What antibiotics to take for prostatitis?

What antibiotics to take for prostatitis?
What antibiotics to take for prostatitis?

The use of antibiotics for prostatitis is indicated in many cases. The inflammatory process is often associated with the penetration of bacteria, and it is necessary to take drugs that inhibit the growth and spread of microorganisms. However, these medications should not be taken on their own. Antibacterial agents help far from any inflammation. There are cases when the treatment of prostatitis with antibiotics is ineffective and can even aggravate the symptoms. Correctly prescribe the drug can only be a doctor after all the necessary examinations.

What is prostatitis

Prostatitis is an inflammation of the prostate gland (prostate) in men. The disease manifests itself in pain in the lower abdomen and in the perineum, impaired urination, enlargement of the organ. This pathology can have unpleasant consequences. Running inflammation becomes chronic and leads to impotence and infertility.

Pain with prostatitis
Pain with prostatitis

Inflammation can be caused by bacteria, viruses, protozoamicroorganisms and fungi. In some cases, the pathology is non-infectious in nature and is caused by congestion in the pelvis.

Antibiotics for prostatitis are indicated only in case of infection. Antibacterial agents are used only when the cause of the disease is precisely established. For inflammation associated with a sedentary lifestyle and blood stasis, these drugs will not help.

What tests should be done before treatment

To decide whether it is necessary to treat prostatitis with antibiotics, the doctor prescribes a series of examinations to the patient. This helps to identify the cause and pathogen of the disease. The patient is recommended to undergo the following tests:

  1. General blood test. Helps to determine the number of leukocytes and ESR. These indicators indicate the presence of inflammation.
  2. Urine and prostate secretion analysis for bakposev. Allows you to identify the causative agent of the disease.
  3. Spermogram. This study shows the prevalence of the pathological focus. It helps determine if inflammation has spread to the testicular area.
  4. Analysis for the sensitivity of the pathogen to antibiotics. Allows you to choose the most effective drug for treatment.

Based on the results of these examinations, the doctor prescribes complex therapy.

When antibiotics are not needed

The use of antibiotics for viral prostatitis is ineffective. These drugs are not able to act on such microorganisms. Taking antibacterial drugs can even worsen the situation with viral inflammation. These medications usually reduceimmunity, which is extremely harmful in this form of the disease.

Antibiotics are not indicated for chronic prostatitis in remission. They are prescribed only during an exacerbation of the inflammatory process. The disease during the calm period can be cured by other methods.

When antibiotics are needed

Treatment of prostatitis with antibiotics is indicated primarily for the bacterial form of the disease. In pathology caused by protozoa (chlamydia, Trichomonas) and fungi, the use of antibacterial drugs is also acceptable. But not all drugs can affect these types of microorganisms.

Bacterial prostatitis usually presents with severe symptoms. A man's temperature rises sharply, there are severe pains in the perineum, which disturb not only during urination, but also at rest.

Often, patients are interested in which antibiotic is the best for prostatitis. It all depends on the type of causative agent of inflammation. Each drug is able to act on a certain group of microorganisms. Even broad-spectrum drugs can kill far from any bacteria. The best antibiotic will be the remedy that is prescribed taking into account all the results of the examination.

Main groups of antibiotics

Doctors use different groups of antibiotics for prostatitis. The list of these drugs is quite extensive. In the treatment of inflammation of the prostate, the following types of drugs are used:

  1. Penicillins. They act on a wide range of bacteria, except for ureaplasma and mycoplasma. Powerless againstprotozoa: chlamydia and trichomonas.
  2. Tetracyclines. Able to destroy many types of bacteria, but do not affect Proteus, gonococci and Pseudomonas.
  3. Macrolides. These are effective antibiotics for prostatitis caused by chlamydia, as well as mycoplasma and ureaplasma infection.
  4. Cephalosporins. Affects gonococci, Klebsiella, E. coli and Proteus.
  5. Aminoglycosides. These drugs are able to fight not only many types of bacteria, but also a fungal infection.
  6. Fluoroquinolones. Some types of prostatitis are caused by bacteria from the intestines entering the prostate gland. Fluoroquinolones help in such cases.

The following is a hello brief overview of the different groups of antibiotics taken for prostatitis.


This group of drugs is most often prescribed for bacterial prostatitis. Penicillins affect many microorganisms. Some types of these antibiotics are used as injections, as they are destroyed in the stomach. But many penicillin drugs are produced in the form of capsules and tablets. They are easy to take at home. These medications include:

  1. "Amoxicillin". Its active ingredient quickly enters the prostate gland and destroys bacteria. The required dose (no more than 2 mg per day) is prescribed by the attending physician. The course of therapy usually lasts 2 weeks.
  2. "Amoxiclav". This medicine belongs to the new generation of penicillins. It also penetrates into the tissues of the prostate, destroys the membranesmicroorganisms and cause their death. It is necessary to take the drug for 10 to 14 days.
Penicillin antibiotic "Amoxiclav"
Penicillin antibiotic "Amoxiclav"

Often men are interested in what antibiotics to take for prostatitis complicated by adenoma of the gland. In this case, the use of penicillins is indicated. However, it must be remembered that these drugs can provoke skin allergies with hives and itching. If these symptoms appear, you should consult your doctor about changing the drug.

Another side effect of penicillins can be oral thrush. Therefore, with prostatitis of fungal origin, taking this group of antibiotics is categorically contraindicated.


From this category of drugs, "Tetracycline" is most often used. The antibiotic can be used both in the form of tablets and in the form of an ointment for topical treatment. It can destroy streptococci, staphylococci, salmonella, as well as the simplest microorganisms of chlamydia. The medicine is prescribed in a dosage of 0.25 - 0.5 g 4 times a day.

A more modern drug is "Doxycycline". It acts faster and reaches the highest concentrations in the body.

Tetracyclines inhibit the formation of protein in bacterial cells, which leads to the death of microorganisms. The disadvantages of this group of drugs include their ability to negatively affect the gastrointestinal tract and liver. The drug "Unidox Solutab" has the least side effects. It contains the same validcomponent, as "Doxycycline", but in a slightly modified form (doxycycline monohydrate). Unidox Solutab works faster and is safer for the stomach.

The drug "Unidox Solutab"
The drug "Unidox Solutab"


Chlamydia, mycoplasma and ureaplasma infections are common causes of prostatitis. There are times when a patient is determined in the analysis of all of the listed types of microorganisms. They are transmitted mainly through sexual contact. What antibiotics for prostatitis are indicated in this case? Not every antibacterial drug is able to affect these types of infections.

Macrolides come to the rescue. They successfully fight these microorganisms. These drugs are usually used in combination with other types of antibacterial drugs. Macrolide antibiotics include:

  • "Summamed".
  • "Clarithromycin".
  • "Azithromycin".
  • "Fromilid".
Macrolide "Clarithromycin"
Macrolide "Clarithromycin"

Drugs take 500-1000 mg per day. The listed drugs belong to semi-synthetic macrolides of the 2nd and 3rd generations. This is the safest type of antibiotics. Unpleasant side effects can only cause macrolide drugs "Erythromycin" and "Oleandomycin". But nowadays they are practically not used in the treatment of prostatitis, as they are outdated medicines.


3rd generation cephalosporins are used to treat prostatitis. Medicines of this group are more often used in outpatient and inpatient settings. Most drugs are produced in the form of a powder for the preparation of an injection solution. These medications include:

  • "Ceftriaxone".
  • "Cefotaxime".

They are injected into the gluteal muscle or into a vein. The injections are quite painful, so it is recommended to add Lidocaine anesthetic to the injection solution.

For oral administration, the antibiotic "Supraks" is produced. It can be taken at home. However, it must be borne in mind that cellophalosporins are contraindicated in severe liver and kidney diseases, as well as in allergies.

Capsules "Supraks"
Capsules "Supraks"


These drugs have a wide spectrum of action. They are able to act not only on bacteria, but also on a fungal infection. However, with candidal prostatitis, they must be used in combination with drugs that destroy the causative agent of thrush (yeast). The following aminoglycosides are used to treat inflammation of the prostate:

  1. "Gentamicin". The antibiotic is available in the form of an injection. It is able to fight a wide range of bacteria and fungi, so it can be prescribed even before testing. It also helps in cases where it is not possible to identify the causative agent of the disease.
  2. "Kanamycin". This tool is rarely used, as it is quite toxic. However, the drug helps in cases where bacteria have developed resistance to otherantibiotics.
  3. "Amikacin" is effective in the most severe forms of the disease, including prostatitis of tuberculous etiology. Within 10 hours after taking the medicine, the patient feels relief.
Image "Gentamicin" for injections
Image "Gentamicin" for injections

However, aminoglycosides have significant side effects. Many men complain of hearing problems, incoordination, dizziness, increased or decreased urine output after using these antibiotics.


Fluoroquinolones are effective in exacerbation of chronic prostatitis, as they have a prolonged action. They are able to affect the DNA of microorganisms. These antibiotics destroy even those bacteria that are resistant to other drugs. The drugs are usually well tolerated. This group of antibacterial agents includes:

  • "Ofloxacin".
  • "Levofloxacin".
  • "Ciprofloxacin".
Fluoroquinolone antibiotic "Ofloxacin"
Fluoroquinolone antibiotic "Ofloxacin"

Fluoroquinolones are intended for long-term use - up to 4 weeks. In rare cases, patients have mild dyspeptic symptoms.

Combination drugs

The combined means include "Safocide". This is a drug complex that includes 4 tablets of different drugs:

  • macrolide "Azithromycin" (1 tablet);
  • antifungal agent "Fluconazole" (1 tablet);
  • antiprotozoal drug"Seknidazol" (2 tablets).

This unique medicine can affect bacteria, fungi, and protozoa. It is often used for mixed sexually transmitted infections. However, the drug is also effective for prostatitis, if different types of microorganisms are detected in the analysis.

Usually, a single dose of pills is enough to achieve the effect. In chronic forms of the disease, the drug is used for 5 days.

How to speed up your recovery

Antibiotics for prostatitis in men should be combined with other treatments. Antibacterial drugs alone are not enough to relieve inflammation. Complex therapy will help to cope with the disease sooner.

For prostatitis, the following drugs are prescribed along with antibiotics:

  • anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • immunomodulators;
  • drugs to improve blood circulation;
  • local remedies (ointments, suppositories).

Together with drug therapy, physiotherapy is indicated: UHF, magnetotherapy, massage. This will complement the antibiotic treatment.

When taking antibiotics, you must follow a diet with a restriction of spicy, fatty and fried foods. This will reduce the burden on the digestive organs.

It must be remembered that antibacterial drugs are incompatible with alcohol. Ethanol can significantly reduce the therapeutic effect and lead to severe side effects.
