Eczema on the feet: symptoms and treatment

Eczema on the feet: symptoms and treatment
Eczema on the feet: symptoms and treatment

Eczema is a word that is close in meaning to the concept of "boil". The origin of the disease is neuro-allergic.

eczema on the legs
eczema on the legs

It is characterized by the appearance of a wide variety of rashes that cause a lot of discomfort: severe itching, unbearable burning. Eczema is difficult to treat and often relapses.

Eczema on feet

This disease, like all other types of eczema, is caused by several causes:

  • Eczema on the legs can occur as a reaction of the body to nervous strain, stress, depression.
  • Sometimes an ailment is caused by allergies.
  • Often an illness can start from both causes.
  • Sometimes the disease is provoked by disorders in the immune, endocrine systems.
  • Eczema on the feet can be the result of infectious or inflammatory diseases.
  • The use of certain drugs, especially hormonal drugs, dramatically shortens the remission period.
  • Varicose or venous insufficiency can also cause eczema.
  • eczema on legs how to treat
    eczema on legs how to treat

Usually eczema on the legsdevelops in infants and the elderly. Unpleasant in itself, this disease can be complicated by an infection that enters the damaged skin. If a person is predisposed to eczema, then he needs to carefully monitor himself. Any wounds, abrasions, burns can provoke the development of the disease. If someone in your family suffered from eczema, and you suddenly felt itching or burning, rashes, red spots or micro-erosion appeared on your legs, then this is a reason to seek medical advice. Perhaps eczema is starting on the legs.

How to treat this disease

It has been observed that the more carefully the patient adheres to the diet prescribed by the doctor, the longer his periods of remission, the easier the exacerbation stage. Eczema on the legs (photo attached), in addition to the prescribed nutrition, requires the patient:

  • Compliance with personal hygiene.
  • Care for maintaining the integrity of the skin of the legs.
  • Compliance with mental hygiene.
eczema on legs photo
eczema on legs photo

The dermatologist who treats this disease is required to prescribe a series of tests to the patient to determine the cause and type of eczema. In addition to drugs that relieve itching and other manifestations of eczema, the doctor should prescribe medications that will help get rid of the cause that caused the disease. Treatment must be comprehensive, including external agents, medications, diet, taking immunoprotectors.

Types of eczema

There are five varieties of this disease.

  • True eczema occurring inpatients with hypersensitivity under the influence of allergens.
  • Microbial, complicated by infection of eczema rash.
  • Children's, which is most often localized in the groin and on the head.
  • Professional.
  • Seborrheic, occurring where there are many sebaceous glands.

Each species requires special treatment, which can only be prescribed by a specialist after analysis. If the disease is severe, the dermatologist may prescribe lotions, creams or ointments (Kutiveit, Elocom), antimicrobial and anti-allergic drugs. In especially severe cases, the patient is prescribed plasmapheresis - a special hardware blood purification.
