A lot of good things can be said about "Phenazepam" as an effective drug. But its side effects are quite significant. Therefore, its appointment should come only from a doctor, and the use should be carried out only under his supervision.
Pharmacological action
This drug is a tranquilizer with a high degree of activity. It surpasses many other means of this group in the intensity of its impact. It soothes, reduces or even eliminates feelings of anxiety, relieves cramps, relaxes muscles and saves from insomnia.

But due to the intense impact on the body, side effects of "Phenazepam" are also possible, due to such an active intervention. We will talk about them in this article.
Systemic side effects
The positive effect of "Phenazepam" is an anticonvulsant, calming and anxiety-relieving effect. As well as muscle relaxation.
Side effects of "Phenazepam" are manifested by a feeling of fatigue that occurs for no apparent reason. The pronounced sedative effect of the drug can be a side effectmanifest as drowsiness, inattention, difficulty concentrating, impaired memory.
Due to the pronounced anticonvulsant action, there may be a violation of coordination of movements, a slowdown in memory, dizziness. Violated internal consistency in physical and mental reactions. Depression or unexpected euphoria appears. Headaches may occur.
Due to the pronounced muscle relaxant effect, a side effect is a violation of the muscles of the respiratory group, which is especially life-threatening.

Violation of the blood composition can also provoke "Phenozepam". Its side effects are the development of agranulocytosis, leukopenia, neutropenia, thrombocytopenia.
In the digestive system, the coordination of muscle contractions is disturbed as a result of the impact on the conduction of impulses by the drug "Phenazepam". Side effects are manifested by nausea, vomiting. Violated stool (diarrhea, constipation). The liver suffers. Possible yellowing of the skin.
As a result of a violation of the muscle tone of the sphincters, involuntary urination occurs. Side effects of "Phenazepam" include a violation of libido, the appearance of severe menstrual pain. Perhaps the appearance of allergies in the form of a rash, itching.
Even if "Phenazepam" is used strictly as prescribed, under medical supervision and in small doses, the drug can be highly addictive. In the case of long-term continuous use ofa person can form a strong dependence, the result of which are serious disorders of the functions of the nervous system. This is manifested by a high degree of nervousness, unreasonable mood swings, depression, insomnia, nausea.

If at the initial stage of application the patient notes fatigue, drowsiness, a positive emotional background, then after some time, subject to the regular use of Phenazepam, the positive emotional background is replaced by negative moods. Patients who abuse "Phenazepam" endure hallucinations, delusions, constant fear and various types of sleep disorders. In severe cases, obsessive suicidal thoughts may occur.
Patients who have concomitant diseases of the liver or kidneys in severe form, "Phenazepam" is recommended to be used only under constant medical supervision. Very carefully, the remedy can be prescribed to people who in the past have already become accustomed to any of the drugs and had a psychological dependence. Phenazepam is used with caution in elderly patients, the contraindications and side effects of which are more dangerous for them due to the presence of age-related diseases - problems with pressure, heart, joints, memory and attention.
"Phenazepam" is categorically not recommended for use in myasthenia gravis, obstructive bronchitis, respiratory failure, children and adolescents under 18years.
Categorically contraindicated for pregnant women "Phenazepam". Its contraindications and side effects are associated with the ability to penetrate the placental barrier, inhibit the development of the fetal nervous system, and contribute to the formation of congenital malformations.
The action of "Phenazepam" can be excessive even with a slight excess of the dose. An overdose of the drug quickly leads to a constant irritable state, sleep disturbance, and excessive arousal. A slight excess of the dose has an extremely negative effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system. Pressure drops, heart rate rises.

Terrible mix
"Phenazepam" was widely used to treat alcohol addiction. After discharge from the clinic, former patients continued to receive the drug in pharmacies by prescription. The side effects of "Phenazepam" appeared in all their glory. It is strictly forbidden to take it with alcohol! The result may be disastrous.
Alcoholic patients could take the drug with an alcohol-containing drink, thereby increasing the side effects of Phenazepam. Later it turned out that such a cocktail forms heavy compounds that have a destructive effect on the cerebral cortex. At the same time, hallucinations and mental disturbances of behavior are provided for several days. Unfortunately, not everyone was able to get out of this state. This mixture increased the feeling of depression at times. It is also terrible that this led to dullnessself-preservation instinct and lack of fear of death.
The number of suicides that were provoked by such an explosive mixture goes into the thousands. The action of this cocktail reaches its peak very quickly, within half an hour.

Signs of poisoning are nausea, impaired consciousness, the appearance of hallucinations. Unfortunately, these symptoms were often attributed to alcohol intoxication. Therefore, those around were in no hurry to react.
In addition, alcohol addicts resist treatment, showing aggression, suspicion. They do unexpected things. Their usual reaction to the desire of others to help is manifested by pronounced hostility.
Needless to say about the exclusion of the possibility of self-administration of this tranquilizer. Only a specialist can prescribe or cancel the drug "Phenazepam". Side effects, reviews of its positive and negative effects, the general condition of the patient, comorbidities, lifestyle, addictions - everything is taken into account.