The symptom of high blood pressure can overtake any person at any time of the day. It is worth noting that the signs of malaise, especially in the initial stages of a hypertensive state, force the patient to pay attention to the deviation that has arisen and take all necessary measures to eliminate it in time. However, not everyone has symptoms of high blood pressure in one form or another. In this case, people with a tendency to hypertension should resort to the help of a medical device - a tonometer several times a day.
High blood pressure: symptoms of hypertension

As you know, such a condition as hypertension brings with it quite a few unpleasant moments. However, they are often confused with banal overwork or fatigue. In order to understand that you really have high blood pressure, consider the most likely signs,which are characteristic of such a state.
Reduced performance and overwork
The main symptom of high blood pressure at first is quite easy to confuse with similar signs of overwork or a mild cold. With hypertension, a person’s night sleep is disturbed, concentration of attention, drowsiness appears during the daytime, irritability, and the whites of the eyes turn red. It is worth noting that these signs are more typical for the first and mildest degree of the disease, when the pressure can rise to 145-155 / 90-95 mm Hg. Art. According to doctors, it is very important not to start hypertension in its initial stage. After all, it is at this time that all you need to do to eliminate ailments is to change your lifestyle and adjust your diet.

Dizziness and headaches
After the main symptom of high blood pressure has already manifested itself in full, secondary signs join it. These include aching headaches, as well as dizziness. Such unpleasant sensations are caused by narrowing of the vessels of the brain. An important role in the diagnosis is played by the place where the pain is localized. With hypertension, this is the back of the head and temples. In the event that these symptoms do not go away for a long time, and they are too painful, then most likely the disease progresses.

Pain in the area of the heart muscle
Also the answer to the question of what are the symptoms of high blood pressureappear, there may well be pain in the heart and a significant disturbance in its rhythm. The presence of such signs speaks not just of hypertension, but of a disease of the second degree, when the pressure can reach such dangerous values as 165-180 / 105-115 mm Hg. Art. With such a significant deviation in a person, almost all of his systems and organs suffer (cardiovascular, nervous, kidneys, fundus vessels, etc.). If you have a similar pathological condition, then in no case do not try to reduce the pressure yourself at home. In such a situation, you need to immediately contact a cardiologist who will prescribe all the necessary medications.