Inguinal hernia in men: symptoms, treatment methods

Inguinal hernia in men: symptoms, treatment methods
Inguinal hernia in men: symptoms, treatment methods

Inguinal hernia in men is a pathology in which organs that are localized in the abdominal cavity go beyond it through the inguinal canal. Its symptoms are quite similar to other diseases of the genitourinary organs. A correct diagnosis will save you from complications.


According to statistics, inguinal hernia accounts for more than 70% of all cases of detection of external abdominal hernias. Depending on the development, inguinal hernia is divided into two main types: congenital and acquired. The congenital type occupies 15% of the total number of inguinal hernias. In children, this type of hernia occurs in 90% of cases. The cause of this disease in children is the formation of the vaginal process when the testicle is lowered into the scrotum. This process prevents the abdominal cavity from closing completely, which contributes to the development of a hernia.

Acquired type of hernia is common in adults but rarely found in children. According to their structure, such hernias are divided into oblique and direct. The formation of a hernia is facilitated by both predisposing and producing factors.

groin removal surgeryhernia in men
groin removal surgeryhernia in men

Predisposing factors are:

  • the tendency to form inguinal hernias (determined by the presence of these hernias in the genus);
  • advanced age (the protective function of the muscles decreases, which increases the risk of hernia).

Producing causal factors are:

  • high stress on the body;
  • permanent and prolonged constipation;
  • permanent cough;
  • difficulty urinating.


The fact is that the symptoms of an inguinal hernia in men can appear both slowly and relatively quickly. Tumors in the groin area can be of different sizes, so they say that the signs of manifestation are individual for everyone, and this is true.

One of the first symptoms of an inguinal hernia in men is a swelling in the groin area. So it turns out that the hernial sac begins to inflate, which in the early stages does not greatly affect neighboring organs. That is why in 70% of cases they simply do not feel it. An inguinal hernia can also be identified by the fact that during physical exertion, dull, aching pains begin to be felt on the stomach.

Many people take the symptoms of an inguinal hernia in men for a banal stretch, but you should carefully examine everything, since a hernia anywhere is no joke, and even more so in the groin. With an inguinal hernia, which reaches a large size, the process of walking becomes difficult, unnatural dysuric disorders occur, caused by the pressure of the bag on the bladder, and the cessation of gas emission. Also with a sharp and strong load on the bagstrangulation may occur. This process leads to the appearance of nausea, vomiting, an increase in acute pain in the lower abdomen.


Inguinal hernias are classified according to their type of formation:

  1. The first type includes oblique hernias. In this case, the inguinal ring does not expand, and the protrusion is observed from the inner ring of the abdominal region to a third of the inguinal canal.
  2. The second type includes oblique hernias, characterized by a significant expansion of the inner part of the inguinal ring. In this case, the hernial sac reaches the scrotum. The protrusion occurs during the straining of the abdomen in the groin area.
  3. The third type is divided into several subtypes:
  • Direct - these are all types of hernias that form when the integrity of the wall of the inguinal canal is violated due to weakening of the abdominal muscles.
  • Oblique - these are large hernias, occupying not only the inguinal region, but also the abdominal. With this hernia, destruction of both the anterior and posterior walls of the inguinal canal is observed. The inner ring is enlarged.
  • Femoral.
  • Recurrent type. This type is divided into several subtypes: straight, oblique, femoral.
  • This type is characterized by a combination of several types of hernias. The recurrence of the disease is detected when the hernia is re-formed at the site of its treatment.
inguinal hernia in men reviews
inguinal hernia in men reviews

Relapse is treated much more difficult than the initially diagnosed disease. Depending on the volume occupied, four degrees of hernia are distinguished:

  • First degree. With this degree, inguinal hernia inmen, whose photo shows the severity of the disease, is at the level of the inner part of the inguinal ring.
  • Second degree. At this degree, the hernia becomes so large that it can descend into the inguinal canal.
  • Third degree. This degree is characterized by the achievement of a hernia of the outer part of the inguinal ring.
  • The fourth degree is characterized by the achievement of a hernia of the scrotal region.

Details of each species

Indirect inguinal hernia is more common in children and adolescents. It can be either congenital or acquired. Its location is above the inguinal line. It always points in the same direction. An oblique inguinal hernia can be either oblong or oval in shape.

Direct inguinal appearance occurs in men predominantly of elderly and senile age, weakened and emaciated, while it cannot be congenital. The formation is also located above the inguinal fold and in most cases does not descend into it. Direct inguinal hernia has a bilateral direction.

Femoral hernia, as a rule, is always acquired and is located below the inguinal fold. Diagnosis of inguinal hernia in men does not cause difficulties, which is why it is carried out and completed in a short time. Indeed, even an inexperienced physician will be able to identify it, of course, if it is in good condition. But there are cases when the hernia is in a hanging position, then specially create conditions for its detection in order to make sure either the presence or absence of this unpleasant disease.

There are severalproven methods for detecting hernia in men. Diagnosing a groin may require a simple visit to a speci alty doctor, who will reveal what kind of disease you really have. In order to examine yourself for a hernia from the inside, you need to do an ultrasound of the abdomen. This method is more practical, since it occurs with a direct vision of the situation in the inner world of a person.

Examination by a surgeon is the most effective method, however, it may require an ultrasound, so it is better to go through it before coming to the surgeon. The surgeon is already engaged in the direct determination of the type of tumor: oblique, combined and direct. After this procedure, the specialist appoints the time of the operation and begins preparations for it.


This disease is more common in men than in women. Therefore, characteristic complications are often described precisely on the male example. Below are the main types of complications that an inguinal hernia can cause in men.

inguinal hernia in men operation reviews
inguinal hernia in men operation reviews

A hernia is a kind of sac-like tumor. There is such a type of complication as infringement. When infringed, an organ close to it can enter the sac of an inguinal hernia, which, when squeezed, can cause the death of its cells, and as a result of the organ itself. Such an unfortunate phenomenon as peritonitis can also be caused by this disease. Indeed, after the organ enters the inguinal hernia, it is squeezed, while it can overflow with blood and burst. A very sad picture, as people who were not on timereceived medical care, most often die.

But do not think that only organs can get into the bag. Intestines can also get into it. This very dangerous phenomenon is called caprostasis. This is a very long retention of feces in the intestine, which can lead to its rupture. Without the provision of timely medical care, a person may not survive. A hernia can also take away the most precious thing a man has - the seminal function. This phenomenon is called ischemic orchitis. In the process of its manifestation, it is followed by inflammation of the male testicle, which is caused by insufficient blood circulation.

Surgical treatment

Inguinal hernia is a very serious disease, and if left untreated, it can lead to a number of serious complications. Treatment with folk remedies only help to maintain the body in a normal state, and drug treatment in general only anesthetizes. But there is another way, and it is the most important. This is a surgical procedure. In almost all cases, this method is used. It provides complete and final recovery.

Methods of surgical intervention

There are several ways to treat an inguinal hernia in men (surgery). The method that works most effectively is called hernia repair. Before prescribing an operation, the doctor may ask about the appearance of a hernia, how long ago it was noticed by a person, whether this happened before, what medications you are allergic to, whether there are any frequent illnesses, whether there were pains in the place of swelling and other similar questions.

This will help the surgeon determine how urgentintervention requires the disease of this patient in order to prescribe either urgent or elective surgery. Anesthesia for the operation is chosen individually for each person, taking into account his allergic reactions and chronic diseases.

inguinal hernia in men
inguinal hernia in men

The operation itself takes place in several ways, because doctors need to take into account age and possible complications, as well as the stage of tumor development:

  • The first method of surgery to remove an inguinal hernia in men is Bassini plastic surgery. This method is often referred to as plastic surgery, which uses a person's own tissues. The operation takes place in several stages, but has always been reduced to three main provisions. The first thing the surgeon needs to do, already in direct control of the process, is to move the spermatic cord for the next step. Then he creates the inguinal canal, while moving all the organs into place. And at the final stages, the inguinal canal is closed with muscles, the fascia is gradually sutured.
  • The second way is endoscopic hernioplasty. Access to the inguinal canal is carried out by the laparoscopic method. The surgeon forms the posterior wall of the inguinal canal using a two-layer polypropylene implant. Acceptance of the implant occurs gradually, most often after suturing.


Medical treatment without inguinal hernia surgery in men is ineffective. More precisely, this method does not work at all. But the point is not even in the drugs, but in those who prescribe them. Intentionally knowing thatdrugs do not act as a direct treatment, but only dull the pain for a while, doctors continue to prescribe whole courses of such drugs for use without surgery. This is kind of unprofessional. Perhaps they do not even know that such methods cannot give positive results at all, but only, on the contrary, worsen the situation.

inguinal hernia in men photo
inguinal hernia in men photo

Science has abandoned such funds as unnecessary, since the tumor cannot be treated from the inside. It does not have direct contact with the organs where the drugs preferentially settle, so they act either weakly or do not act at all. But belated treatment with existing methods can affect the complications of the male reproductive system and contribute to the occurrence of peritonitis. On this basis, new, unpleasant diseases are formed, and this all happens through the fault of graduates. Therefore, be vigilant with every step, it will help you stay safe, sound and he althy.

Folk treatment

Since an inguinal hernia is a common occurrence these days, everyone uses the services of doctors and does not even think that you can get rid of it in the early stages by resorting to the use of folk remedies. The main methods of treating inguinal hernia in men without surgery, which have proven themselves among the people, are presented below.

One of the simplest and most common types of treatment are compresses. This is really the easiest way, because it does not require any special procedures. All you need to use this method isjust apply the prepared compress to the site of swelling with a regular medical plaster.

For this kind of procedures, herbs are used. Here are some of the most effective:

  • Gryzhnika Grass. Has a pretty good effect. Take a handful of herbs and steam for ten minutes, then chop with a knife or blender and attach to the tumor, and then tie up so that you can move. The procedure is repeated once a day for two weeks.
  • Nettle leaves. Nettle is a universal remedy for the treatment of diseases, it can even cure a hernia. To prepare a compress, you need to pick ten leaves of fresh nettle and chop. After that, mix with sour cream and apply the solution to the place where the hernia appeared. Next, cover with a leaf of cabbage and tie up. The course of treatment is one month. The procedure is carried out once a day.
inguinal hernia in men without surgery
inguinal hernia in men without surgery

Also, folk remedies are tinctures and decoctions. They are made more difficult, but the justification for this is efficiency. Oral decoctions include anti-inflammatory, sedative and analgesic substances that prevent the hernia from developing further and prevent its activity altogether.

Here are some examples of concoctions:

  • Clover is both food for livestock and medicine for people. It is necessary to pour boiling water over the upper parts of the flower in a glass (you will need one tablespoon). Next, put the glass on a steam bath for four hours. Cool and take three times a day for aboutmonth.
  • Cornflower also has miraculous properties. Pour a tablespoon of herbs on a faceted glass of boiled water and leave to cool. After the mixture has cooled, you need to properly strain. Then use a teaspoon once a day. The course of treatment is 1 month.


To avoid cases of inguinal hernia, it is recommended to adhere to the following rules:

  • Abdominal pressure rises due to reckless exercise, constant constipation, severe obesity and coughing.
  • Before starting physical activity, you need to tie yourself with a belt to strengthen the inguinal walls of the abdominal cavity.
  • You should be smart about sports.
  • Avoid sudden and unnatural movements that put pressure on the inguinal canal. This is especially true for men.
  • Do not take on a load that is not justified by strength.
  • If a person has persistent constipation, then it is necessary to regularly use laxatives that will reduce the burden on the body.
  • If a strong chronic cough develops, it is better to treat immediately. After all, it has severe inguinal consequences. Coughing tenses the groin muscles sharply, and if you are prone to a hernia, then this will lead to it.
removal of inguinal hernia in men
removal of inguinal hernia in men

To determine the inguinal hernia in men, it is necessary to conduct a diagnosis, which includes a consultation with a specialist, namely a surgeon. After, in his direction, the following procedures are carried out: irrigoscopy, herniography and ultrasoundscrotum along with inguinal canals. And only after that, an inguinal hernia operation in men is prescribed, reviews of which should not scare the patient, because 99% of all interventions are successful.
