He will prescribe drugs to get rid of seasonal rhinoconjunctivitis, and absorbents that remove accumulated toxins from the body.
A professional immunologist can prescribe antihistamines (Tavegil, Suprastin, Tsetrin, Gistan, etc.). These medicines effectively fight hay fever. However, after the end of their intake, the symptoms of the disease may return again. It is advisable to start such treatment two weeks before flowering.

Also, those who develop allergies in August are often prescribed hormonal drugs (the latest generation drug "Kestin" is most often used today). Usually they are used in cases where the use of other methods did not give the desired result. In addition to medication, your doctor may recommend a specific diet. It is selected individually and helps to exclude all those products that can cause a cross-allergic reaction.
Preventive measures
Allergy in early August or any other month develops due to reduced immunity. Therefore, it is very important to constantly monitor your own he alth.
If possible, it is desirable to lead a correct lifestyle. It is important to sleep at least eight hours a day and not overload the nervous system. The diet should contain a variety of he althy foods that help strengthen immunity. People prone to allergies are advised to include in their menu buckwheat and oatmeal, cooked without adding milk. Sprouted wheat has a beneficial effect on the body.
Also, for the prevention of allergies, it is advisable to take warm baths with decoctions of medicinal herbs. To enhance the effect, it is better to do this before going to bed.
From the foregoing, we can conclude that pollen allergy, or hay fever, is a fairly common disease. As a rule, it manifests itself against the background of a weakened immune system. If left untreated, it can last a long time.unsettle a person.
Paradoxical as it may seem, but the development of pollinosis is provoked not by plants with bright beautiful flowers, but by nondescript wind-pollinated specimens. In our latitudes, the most common allergens include weeds, cereals and deciduous trees.

Another big problem is food cross-reactivity. Therefore, in order not to aggravate an already quite serious problem, at the first signs of hay fever, you need to contact a specialist.