Pain in the head when urinating in men: causes and treatment

Pain in the head when urinating in men: causes and treatment
Pain in the head when urinating in men: causes and treatment

If there is pain in the head when urinating in men, then this can be an alarming bell for the development of a serious illness. Such a pronounced symptom characterizes many diseases. It is impossible to get rid of signs on your own. If you do not pay attention to pain in a timely manner and do not start treatment, the problem can cause pathological complications. Why does a man have pain when urinating, what to do about it? Let's talk more about men's he alth.

Etiology of pain

On the head of the male penis thin skin. He has an increased sensitivity because there are many nerve endings. Any mild disease of this area of the genital organ immediately makes itself felt. Unpleasant sensations, pain after urination in men in the head may indicate the developmentserious pathology.

pain during urination in men
pain during urination in men

Characteristic symptoms:

  • quick fatigue and general weakness;
  • uncomfortable pain during or after intercourse;
  • acute pain during ejaculation;
  • temperature increase;
  • chill;
  • isolation of impurities of various colors and odors from the urethra;
  • frequent urge to urinate;
  • incontinence;
  • the tip of the penis swells and turns red.

The urethra is closely interconnected with the penis. The disease can develop both inside the organ and outside.


If there is pain in the head when urinating in men, then clearly this symptom indicates a violation in the genital area. Often men are embarrassed to go to the doctor. Such is their nature. However, a disregard for oneself can aggravate their own condition. Various diseases can progress. Let's take a look at the common ones.

1. Urethritis

This is an inflammatory disease of the urethra. Painful sensations in the head of the penis are accompanied by pain during the release of urine. Urethritis is transmitted through infections that are spread sexually. However, there is a high probability that the development of the disease can be triggered by the ingress of non-specific microorganisms. With such pain during urination in men, treatment involves the use of antibacterial drugs. They are prescribed only by a doctor, based on the results obtained.tests and examination.

2. Balanoposthitis

This is another inflammatory infection that causes pain when urinating. This disease affects the foreskin (prepuce). These are folds of skin that cover the head of the penis. Balanoposthitis provokes acute pain with cutting in the head. There is a characteristic redness of the tissues and itching. As a treatment, it is necessary to make baths with chamomile infusion. Alternatively, a manganese or furatsilin solution can be used. If complications occur, the doctor prescribes antibacterial drugs.

3. Sexually transmitted diseases

Venereal diseases often cause pain in the penis. They are transmitted sexually. Often it is these diseases that cause pain at the beginning of urine output. The explanation for this phenomenon is quite simple: pus accumulates inside the urethra. When leaking with urine, it causes pain. When the ends of the lips of the urethra are fully opened, the pain subsides.

Chlamydia is one of the most common sexually transmitted diseases. Its appearance is caused by parasitic microorganisms - chlamydia. The most dangerous thing about this disease is that it literally “does not make itself felt” for a long time. There are no pronounced symptoms. The development of chlamydia can lead to a number of complications. Directly we are talking about Reiter's syndrome. This syndrome causes pathology of the organs of vision and genital organs, as well as problems with the joints. During the active progression of the syndrome, a hightemperature when pus comes out of the urethra. Accordingly, urination is quite painful. Antifungal, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs are recommended as treatment.

Trichomoniasis is in second place in the list of the most common sexually transmitted diseases. During this ailment, there is pain in the head when urinating in men. Trichomoniasis can provoke the formation of complications, namely: urethritis, prostatitis, infertility and epididymitis.

why do men have pain when urinating remedy for pain when urinating in men
why do men have pain when urinating remedy for pain when urinating in men

If treatment is not taken in time, impotence may develop. Anti-inflammatory drugs and antibiotics are recommended as treatment.

4. Cystitis and prostatitis

Cystitis has an infectious nature. Even with hypothermia, this disease can appear. If there is a aching pain after urination in men in the head, it means that the bladder has become inflamed. As treatment, the doctor prescribes antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs. The treatment process takes about a week. And if you take a modern drug immediately after the onset of alarming symptoms, then you can get rid of cystitis within 12 hours.

Prostatitis causes inflammation of the prostate gland. Therefore, pain is formed during the release of urine. The treatment process should be under the strict supervision of a doctor. In some cases, a patient with prostatitis is hospitalized.

5. Phimosis

During the development of this disease, the penisacquires the wrong anatomical shape. The phenomenon can be both acquired and congenital. Phimosis is common in infants.

Phimosis causes severe pain in the penis. Cause: Narrowing of the foreskin, as a result of which it is painful to expose.

Phimosis develops in four stages:

  • 1 stage: pain when the head is exposed during urination or arousal. There is no discomfort at rest.
  • Stage 2: Pain occurs at rest and worsens with urination.
  • 3 stage: the head of the penis almost does not open.
  • 4 stage: The process of urination is very painful, and the urine stream is weak.

Effective therapy includes the use of ointments and corticosteroids. These drugs make the penis more elastic. However, these remedies only relieve the symptoms. The doctor usually recommends surgery.

6. Injuries

Pain in the head when urinating in men may be due to a previous injury. At the same time, no pathologies are observed inside the body. If the cause of the injury is eliminated, the problem goes away on its own.

Typical injuries that cause painful urination:

Active sex life: there is aching and pulling pain when passing urine. When touching a member of the painful sensations intensify. It is necessary to put a short pause in sexual activity, the problem will disappear on its own

pain after urination in men
pain after urination in men
  • Frequent masturbation.
  • With insufficient lubrication in the vagina. After contact of the penis with an insufficiently moistened vagina, pain in the head and redness may occur.

All of these causes can cause a torn frenulum. When the wound heals, a scar forms, which can cause pain in the head of the penis.

7. Circulation problem

Circulatory disorders in the male penis can provoke diseases such as diabetes mellitus, endarteritis obliterans, atherosclerosis. Internal circulation problems develop gradually. Painful symptoms may not appear immediately. This condition is characterized by aching and pulling pain. Erosion may appear on the penis.

Pain at the end of urination

If the pain after urination in men is in the head of the penis, then it signals inflammation in the urethra, bladder and prostatitis. Unpleasant painful sensations are manifested throughout the reproductive system: from the prostate gland to the anus. In some cases, there may be a pulling and sharp pain in the lumbar region.

pain when urinating in men
pain when urinating in men

One of the common causes that causes pain at the end of urination is urolithiasis. During the movement of sand from the bladder down, the mucous membrane is scratched. There is a strong irritation of it, which is accompanied by burning and cutting. Sometimes there may be blood in the urine.

Pain at the start of urination

If severe pain occurs at the beginning of urine output, then this indicates the development of an infectious,purulent and fungal diseases. These pathologies are sexually transmitted. Candidiasis, gonorrhea, chlamydia are common diseases that cause pain when urinating.

pain when urinating in men treatment
pain when urinating in men treatment

With candidiasis, a man feels a strong burning sensation and itching before passing urine. After passing urine, the pain subsides, but the discomfort remains.

If a prostate tumor develops, the man feels constant pain.

Characteristic highlights

If the pain during urination in men has a sweetish unpleasant odor, then you should immediately consult a doctor. Perhaps the following diseases are actively developing:

gonorrhea - characteristic purulent discharge and severe pain in the lower abdomen;

pain after urination in men in the head
pain after urination in men in the head
  • urethritis - secretion of greenish mucus;
  • candidiasis - cheesy white secretion and severe burning in the head of the penis;
  • cystitis - discharge is transparent, sticky to the touch.

If there are blood impurities in the urine, this indicates a serious pathology. In this case, you need to urgently consult a doctor. The reason can be both internal and external. Most often, the defeat of the genitourinary system is associated with such diseases:

  • inflammation of the bladder or genitals;
  • infectious processes in the body;
  • kidney injury;
  • Urolithiasis;
  • cold complications;
  • STDs;
  • tumors.

If exercisepassivity when symptoms are detected, the disease can go into advanced form and cause impotence.


During the diagnosis, it is important to pay special attention to the duration and moment of onset of alarming symptoms. Do not self-medicate.

It is better to entrust your he alth to an experienced qualified doctor. You should contact an andrologist or a urologist. In some cases, it may be necessary to consult a venereologist, an infectious disease specialist and an oncologist.

pain after urination in men treatment
pain after urination in men treatment

To make the correct diagnosis and further therapy, the doctor prescribes the following examinations:

  • blood and urine tests, biochemistry;
  • blood tests for the presence of sex hormones;
  • ultrasound;
  • urethral swab for fungi and infections;
  • radiography;
  • magnetic resonance imaging;
  • rectal palpation.

The appointment of a specific diagnostic method directly depends on the symptoms of the disease.


Based on the results of clinical tests, the doctor will indicate an accurate diagnosis and prescribe an effective method of therapy.

During pain after urination in men, treatment should be immediate and comprehensive. Usually the doctor prescribes these drugs:

  • antibiotics: Gentamicin, Levomycin, Munural, Cifran;
  • urinary analgesics: Analgin, Novacoin, Diphenhydramine;
  • antifungal drugs: Pimafucin, Miconazole.

Ifpain when urinating in men, drugs can be in the form of injections into the urethra. The doctor may prescribe "Miramistin", "Hydrocortisone", "Furacilin".

If medical treatment fails to eliminate the disease, the doctor prescribes surgery.

Folk remedies

There is a folk remedy for pain when urinating in men. However, before using traditional medicine recipes, you should definitely consult with your doctor.

So, a decoction of parsley leaves and young carrots can stop inflammation. It is necessary to pour boiling water over these leaves and put them in a closed jar for 2 hours. Use 1 tbsp. l. five times a day.

Traditional medicine recommends making baths from the collection of such herbs: chamomile, nettle, string.

You should not completely rely on the methods of traditional medicine. Only in combination with drug treatment can a positive result be achieved.


In order to avoid the appearance of uncomfortable painful sensations, you must perform the following actions:

  • drink 5-8 glasses of pure water daily to cleanse the urinary organs;
  • wear natural fabric underwear;
  • avoid hypothermia (dress warmly);
  • use contraception during intercourse;
  • keep personal hygiene;
  • do not wear tight underwear and pants.

As a preventive measure, massage is recommended to strengthen the pelvic muscles. Useful acupuncture.

As soon as you noticeunpleasant discomfort during urination or sexual intercourse, you should not be shy and feel free to seek help. The disease itself will not go away, but only bring complications. Timely treatment is the key to a quick return to a normal full life without pain.
