How to massage the prostate yourself?

How to massage the prostate yourself?
How to massage the prostate yourself?

Prostatitis is a common male disease. The main non-drug method of its treatment is prostate massage. This procedure can be performed in the clinic or independently at home. Prostate massage does not require medical education and any skills. It is important to determine how to properly massage the prostate in men.

Effect of the procedure

Direct prostate massage brings a positive effect in the presence of prostatitis - an inflammatory disease of the prostate gland.

The effect of the procedure
The effect of the procedure

This lesion is considered quite common, classified into 4 categories and may be accompanied by comorbidities such as:

  • urethritis;
  • vesiculitis;
  • prostatic hyperplasia.

Main causes of manifestation

The main reasons for the appearance of a lesion include:

  • stagnant processes (non-infectious) - as a result of a decrease in immunity protection, a sedentary lifestyle, monotonous work in one place, problems with sexual life, hypothermia, orbody overheating;
  • infectious processes - penetration into the body of an infectious disease (bacteria, viruses, fungi) or the presence in the body of a man of chronic inflammation of any nature.

Indications for massage

Before performing prostate massage, it is important to make sure that such therapy will not harm the patient or worsen his condition. It is important to remember that the treatment of the disease through direct massaging can not be used in all cases - such a procedure is allowed to be done only with non-infectious prostatitis. Massage is contraindicated for infectious diseases.

Indications for prostate massage
Indications for prostate massage

In addition, various forms of the course of the disease can also limit the possibility of massage from prostatitis at home - in the acute form, it is completely contraindicated for a man. Most often, even palpation during diagnosis during acute prostatitis is carried out extremely carefully, since in this case the affected area of the body provokes severe pain and reflex spasm of the muscle tissues of the anus.

Acute prostatitis is treated exclusively in the hospital, using strong antibiotics and antiandrogens to help reduce the response of the gland's androgen receptors.

How to massage the prostate yourself? In order not to harm the body and not worsen the condition, prostate massage at home is allowed only after consultation with a doctor who will allow such a procedure. In this case, the doctor will determine exactly howneed to massage, how many days and how often.

Preparing for the procedure

How to properly massage the prostate for a man? Before the massage, it is important to carry out a number of procedures that will help enhance the result of therapy:

  • doctors recommend cleansing the intestines: for this you can use an enema with a warm decoction of chamomile;
  • preliminarily, the patient should drink about a liter of water 1 hour before the procedure - a full bladder has a positive effect on the prostate gland, loading it, which makes the effect of massage even stronger;
  • when performing a prostate massage, a person should completely relax, since it is in this state that discomfort and discomfort can be avoided;
  • also a person should take a comfortable position for himself: lie on his right side and pull his knees up to his chest or take a knee-elbow position;
  • proper prostate massage should be done with surgical gloves and a lubricant (plain petroleum jelly can be used) to help prevent tissue irritation as well as pain.

Features of the procedure

How to massage my husband's prostate? After preparing for the procedure, you should begin to perform the massage itself. To do this, the index finger is gently inserted into the anus of the patient. The prostate gland is located at a depth of about 5 centimeters, in size and shape it is more like a nut.

According to the density of iron, soft or dense, such characteristics will directly depend on the severity of the disease and prevalenceinflammation.

Features of the procedure
Features of the procedure

When you feel the prostate gland, you should begin to perform gentle massaging movements, starting from the right side and slowly moving to the left. At the end of the massage, gently press on the middle of the gland and slide your finger along the central groove from top to bottom.

Therapy lasts for 2-3 minutes and is allowed every other day.

If after three procedures lasting three minutes a person does not experience any improvement, it is important to seek help from a doctor. If regular massage does not bring any positive effect, then it should be abandoned so as not to worsen the condition and not provoke complications.

Main contraindications of the procedure

Prostate massage at home is prohibited in the following cases:

  • the patient developed an acute or semi-acute form of prostatitis;
  • prostate tuberculosis present;
  • there is an infection of an acute nature in the body;
  • the man has a high body temperature;
  • exacerbated form of hemorrhoids;
  • difficulty urinating or bladder disease;
  • presence of cracks in the anus, which must first be cured.

Transparent or white discharge from a patient after a massage is a normal process. But if, after the procedure, the man begins to discharge with pus (yellow tint), then the procedure is necessary immediatelystop and seek medical attention.

Complications and their causes

Can I massage my prostate? A man must prepare himself psychologically for such a procedure. He must understand that the correct massage of the prostate will not provoke pain and will help him recover. It is important to inform the person in advance how long the procedure will last, and also to remind that for painless therapy, he must relax the muscles of the buttocks, abs and back.

Possible Complications
Possible Complications

When a pain syndrome appears, it is important to stop massage treatment for a while and consult a specialist. It will help to identify the causes of deterioration and determine the main contraindications.

The main danger of the procedure

How to massage the prostate with your finger? Unskilled massage performed at home can pose a danger to a person's condition and even lead to serious complications.

The dangers of prostate massage
The dangers of prostate massage

When performing a massage, consider the following:

  • if massaging in acute form of bacterial prostatitis, then as a result, the process of blood poisoning can be provoked;
  • if there are stones in the prostate gland, then this method of treatment can cause damage to the tissues of the colon, as well as cell rupture;
  • strong pressure on the prostate gland can lead to rupture of a short section of the urethra - this condition is almost not detected, butleads to rapid damage to the urethra and, as a result, problems with the microflora.

It is possible to massage at home, but it is very important to follow the basic rules and instructions, as well as perform all movements slowly and carefully. Only in this case can a positive effect be achieved without complications.


Many men are reluctant or embarrassed to have such an embarrassing procedure as a prostate massage. They are even ready to risk their he alth in order not to visit the clinic and not to have a massage. But few of them know that you can massage the prostate gland on your own, then no one will see and embarrass.

Features of self-massage

It is important to note that self-massage of the prostate is allowed only after consultation with the attending specialist. It is the doctor who will help give the correct instructions and tell what type of massage the patient should use, as well as how long the procedure itself should last. From a medical point of view, the procedure brings the following effect:

  • improves blood flow to the affected organ;
  • increases the effect of taking medications;
  • improves metabolic processes in the human body;
  • reduces the inflammatory process, relieves swelling;
  • together with the secret from the prostate gland, all pathogenic bacteria and infectious products come out.

For a man, such a procedure is very useful, as it bringsnext effect:

  • increases the total time of intercourse;
  • increases sensations during orgasm;
  • increases sex drive;
  • significantly improves potency.

Main types of massage

How to massage the prostate at home? Experts distinguish two main types of prostate massage - internal and external. The internal one is divided into the following varieties:

  • finger massage;
  • hardware procedure;
  • hydromassage.

Also practiced internal prostate massage through bougie. But such a procedure is not carried out at home, therefore it is allowed only under the strict supervision of a doctor.

How to massage the prostate yourself? The first thing you can do an independent massage at home is your own finger. Also, a man can massage the prostate gland with the help of specialized devices that can be bought at a pharmacy or created independently. For hydromassage, a man needs to prepare a rubber bulb with a special solution (chamomile, furatsilina or potassium permanganate).

Basic massage positions

How to massage the prostate with your finger? Before considering the finger prostate massage technique, it is important to determine the most comfortable positions for the procedure:

  1. The most comfortable position for the procedure is one in which the man lies on his back, bends his knees and pulls them to the surface of the chest. In this case, it is best to spread your legs a little insides. With one hand, a man can hold his leg, and the second - to do self-massage of the prostate gland.
  2. If desired, you can massage in the same position, but already on your side. But many men say that self-massage of the organ in the supine position is still more convenient.
  3. Some people do the procedure in the knee-elbow position.
  4. Quite difficult, but comfortable for the procedure, is also considered a position in which a man squats down, spreads his knees to the sides.
  5. For problems with the condition of the joints of the limbs, a man can choose a comfortable position, during which he does not have to kneel.
  6. Also, during the procedure, you can lie on your stomach and tuck your knees under you.

Preparation for self-massage

Preparation for the procedure
Preparation for the procedure

Before starting the procedure, it is important to carefully prepare and not forget anything:

  1. The area to be treated (sofa bed) should be covered with a clean cloth.
  2. 1 hour before the self-massage, the patient should drink a liter of clean water so that when massaging the prostate gland, his bladder is filled.
  3. Before the massage, you should also cleanse the intestines from processed products through an enema. An enema is best done on the basis of a decoction of chamomile, a solution of potassium permanganate or furacilin.
  4. It is also very important to sanitize hands, cut nails.
  5. On the hand or a separate finger, which will be used for all manipulations, you should put on a glove, a condomor a fingertip.
  6. To ensure the best glide and prevent pain, it is best to lubricate the surface of the glove with Vaseline, cream or a special lubricant.
  7. Before the procedure itself, it is important to thoroughly wash the genitals, as well as the anus, and wipe it with a towel.

Procedure technique

How to massage the prostate for pleasure and healing effect? The massage algorithm will be as follows:

  1. After the preparation is over, you can proceed to the massage itself. To do this, the finger is gently inserted into the back passes to a depth of no more than 5 centimeters.
  2. On the front wall of the intestine we find the prostate gland.
  3. Next, slow stimulation of the organ begins with gentle strokes from the sides to the middle - you can alternately stroke one side first, then the other (manipulations last a minute).
  4. Over time, the pressure on the prostate should increase, especially on the harder parts of the organ. On soft spots, the pressure should be reduced (continues for a minute).
  5. At the end of the procedure, stroke down along the central sulcus of the organ.
  6. Next, the finger is gently removed from the anus.

When carrying out manipulations, a man should carefully monitor his general condition - during the normal course of the procedure, he should not experience pain and other unpleasant sensations. When massaging the prostate, a man may feel a certain amount of fluid coming out of him (no more than 5drops). This fluid is the norm - this is prostate juice.

Self prostate massage
Self prostate massage

At the end of therapy, the patient must go to the toilet. This will help to get out the remnants of the secret along with the urine. You should also pay attention to the appearance of the discharge, as it will indicate the processes occurring in the prostate. Clear liquid is normal. Yellowish discharge will indicate the presence of an inflammatory process in the organ. Bloody - serious tissue damage. When pus or blood is discharged from the prostate, it is important to abandon self-treatment of the disease and immediately go to see your doctor.

Features of hydromassage

Hydromassage is another type of prostate treatment that uses water. During the procedure, the patient's rectum is filled with water (or a decoction of some herb). It helps reduce irritation in the rectal receptors and improve circulation.

Performing an independent hydromassage is quite simple. To do this, you need to take a rubber pear for an enema and draw water at room temperature into it. Next, the pear is inserted into the anus until the urge to defecate appears. Experts advise holding such an event a few hours before bedtime, after washing the genitals.

Treatment frequency

In order for the effect of massaging the prostate gland to be positive, it is important to know how to properly massage. But you also need to understand how many times a week it is worth carrying out such a procedure. Massage frequencywill be appointed by the doctor after consultation. As a rule, 15 procedures are prescribed with a break of one day.

Repeated course of treatment is carried out after 30 days. For prevention, you can repeat once a week. If the disease is in an advanced stage, then prostate massage is carried out in combination with taking medications. Before the procedure, it is important to make sure that the person has no contraindications.

If the prostate massage is of the direct type, then its duration should not exceed two minutes. Indirect organ massage is performed for five minutes. The main thing in this case is to avoid pain, as it will indicate that the procedure is performed incorrectly or takes too long. The main sign of the end of the procedure is the release of a few drops of prostate secretion.
