Unlike most viruses, chickenpox has a tricky incubation period. Therefore, the main question that interests both those already infected and potential patients is the following: how much chickenpox is contagious in the latent period and in the open form? What are the cures for chickenpox, is it possible to prevent the disease, is it necessary to treat brilliant green? We'll figure it out.
Where do patients "find" chickenpox?
Before answering the question of how contagious chickenpox is, you need to figure out what this “childhood” disease is. Any medical reference book will answer that this is a viral infection that is caused by herpes of the third type. The biggest problem with the disease is that it is incredibly contagious.
There are two ways to catch chickenpox:
- Airborne.
- Received as a complication of shingles.
In the vast majority of cases, the disease comes first. The virus itself is able to moveover fairly long distances - a few meters from its carrier. If a child “decorated” with greenery lives on the landing, it makes no sense to guess how long chickenpox is contagious specifically with him. A kind of herpes can get to a he althy person from another floor and even from a neighboring house.

The disease itself prefers people with weakened immune systems, so outbreaks of chickenpox occur in the fall-winter.
Chickenpox in children
Most often, children are on sick leave. Moreover, a child under the age of 10 easily tolerates this insidious virus. Red blisters are the main symptom of chickenpox. They appear on the chest, face and back, subsequently "capturing" the entire body. Sometimes the rash can even be found in the mouth. It is absolutely impossible to scratch the "sores", otherwise the disease will remain in the body longer and can lead to dangerous complications. On average, a child pours out about 200-300 bubbles for the entire chickenpox.
Sometimes other symptoms of the disease are added to the rash and itching:
- temperature;
- reduced appetite;
- lowering mood;
- headache.

Chickenpox usually affects organized children. In a kindergarten, school, he alth camp, there is a high risk of contracting an “itchy rash”. Surely no one can answer the question of how contagious chickenpox is in children who go to school with your child. The fact is that not all parents complysecurity measures and sometimes bring an infected or newly ill child into the group.
Big problem for adults
Chickenpox ceases to be a harmless sore during puberty. After 12 years, she is seriously ill and almost always with complications. Scars and scars left after smallpox are considered the safest. Pregnant women are the worst affected. The virus harms not only the adult body, but also the unborn child.
Additional symptoms in adults:
- A sharp increase in temperature to 39-40 °C.
- Nausea and vomiting (a sign of intoxication).
- Dizziness and fainting.
- Body ache.
In addition, in adults, lymph nodes are most often inflamed. The area around the neck and behind the ears is especially affected. In order not to look for an answer to the question of how many days chickenpox is contagious after a rash, and not to be afraid that the virus will spread from a child to an adult family member, it is better to make sure in advance and get vaccinated against the virus.
Do I need brilliant green?
In Europe and America, no doubt, they will be surprised if they see a child or an adult from head to toe "decorated" with brilliant green. But residents of the former Soviet Union, when the first signs of chickenpox appear, immediately run to the pharmacy to buy "diamond green".
Actually Zelenka:
- does not relieve itching;
- does not stop rashes.
Why is it so abundantly smeared? The fact is that every doctor knows how much chickenpox is contagious after a rash: exactly 5 days after the appearancelast bubble. How to determine when the last sore jumped out? It turns out, just with the help of brilliant green.

In Western countries, they are oriented on a different basis. Look at the rash itself. If there are blisters without a dark crust, then the disease is still dangerous.
How many days is the disease contagious?
When considering the question of how much chickenpox is contagious, one should not lose sight of the incubation period of the disease. From 1 to 3 weeks the virus does not manifest itself. The infected person feels great, and no one can determine this type of smallpox without special tests. This does not prevent chickenpox from becoming contagious a few days before the rash appears.

That is, the patient goes to school, kindergarten, to work and everywhere carries the herpes virus with him. Therefore, so often people cannot understand exactly where they caught the disease.
Another question, how many days is chickenpox contagious after a rash? It is impossible to give an exact answer to it. On average, bubbles appear after 4-12 days from the moment of the first "sore". All this time, the patient is dangerous to others.
It turns out that chickenpox is contagious 2-3 days before the rash, the entire period of the rash (4-12 days) and 5 days after the last bubble appears.
Competent treatment
First you need to understand what you can not do with chickenpox. Namely:
- Take antibiotics. The herpes virus, like any other, is not a bacterium, which means that such drugs will not cope with it.
- Aspirin. With chickenpox, its consumption can lead to liver damage.
- Alcohol solutions. Increase the risk of scarring.
Things to do:
- drink plenty of fluids;
- take an antipyretic if needed;
- change clothes and bedding more often.
If itching is severe, antihistamines can be used. For example, potassium permanganate or Castellani ointment. Washing is highly undesirable. Otherwise, the bubbles will spread even faster throughout the body.

Children usually do well without additional drug therapy. Adults, as well as parents of infants, should definitely consult a doctor to find the right treatment. If the temperature does not decrease for a long time, and pus forms in the bubbles, you should call an ambulance.
Despite the fact that most parents know how long chickenpox is not contagious, you should not send the child to the team immediately after the illness. A few weeks is better to stay at home to restore the immune system.
Prevention and vaccination
In order not to be tormented by the question of how much chickenpox is contagious already in adulthood, doctors recommend getting vaccinated. This is especially true for:
- Women who have not been ill in childhood and are planning a pregnancy.
- All other adults who haven't had chickenpox.
- Children with reduced immunity.

BAmerica and Western Europe, the varicella vaccine is given to all children and adults according to the national program. In Russia, this is quite an expensive vaccine. However, if there is a financial opportunity, it is recommended not to refuse it. Peculiar herpes can have quite serious complications, including inflammation of the brain. That's just the vaccine will have to be given regularly, it does not give lifelong immunity. In turn, it is impossible to get chickenpox again.