In Krasnodar there are as many as two balneary clinics, one of which is called the "Children's Treatment and Rehabilitation Center", and the second is called the "Krasnodar balneological clinic". Both spas provide both paid and free services.
MBUZ "Children's Treatment and Rehabilitation Center"
One of the oldest medical institutions in the city dates back to 1914. Hydropathic Krasnodar is located on Zakharova street, 31.

Here the best doctors and nurses of Krasnodar treat and rehabilitate children with problems of the musculoskeletal system, with diseases of the nervous system, with chronic diseases of the ENT organs and the respiratory system. Will help cure digestive organs, gynecological issues and many other he alth problems in children and adults.
If you want to receive free rehabilitation for your child in this center, you first need to go to your local pediatric clinic for children. If the child has any of the diseases treated by the rehabilitation center, then the pediatrician, on the basis ofdiagnosis, will give you a free ticket to the Krasnodar balneary. There, a small patient is examined by specialists:
- pediatrician;
- neurologist;
- traumatologist-orthopedist;
- pediatric gynecologist;
- otolaryngologist (ENT doctor);
- physiotherapist;
Based on the conclusion of the hydropathic doctors, the child will be prescribed physiotherapy, which he needs based on the diagnosis of a small patient.
Services of MBUZ "Children's Treatment and Rehabilitation Center"
List of medical services provided by the Krasnodar balneary:
- Pine and pearl baths.
- Power shower and circular shower.
- Underwater massage shower.
- Paraffin and ozocerite applications.
- Pressotherapy.
- Halotherapy for allergy sufferers.
- Phototherapy for patients with visual problems.
- Classic massage of all zones.
- Electric vibration massage.
- Cup and acupressure types of massage.
- Individual and group exercise therapy.
- Healing classes in the gym.
- Cranioreflexotherapy
- Auricular, corporal, surface and application reflexology.
- Microneedle reflexotherapy.
- S alt room.
- Magnetotherapy.
An important point: the Krasnodar balneary provides free services only to children living in the city of Krasnodar.

Paid services of the balneary on Zakharova street, 31
Any services can be obtained on a paidbasis when contacting the doctors of the center. Moreover, on a paid basis, you can get treatment not only for children, but also for adults. As for prices, they are several times cheaper than in commercial medical institutions in the city.
You can make an appointment at the reception, by phone or via the Internet.
Every year, seven thousand children undergo rehabilitation procedures at the Children's Treatment and Rehabilitation Center. Thanks to the heads of the medical institution and the city authorities, new equipment was purchased for the center. Medical workers put their knowledge, experience and soul into the cure of each child.

OJSC "Center for Restorative Medicine and Rehabilitation" Krasnodar Balneotherapy Center"
This balneary is located on Gertsen Street, 267 in the city of Krasnodar. Since 1977, the balneological clinic has been pleasing Krasnodar residents with exceptionally he althy mineral water, saturated with useful microelements. On the site of a natural source, the Center for Restorative Medicine was built. In the difficult nineties, the center not only did not close, but expanded the range of services. Like many years ago, the priority of this hydropathic clinic in Krasnodar is the rehabilitation of children.

List of services of the balneological clinic
Depending on the indications, the Center for Restorative Medicine treats the population with diseases such as cardiovascular, endocrine, musculoskeletal, diseases of the nervous system, disorders of the genitourinary sphere and metabolism. In addition, the balneary helps people with allergic reactions, injuries and stress. Center on st. Herzena provides cosmetic services, helps to correct weight, treats skin defects.
- Mineral, s alt, pearl and phyto baths.
- Dry carbon dioxide and whirlpool baths.
- Massage and healing shower.
- Physiotherapy.
- Electrophoresis.
- SMT.
- UV irradiation.
- UHF.
- Phonophoresis.
- Paraffin, ozocerite and mud wraps.
- Inhalations.
- Laser therapy.
- Massage.
- Magnetic field.
- Therapeutic exercise.
- Mechanotherapy.
- Electro sleep.
- Medicinal inhalation.
Treatment in a balneological clinic
Just like the Krasnodar balneary on Zakharova Street, the balneary provides free medical services to children from four to seventeen years old inclusive. The procedure for obtaining a ticket here is similar to obtaining a referral to the Children's Medical and Rehabilitation Center on Zakharova Street. That is, parents of patients need to contact their pediatrician at the clinic at the place of residence and get a referral absolutely free of charge.

Everyone else who wants to improve their he alth here can use the paid services of the hospital.
It is possible to make an appointment via the Internet on the official website of the hospital.
Prices for the services of the "Center for Restorative Medicine and Rehabilitation" are twice as low,than the prices for similar procedures in paid clinics in the city, but they need to be specified in advance.
Both Krasnodar balnearies, according to patients and their parents, are excellent sanatoriums for improving he alth. Unlike most Russians, Krasnodar residents are lucky to have such rehabilitation centers in their city, where children will be provided with a complete list of necessary medical services for free.