Prostatitis: signs in men, treatment and symptoms

Prostatitis: signs in men, treatment and symptoms
Prostatitis: signs in men, treatment and symptoms

Unfortunately, today many members of the stronger sex are faced with such a problem as prostatitis. Signs of pathology are very unpleasant, because inflammation of the prostate gland is accompanied by constant pain and problems with urination. If left untreated, the disease leads to a host of complications.

That is why many people are interested in additional information about this pathology. What do prostatitis look like in men, their signs? How to treat the disease? What provokes the inflammatory process? Are there effective preventive measures? The answers to these questions will be helpful.

What is an affliction?

prostatitis signs
prostatitis signs

In modern medical practice, prostatitis in men is often recorded. Signs, how to treat, home-made medicines, diagnostics, possible complications - many men are interested in these data. But first, it is worth learning about what constitutes an ailment.

Prostatitis is a disease that is accompanied byinflammation of the prostate. This organ, as you know, is located under the bladder, bending around its neck. The statistics in this case are disappointing - every tenth man in the world at one stage or another of his life is faced with prostatitis. As a rule, patients over 50 suffer from the disease, but young men are not immune from inflammation either.

Causes of inflammation of the prostate

In modern medical practice, prostatitis in men is often recorded. Signs, complications, therapeutic methods - this, of course, is important information. But first, it is worth studying the main causes of the development of the disease.

Inflammation of the prostate gland is associated with the activity of bacterial organisms. Of course, the infection can be specific. Prostatitis is often the result of penetration into the body of chlamydia, gonococci and other microorganisms, transmitted mainly through sexual contact.

However, in most cases, inflammation is the result of the activation of opportunistic microflora, in particular, E. coli, staphylococci, enterococci, etc. Increased reproduction of these microorganisms can be caused by congestion in the small pelvis, a sharp weakening of local or systemic immune defenses, and hormonal imbalances.

Are there risk factors?

Inflammation of the prostate
Inflammation of the prostate

In what cases does prostatitis most often develop? Symptoms of the disease begin to appear against the background of the activity of pathogenic microorganisms. There are risk factors thatsignificantly increases the likelihood of developing an inflammatory process in the tissues of the prostate.

  • A sedentary lifestyle leads to disruption of normal blood circulation in the pelvic organs. Stagnation of blood increases the likelihood of inflammation.
  • Sedentary work coupled with physical inactivity.
  • General hypothermia of the body, whether it is an isolated case or a permanent phenomenon associated, for example, with working conditions.
  • Chronic constipation (by the way, malnutrition leads to a similar problem).
  • Promiscuous sex, increased sexual activity or, conversely, prolonged abstinence.
  • The presence of chronic inflammatory diseases, including tonsillitis, bronchitis.
  • Chronic stress, physical and mental strain, constant lack of sleep, exhaustion.
  • Risk factors include injuries to the perineum, often seen in cyclists and motorcyclists, for example.
  • Alcohol abuse, drug use.
  • Inflammatory processes in the rectum.
  • Reducing the activity of the immune system.

Acute prostatitis: signs

Complications with prostatitis
Complications with prostatitis

Inflammation of the prostate is a very dangerous disease. Many people today are interested in questions about what are the signs of prostatitis in men. And its symptoms are as follows:

  • fever, chills, weakness, headaches, severe fatigue and other signs of general intoxication of the body;
  • increased urge to urinate, includingincluding and at night;
  • pain in the perineum, which will also spread to the lower abdomen, lower back, back;
  • the process of emptying the bladder is accompanied by acute pain, burning, cutting;
  • possibly difficult urination, sometimes up to acute urinary retention;
  • patients also complain of constipation, pain in the perineum increases during bowel movements;
  • problems with sexual life appear, in particular, erectile dysfunction;
  • sperm may contain traces of blood, and sexual intercourse is sometimes accompanied by pain;
  • uncharacteristic discharge from the urethra appears (they can be whitish, colorless, greenish, yellow).

The disease begins acutely and suddenly. It is simply impossible not to notice the symptoms, as the patient's condition worsens every day.

Chronic prostatitis in men: signs

This form of pathology is characterized by a sluggish course. Signs of chronic prostatitis are not so bright. Episodes of exacerbation are replaced by periods of relative well-being. Patients complain of problems with urination. Periodically, pain appears, although not as sharp as with acute inflammation.

Fever and symptoms of intoxication are absent. Sometimes there is a discharge from the urethra. Men note problems in the intimate sphere - erectile dysfunction and ejaculation, a partial decrease in libido. Constant discomfort, of course, affects the emotional state of the patient. The person becomes more irritable, nervous, tired.

Complications due to acuteinflammation

The first signs of prostatitis in men are a good reason to visit the urologist's office. Lack of timely therapy is fraught with very dangerous complications:

  • sometimes acute inflammation quickly turns into a chronic form, which is much more difficult to diagnose and treat;
  • due to squeezing possible obstruction of the bladder, pathological narrowing of the urethra;
  • many men subsequently face such a problem as recurrent cystitis, pyelonephritis;
  • there is a risk of infertility;
  • possible prostate abscess;
  • there is a risk of sepsis.

Types of prostatitis and features of their clinical picture

Today, a classification system is widely used, which is based on the results of clinical tests and the presence of certain symptoms. There are four categories of prostatitis.

  • Category I - acute inflammation of the prostate gland caused by the activity of bacterial organisms. As a rule, it is accompanied by fever, severe pain, and the formation of purulent masses.
  • Category II - this group includes chronic forms of prostatitis, characterized by a sluggish course.
  • Category III - chronic pelvic pain syndrome. Symptoms of prostatitis are present, although the clinical picture is blurred. There are no traces of infection in the urine, gland secretion and seminal fluid.
  • Category IV - this includes inflammatory processes that occur without the appearance of external symptoms.

Diagnostic measures

Diagnosis of prostatitis
Diagnosis of prostatitis

Only a doctor knows how prostatitis in men actually looks (signs), how to treat (drugs are selected individually) and how to diagnose the disease. When the first alarming symptoms appear, you should consult a doctor.

  • First, a general examination and anamnesis is carried out.
  • The patient needs to be tested for blood and urine (test results will help confirm the presence of an inflammatory process).
  • A rectal examination of the prostate is also performed, during which the doctor takes samples of the secretion of the prostate for analysis. In the laboratory, bacterial culture of samples is carried out - this procedure helps to accurately determine the pathogen and its degree of sensitivity to antibiotics).
  • Additionally, an ultrasound of the prostate is performed. During the procedure, a specialist can determine the exact size, identify the presence of cysts, tumors and other formations.
  • If infertility is suspected, men are advised to take sperm for analysis.

Therapy for acute prostatitis

Prostatitis in men signs of how to treat
Prostatitis in men signs of how to treat

What should patients with such a diagnosis as prostatitis do? Signs and treatment in this case are closely related, so the drugs are selected individually. An approximate therapy regimen is as follows.

  • Bed rest is mandatory.
  • Antibacterial therapy is being carried out. The most commonly used agents from the group of fluoroquinolones, in particular, Ofloxacin, Ciprobel,Levofloxacin.
  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are indicated, for example, Ibuprofen, Ketoprofen. These medicines help not only to reduce inflammation, but also to cope with pain.
  • Also used are drugs such as Cavinton, Detralex, Trental. They help improve blood circulation, normalize lymph outflow, relieve swelling of the prostate.
  • Symptomatic treatment is also carried out. For example, with severe pain, "Ketanov", "Nimesil" is used. Severe intoxication is an indication for the introduction of detoxification and electrolyte solutions, in particular Laktosol, Disol, Ringer's solution.
  • In the presence of an abscess or acute urinary retention, surgery is mandatory.

Prostate massage is contraindicated in acute inflammation, as in this case the risk of sepsis is extremely high.

How is chronic inflammation treated?

Treatment tactics for chronic prostatitis looks different and consists of the following steps.

  • Course of taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
  • The use of drugs to normalize the outflow of blood and lymph.
  • Immunomodulators are also used, in particular, Vitaprost, Timosin, Timolin. These medicines help improve the functioning of the immune system, help the body cope with inflammation on its own.
  • Massage of the prostate gland helps to eliminate the accumulation of secretions in the tissues of the organ, as well as improve its blood circulation.
  • Sedative medications and antidepressants are used when indicated.
  • Specialists alsorecommend vigorous physical activity. During therapy, exercises that create a load on the perineum are contraindicated. But running, swimming, physiotherapy exercises will positively affect the healing process. By the way, many experts recommend doing Kegel exercises, which can eliminate congestion in the pelvis.

Features of food

Many men are faced with such a disease as prostatitis. Its symptoms are very unpleasant, and the consequences are dangerous. That is why you should not refuse drug therapy in any case. But proper nutrition will help speed up the recovery process.

In acute forms of inflammation of the prostate, it is recommended to abandon spicy, spicy and fatty foods, smoked meats and canned foods, mushrooms. Alcohol is contraindicated. Also, doctors recommend reducing the daily amount of s alt. The menu should include fresh vegetables, non-acidic fruits, as well as fish, seafood, herbs and lean meats.

Folk treatments

Alternative methods of treatment of prostatitis
Alternative methods of treatment of prostatitis

You can start using home remedies only if you have completed a course of drug therapy and have achieved the disappearance of signs of prostatitis. Symptoms of the disease no longer appear, but there is a risk of relapse. This is where homemade medicines come in handy.

  • Decoction of celandine is considered effective. Preparing the medicine is not so difficult. 100 g of dry grass pour 700 ml of boiling water and keep on low heat for 15minutes. After the product has cooled, it must be filtered and mixed with 500 g of honey (it is important to use a natural product). The medicine is taken three times a day for a tablespoon. You need to store it in the refrigerator, placing it in a glass container.
  • Pumpkin seeds also have a lot of healing properties. 0.5 kg of peeled, not fried pumpkin seeds must be passed through a meat grinder. Add 200 g of honey to the resulting mass, mix everything thoroughly. From the resulting mixture, make small balls (the size of a hazelnut). The product must be kept in the refrigerator. You need to eat 1-2 of these balls per day, it is advisable to do this 30 minutes before meals.

Prevention measures

Prostatitis signs and treatment
Prostatitis signs and treatment

You already know what prostatitis looks like in men (signs). Medicines that are used in medical practice really help to cope with the disease. But in order to prevent its re-development, you need to follow some rules.

  • Avoid hypothermia.
  • Be sure to protect yourself during intercourse, as STDs increase the chances of inflammation of the prostate.
  • Keep fit. Sedentary work must necessarily alternate with physical activity, sports, training.
  • Very important is a wholesome, he althy diet.
  • If you suffer from occasional constipation, you should ask your doctor to prescribe suitable laxatives for you.
  • All inflammatory and infectious diseases (includingvenereal) need to be treated.

Do not forget that if you feel any deterioration in well-being, you need to see a doctor. Treatment will be much easier if prostatitis is diagnosed in time. Signs of the disease increase gradually, but it is difficult not to notice them.
