Psoriasis, also called psoriasis, is a chronic inflammatory skin disease. The most common form of pathology is psoriasis of the scalp, manifested by the appearance of itchy, scaly red spots in this area. It should be said that the disease is not infectious, it is caused by a violation of metabolic processes in the body. When the top layer of the epithelium grows and divides too quickly, pinkish-white nodules covered with scales appear on the scalp. They can merge and form patches of different sizes. At the same time, the appearance of seals and crusts on the head does not affect hair growth in any way.

Psoriasis of the scalp: possible causes
The exact causes of the disease are not known, it is considered genetically determined and is provoked by both environmental factors and disturbances within the body. Psoriasis can affect representatives of any age, but it occurspredominantly in people under thirty years of age. Normally, epithelial cells divide and renew themselves in 25 days, but with psoriasis, this happens much faster - in just 5 days. As a result, old cells do not have time to exfoliate, which leads to the formation of scales, their layering, the appearance of tubercles and inflammatory areas. The disease does not harm he alth in general, but the constant peeling and itching of the scalp gives a person great discomfort. In addition, this leads to appearance problems, because the crusts and seals that appear on the head are visible to others. Psoriasis of the scalp can be provoked by injuries of the scalp, infections, constant exposure to cold on the scalp. Also, one of the reasons for the development of pathology is malnutrition.

Psoriasis of the scalp: symptoms
At the initial stage of the pathology, a person may not notice the symptoms. Over time, the skin flakes more and more, there is a slight irritation, itching appears. Then the skin becomes inflamed, the itching intensifies more and more, and the skin can also crack, which leads to abrasions and wounds. Gradually, large red plaques form in the affected areas, the skin becomes coarse and bleeds at the slightest damage. From above, the plaques are covered with large gray scales resembling flakes. All this leads to an even greater spread of the disease.

Psoriasis of the scalp: treatment options
Treatmentappoints a dermatologist based on the identified causes of the disease and its stage. You should not try to get rid of the disease with all kinds of cosmetics and methods of traditional medicine, as this is fraught with aggravation of the situation. It is necessary to carry out therapy with corticosteroids, which can quickly reduce inflammation and relieve itching. Hair should be washed with special therapeutic shampoos, in addition, creams and ointments containing salicylic acid, zinc, naphthalene, tar and other medicinal substances are rubbed into the scalp. To comb your hair, you should use massage brushes with natural bristles or wooden combs.
Psoriasis of the scalp: diet
Proper nutrition in the process of treating psoriasis is important, because the main thing that needs to be done for recovery is to strengthen the general condition of the body. Violations in the functioning of the intestines are manifested on the skin, so dieting will alleviate the course of the disease and avoid its recurrence. The diet should be correct, which means avoiding fried, sweet, fatty foods, limiting the use of canned foods and foods containing dyes and flavors.