Cellulite: causes and remedies

Cellulite: causes and remedies
Cellulite: causes and remedies

A woman always wants to look beautiful and attractive, for this it is necessary to start caring for her body from an early age. Even in youth, cellulite can begin to develop. The causes of its occurrence can be very diverse: from malnutrition and a sedentary lifestyle to a violation of the metabolic processes of the body. How to identify it in the early stages, avoid its occurrence, and what means of struggle are most successful? Cellulite can safely be called the result of today's lifestyle, and in order to completely get rid of this problem, it is necessary to completely reconsider both the diet and all habits.

cellulite causes
cellulite causes

Causes of "orange peel"

What causes this horrible cellulite? The reasons for its development may be as follows: features of puberty, hormonal failure, pregnancy, contraceptive use, sedentary lifestyle, smoking, alcohol, chronic lack of sleep, malnutrition. In case of violation of water-s alt metabolism in the female body, cellulite can also develop, this can be an indicator of a general disorder in the body, which has arisen due to hormonal imbalance, decreased muscle tone, vascular weakness and congestion in the blood and lymph. In the mostcellulite develops in different cases, the reasons may also be heredity, poor ecology and constant stressful situations.

how to treat cellulite
how to treat cellulite

Degrees of cellulite

Is it possible to identify it at the initial stages in order to prevent further development? To determine the degree, a pinch test is used, while lightly pressing on the body in the thigh area, the bumps and depressions that appear are the first sign of cellulite, this can be called the first stage. When the second signs are visible without a pinch, the third is accompanied by increased body weight, most likely, there are big problems in metabolic disorders. The fourth degree leads to an excessively loose body, numerous seals.

How to treat cellulite

cellulite massager
cellulite massager

The main methods of struggle can be called proper nutrition, sports and anti-cellulite massages and body wraps. Why does such an unpleasant problem as cellulite appear? The reasons for it also lie in the insufficient amount of water drunk per day, the norm should be about 1.5-2 liters, this will allow the removal of toxic substances from the body. The next mandatory step will be a diet and proper balanced nutrition. In addition to water, you should use decoctions of herbs from chamomile, rose hips, freshly squeezed juices, green tea. Anti-cellulite massage will help restore the structure of the subcutaneous layer, activates metabolic processes. An excellent combination would be massage and body wraps, for this they use clay, mud,algae.

At home, you can use a special cellulite massager, it is best to use it after taking a shower or bath, a steamed body can be kneaded faster. It is also necessary to include in the daily routine sports activities such as running, walking, cycling, swimming. It is better to start treating cellulite in the early stages, the causes can be identified and this unpleasant disease can be avoided, and an integrated approach will help get rid of it forever.
