Papilloma is a very common dermatological problem. Today, the majority of the world's population is carriers of a viral pathogen. Despite this, the disease does not make itself felt in every infected person. For the virus to become active in the body, a combination of certain circumstances is required.
What factors provoke the appearance of papillomas in men? What is the clinical picture with such a pathological phenomenon? What methods eliminate the consequences of the development of the papillomavirus in men? All this will be discussed in our publication.

Causes of papilloma in men
The prerequisite for infection with the virus is unprotected sex. The more often a man changes sexual partners, the higher the chance of infection of the body. With an intimate relationship, the virus is fixed in the mucous membranes. The infection entersthe body through microscopic cracks that occur in the tissues.
Another cause of papillomas in men is contact with contaminated household items. The likelihood of infection even with a normal handshake is a proven fact. Particularly at risk of the problem are people who regularly visit public places, such as baths and saunas, gyms, swimming pools.
Despite the fact that in men the papilloma virus is able to penetrate the body so easily, the impact of the above factors does not mean an external manifestation of the pathology. The causative agent of the disease is able to activate only in cases:
- significant immune suppression;
- weakening of the body due to the development of other infectious diseases;
- excessive physical activity;
- regular emotional upheavals, stress, nervous exhaustion.

Clinical picture
As noted above, the virus can be present in the human body for a long time without visible signs. The first symptom of papilloma in men is the appearance of small warty structures on the skin. According to the shade, such neoplasms do not differ from he althy skin areas.
Often the representatives of the stronger sex suffer from genital warts. This definition refers to papillomas in intimate places in men. Outgrowths of this nature appear on the mucous membranes and look like a small papilla connected to the skin of a kind"leg". The dimensions of such neoplasms in most cases reach only a few millimeters. However, cases have been recorded when condylomas acquired sizes of 2-3 centimeters, forming entire clusters.
Usually, the development of the papilloma virus in men leads to the formation of neoplasms that do not cause physical discomfort. However, this does not apply to cases of the appearance of such outgrowths on the walls of the mucous membranes of the genital organs. In such situations, the development of pain during urination, sexual intercourse is likely. Sometimes papillomas cause heavy bleeding, which makes itself felt as a result of mechanical action on the outgrowths. As a result, wounds and sores can form that are difficult to heal.

Surgical treatment
The simplest and most affordable method of removing papillomas in men is surgical excision of such neoplasms. The procedure involves the following. Using a scalpel, the doctor cuts off the outgrowths at the base. Damage sites are treated with antiseptic compounds, which contributes to the speedy healing of wounds.
Despite the ease of surgical treatment of papillomas in men, the method has several obvious drawbacks. Surgical removal of neoplasms is performed under anesthesia. However, during the rehabilitation period, the development of a rather pronounced pain syndrome is likely. Bleeding cannot be ruled out. In addition, when seeking help from a surgeon, a man needs to be prepared for the inevitable formation of scars and scars on the spot.removed outgrowths.
Laser therapy
Laser destruction is a highly effective, painless method of dealing with papillomas in men. The essence of the procedure lies in the directed impact on pathological outgrowths with high-frequency light rays. Under the action of the latter, the actual evaporation of fluid from the tissues of the neoplasms occurs. The result is depletion of papillomas, their drying out and falling off on their own.
The use of a laser is, without a doubt, a good method, the effectiveness of which is beyond doubt. However, as in the case of surgical excision of papillomas, there are also negative aspects here. For example, the procedure is not available for people who suffer from poor blood clotting. It is also forbidden to act on tissues with a laser in case of psoriasis, eczema, and the presence of other tumor-like outgrowths in neighboring areas of the skin. Under such circumstances, it is advisable to abandon laser removal of papillomas and resort to other methods of therapy.

Electrocoagulation is a modern, high-tech method for removing papillomas in men. Such a solution involves the use of a special apparatus, with the help of which they exert a point effect on neoplasms with weak electric charges of high frequency. The result is the rapid death of outgrowth tissues. A person does not have to suffer from pain during the procedure and experience any discomfort during the rehabilitation period. Parallel to the impact on pathologic altissue is cauterized capillaries. Therefore, the likelihood of bleeding here is minimized.
Cryogenic destruction
A fairly popular method of dealing with human papilloma in men is the cryogenic removal of pathological outgrowths. Among the obvious advantages of the method, it is worth noting the absence of pain, the rapid healing of wounds, and the slight likelihood of scar tissue formation. The comparative disadvantage is some risk of recurrence.
How are papillomas removed from men (photos of the stronger sex who are faced with this disease are presented in the article)? First, the doctor resorts to local anesthesia. Using a cotton swab, a specialist treats pathological tissues with a solution of liquid nitrogen. The duration of such exposure is no more than 30 seconds. If the papilloma could not be removed during one procedure, the technique is applied again.
The result of cryogenic destruction is the formation of a bubble filled with liquid at the site of outgrowth. Then a small inflammatory process develops in the tissue structure, which is an absolutely natural reaction of the body to the operation. Over time, the bubble breaks, gradually smoothing out with the adjacent areas of the epidermis.
Radio wave therapy
An excellent painless option for the treatment of human papilloma in men is the use of radio wave techniques. In this case, in order to excise pathological neoplasms on the skin, a so-called radio wave scalpel is used. The appliance provides intense heatimpact on the structure of outgrowths. The result is a rapid drying of the papillomas. Damage to the surface of the epidermis heals quickly. During the recovery period, a person does not have to experience almost any discomfort.
An effective drug for the fight against papillomas in men is "Viferon". The active ingredients in the product are active against viral infections of various etiologies. The medicine is available in the form of a gel, ointment and rectal suppositories. In order to eliminate benign neoplasms on the surface of the skin, it is most advisable to use an ointment. This solution contributes to the best concentration of drug components in the tissues, which contributes to the speedy destruction of the viral infection.
Before resorting to the use of "Viferon" to combat papillomas, you should consult a doctor. Only a specialist is able to determine the specific nature of the outgrowths on the skin and form an adequate treatment program. In some cases, doctors recommend using an ointment or gel at the same time, as well as suppositories. Such a therapy scheme makes it possible to destroy the virus not only in the structures of the epidermis, but also inside the body.

Lapis pencil
Treatment of papillomavirus in men can be done with a lapis pencil. The main active ingredient in the preparation is silver nitrate. The component produces a pronounced disinfecting effect on tissues, which slows down the growth of neoplasms andprevents their further spread to he althy areas of the skin.
The tool is produced in the form of a cone-shaped device, which treats problem areas on the surface of the epidermis. Apply the medicine several times a day. The therapy is continued until the complete destruction of the structure of papillomas and the final disappearance of the problem.
"Veregen" is a pharmacological composition designed to eliminate warts - a genital variety of papillomas in men. The agent produces a cauterizing effect on pathological tissues, which ensures rapid necrosis of neoplasm cells. As the drug is used, the papilloma gradually dries out, becomes covered with a hard crust, which eventually disappears on its own.
Ointment "Veregen" must be applied to problem areas of the skin 3 times a day. It is important to follow the dosages indicated in the instructions exactly. Since the use of more medicine than is required by a particular situation can lead to unforeseen consequences. In order not to be mistaken with the norm of the drug, it is worth going to the doctor for advice.

Cycloferon tablets are designed to fight viral agents by stimulating the immune system. The main active ingredient here is meglumine acridone acetate. The component causes active production in the body of interferon - a protein element that makes cells immune to pathogenic viruses.
How toapply "Cycloferon"? Tablets are swallowed approximately 30 minutes before meals with plenty of water. The dosage is set individually by the attending physician, based on the severity of the damage to the body by the human papillomavirus. Performing therapy in this way is not available to men who suffer from the presence of ulcerative manifestations on the walls of the stomach.

In conclusion
So we found out what papilloma is in men, and also figured out what methods are best to deal with trouble. When the first signs of a problem appear, it is recommended to immediately seek help from a doctor. To avoid complications and harm to he alth, do not resort to self-medication without consulting a specialist.