The drug "Reduxin" contains two active substances that promote weight loss: sibutramine and microcrystalline cellulose. The first substance, in theory, is an antidepressant with an anorexigenic effect. This action lies in the fact that the body experiences a feeling of fullness more than usual. Let's try to figure out why.
When stressed or depressed, the human body secretes the hormone serotonin at the very center of saturation, which is subsequently reabsorbed into the synapse terminal. Sibutramine slows down its absorption, and the concentration of serotonin increases, due to this stress is easier to bear. The experience of hunger during the diet is also related to stress. Naturally, sibutramine reduces stress, and a person experiences a feeling of satiety and calmness. Microcrystalline cellulose fills the stomach, which also creates a feeling of satiety and fullness. You do not want to eat at all, so you lose weight. "Great drug!" - think many people suffering from overweight problems and deciding to lose weight with"Reduxin". They run to the pharmacy and sweep the miracle cure off the shelves. You can buy either this drug, or an analogue of Reduxin, for example, Lindax. True, it does not contain microcrystalline cellulose, but the slimming effect is the same.

"Reduxin" is a domestic drug, and "Lindax" is Czech. The active substance in them is the same, only the price of "Lindax" is higher. There is another analogue of "Reduxin", which is widely used by people who are losing weight, - "Meridia". It is produced by the German pharmaceutical company Knoll AG. The results of the study of this drug proved its high efficiency in weight loss. The drug also affects the region of the brain responsible for satiety. In addition, Meridia lowers cholesterol levels and increases the amount of energy consumed by the body. This analogue of "Reduxin" is even more expensive than "Lindax".
On my own behalf, I want to add that many of my friends took the Meridia drug, and there is an effect. Weight quickly goes away, the body flies, as if on batteries, you don’t feel like eating at all. It is believed that Meridia is safer than other drugs containing sibutramine, which is why it has such a high price. "Reduxin" is cheaper than all other means. However, the safety of sibutramine-based drugs is out of the realm of fairy tales.
Sibutramine is a narcotic substance,affecting the brain. Remember the feature film "Requiem for a Dream"? The mother of the protagonist decided to lose weight and purchased miraculous pills, with the help of which she instantly lost weight. She didn't eat, she lost weight and became leaner and leaner. Now remember how it all ended. The woman could not sleep, did not eat anything, gnashed her teeth and moved her lips. Her gaze was completely meaningless, her hands were shaking, she began to see hallucinations. As a result, she ended up in the hospital, where she was taken by ambulance. The woman took substances based on amphetamines, which gave her a lot of energy. But it also destroyed her brain cells and nervous system.

Sibutramine is structurally similar to amphetamine-based substances, but lacks their biological properties. However, the list of side effects and contraindications of the drug is impressive. First of all, people taking the drug "Reduxin" note dry mouth. Then there is an increased heartbeat, an increase in blood pressure. Others develop constipation, sleep problems. You just can't sleep because the brain is overexcited by the drug. The body temperature may rise, irreversible damage to the heart, kidneys and liver, and the gastrointestinal tract can begin. All this is indicated in the instructions for the drug, but who will think about it? Our people are used to acting on "maybe", they say, others may get these side effects, but I don't! Russian roulette.
If you want to take the drug"Reduxin" or an analogue of "Reduxin" from the same series of substances with sibutramine, visit a doctor first. First of all, check the condition of your heart, liver and kidneys. The drug "Reduxin" is forbidden to be taken during pregnancy, breastfeeding. By the way, in Europe and the USA it is banned altogether. Because this drug can actually ruin your he alth. The drug "Reduxin" and its analogues can be used only as a last resort - if you are really obese, if your weight just rolls over, and from this you have serious he alth problems. In this case, an endocrinologist can write a prescription for you, but only if there is such a need in fact. This medicine works, but it is dangerous, remember that. Read the reviews of people who just went and bought the drug at the pharmacy just because their weight was ten kilograms above the norm. How many side effects they received! And how many of them are irreversible? In some cases, the case ended with an ambulance call, lengthy treatment and a lifelong need to take medication for dead kidneys or hearts. Do you want such a life? I doubt it.

If we talk about really safe analogues of "Reduxin", you can try to drink a course of capsules "Reduxin-Light". This drug does not contain sibutramine, which means that the effect on the brain and vital organs is excluded. It contains conjugated linoleic acid, which helps to reduce body fat. Acidhas a beneficial effect on the condition of muscle tissue, increases metabolism. The effect will be, but only when playing sports. In the same way as with the use of "L-Carnitine". Magic pills that reduce weight without consequences do not exist. You still need to watch your diet, include sports in your schedule and a lot of movement. Only in this case you will get a slender he althy body.