Why does my head hurt before menstruation: possible causes and treatment

Why does my head hurt before menstruation: possible causes and treatment
Why does my head hurt before menstruation: possible causes and treatment

Every month, women have to endure several difficult days, accompanied by various unpleasant symptoms. In addition, before each menstruation comes the so-called PMS. Some girls wonder: why does my head hurt before menstruation? What caused such a reaction of the body? We will talk about this and much more later.


why does my head hurt before my period
why does my head hurt before my period

A few days before the onset of menstruation got its name - premenstrual syndrome. It is characterized by increased nervous irritability and excitability. The reason for this is the progesterone accumulated in the middle of the cycle. Its level drops sharply during PMS, which is why the head hurts and feels sick before menstruation. In this situation, girls need to refrain from strong physical exertion. In addition, s alty foods can also cause headaches. It retains fluid in the body. For this reason, the pressure rises. Against the background of a hormonal shake-up, this can causeunbearable pain.

It's also a good idea to carry painkillers that are right for you and have stood the test of time.


Why do you get headaches and nausea before menstruation?
Why do you get headaches and nausea before menstruation?

Knowing the information about why the head hurts before menstruation, it is necessary to remember about other accompanying signs in premenstrual syndrome:

  • Breast engorgement. The level of hormones changes, the breast increases. Some women complain about being unable to touch their nipples because of the intense pain.
  • Pulls the lower back and lower abdomen. A similar symptom occurs in the first weeks of pregnancy.
  • Mood change. Any little thing can easily piss you off, and the most harmless film can touch you to the core.
  • Change in appetite. Some begin to absorb everything, others, on the contrary, complain of an unwillingness to eat.
  • Insomnia. Increased excitability can deprive you of sleep for several days. In this case, it is better to take some kind of sedative beforehand.
  • Weakness and feeling tired.
  • Many complain of indigestion. This is also due to changes in hormonal levels.
  • Migraine.

All of these symptoms are temporary and disappear immediately with menstruation. They are not related to your immune system or nervous system disorder.


Now it's worth talking about why before menstruation and during menstruation, my head hurts a lot. There can be many reasons, but they are all associated primarily with a hormonal surge. organism onthroughout the month preparing for pregnancy. To carry the future fetus, he accumulated progesterone. However, fertilization did not occur, and the body is simply obliged to return everything to its previous state. Therefore, before menstruation, the level of progesterone drops sharply. The woman, in turn, feels how her body begins to behave unpredictably. Headache is one of the most unpleasant consequences of this.

The level of another hormone - estrogen - also changes during PMS. Because of it, swelling, heaviness in the muscles can be felt. This is due to fluid retention, which, by increasing blood pressure, causes pain in the head.

Perhaps another reason is the use of oral contraceptives. While the female body gets used to the monthly suppression of ovulation, the reproductive function is being restructured. This may be the answer to the question of why the head hurts so much before menstruation.

The next reason is the woman's emotional overload. If the fair sex is in a state of depression during this period, then a headache is almost inevitable. The strain created by stress can prolong the PMS period and even cause a delay. It is recommended to take sedatives in such a situation.

Headache before period. What to do?

why does my head hurt so much before menstruation
why does my head hurt so much before menstruation

If this happens systematically for a long time, then the doctor will easily answer this question. It is better to address to the therapist or the neuropathologist. He will prescribe the necessary treatment. When the painare periodic, you can use analgesics. True, it is highly discouraged to abuse them. They only mask the discomfort for a short time. After all, it's not about the inflammatory process, but about hormones. And they, as you know, no analgesics do not treat. You may need to take some special drugs to balance your hormone levels.

The doctor will definitely advise you to rest as much as possible during this period. But that doesn't mean you have to take the day off from work and spend all day in bed watching TV. Rest means leisurely walks for at least an hour a day and sound, he althy sleep.

Folk methods

Now you know why your head hurts before your period. The main task now is to get rid of it. In addition to medical treatment, there are folk methods. Of course, their effectiveness has not been proven, but at the moment when there is no more strength to endure pain, all means will do.

To begin with, it is worth noting that it will not be superfluous to go in for sports. It tones the body, helps to endure stressful situations more easily. The swimming pool helps a lot. Get a membership and go to water aerobics before your period or just swim for fun. Water relieves muscle tension and improves your mood. This will help relieve headaches.

why does my head hurt before menstruation how to help
why does my head hurt before menstruation how to help

From folk methods, you can try aromatherapy. Lavender and eucalyptus oils relieve pain for a short time. You can apply cold to the forehead and templestowel. It also relieves these symptoms.

Dieting is a must during this period. Try not to eat anything s alty, smoked and fried, so as not to increase the pressure. It is also recommended to drink fresh potato juice daily. It will definitely not bring harm, and, perhaps, it will help solve this problem.


headache before menstruation causes and treatment
headache before menstruation causes and treatment

This is the most severe form of headache. Migraine is treated only by doctors, it is almost impossible to get rid of it on your own. It is a severe, paroxysmal pain. Women suffer from it not only during menstruation, but also in other situations. Do not delay with the treatment of this insidious disease. Consult a doctor who will explain why the head hurts before menstruation, how to help with a migraine that has begun. To begin with, they will tell you about its main features:

  • The pain is unbearable, hard to bear.
  • An attack can last several hours.
  • No pain medication helps.
  • Nausea or vomiting almost always accompanies a migraine.
  • Localization of pain in a separate part of the head, and not the whole.
  • Irritation from bright light.

If you notice these signs in yourself, do not start self-medication. You can make it even worse. See a neurologist right away.


The main thing to understand is that pain is caused by hormonal fluctuations. To relieve the symptoms, it is necessary to approach this matter seriously and in advance. Knowing why your head hurts before menstruation, youyou can prevent it yourself. But still there are some universal recommendations that will suit everyone.

headache before period what to do
headache before period what to do

If you follow them, then a headache can be completely avoided:

  1. Give up bad habits. These include smoking and, of course, the use of alcohol. They can cause pain.
  2. Stay the same daily routine. You need to get good sleep, especially before your period.
  3. Stay outdoors. Better go to a park where there is no polluted air.
  4. Never let your migraine treatment take its course. If you notice that the pain continues not only before and during menstruation, this is a reason to run to the doctor.


why before menstruation and during a severe headache
why before menstruation and during a severe headache

In this article, we have studied why the head hurts before menstruation. The causes and treatment are now known to you. Our advice is only advisory. If you manage to get rid of pain without the help of a doctor, still be on the lookout. They may return again. Love yourself and heal in time!
