Human papillomavirus or HPV is a very specific infectious disease from the category of papovaviridea, which has the ability to infect and transform epithelial cells.
In the article we will figure out whether human papilloma is dangerous.
About the virus
More than a hundred varieties of the virus are isolated, 35 of which are capable of infecting the urogenital region of the human body, affecting the upper epithelial layer of the skin and mucous membranes of the organs of the reproductive system.

According to the World He alth Organization, every sixth person on the planet is a carrier of HPV. An infection provoked by the papillomavirus manifests itself in the form of genital warts or warts. Papillomas are localized on the skin and mucous membranes and are convex formations. HPV is chronic and tends to recur constantly.
Are papillomas dangerous? It depends on her kind.
First, let's look at the mechanism of the papilloma virus. The causative agent of the disease is a virus that affects the mucous membranes and the upper epithelial layer of the organs of the reproductive system. The transmission of the virus is carried out from one person to another, and infection can occur only through direct contact with the mucous membrane or skin of the patient.
Factors that can provoke papilloma infection are:
1. Sexual intercourse. HPV is one of the most common sexually transmitted diseases.
2. At birth. If the mother is infected with HPV, the disease can be transmitted to the baby during childbirth.
3. Autoinoculation. In this case, self-infection occurs due to non-observance of hygiene rules.
4. Household path. The papilloma virus is very viable. It remains in public places for a long time. Infection occurs through broken skin.
So, are papillomas dangerous and if so, with what?

Possible pathologies
Depending on the type of virus, the following pathologies can be triggered:
1. Uterine cervical dysplasia.
2. Pre-invasive and invasive cervical cancer.
3. Genital warts on the urinary tract and genitals.
4. Every tenth clinically he althy woman is a carrier of HPV.
5. In most cases, women with condylomas of the external organs of the reproductive system havealso other infectious foci on the cervix and vagina.
Thus, HPV-infected patients are at increased risk of developing cervical carcinoma.
There are several groups of HPV that are characterized by different manifestations of the disease:
1. The appearance of various formations on the skin in the form of warts is provoked by viruses of types 1-5. Are papillomas on the neck dangerous? This will be discussed below.
2. Sole warts that look like calluses are caused by HPV types 1-4.
3. Flat warts appear by infection with HPV 3, 10, 28 and 49.
4. Common warts are caused by infection with HPV type 27.
5. The vulva, genitals, vagina, uterine cervix and respiratory tract are exposed to infection due to HPV types 6, 11, 13, 16, 18, 31, 33, 35.
6. 39 and other types of HPV have been linked to precancerous conditions as they are considered highly oncogenic.
Not everyone knows if papillomas on the body are dangerous. Papillomavirus can lead to formations on the skin of the neck, face, chest, armpits, genitals and mucous membranes of internal organs. These formations are benign in nature, but under certain circumstances they can become malignant.

Why is it necessary to be treated?
Papillomavirus needs to be treated due to several important factors. The viral strain is an intracellular parasite that is unable to reproduce on its own. He uses human cells, carrying out an invasive intervention in their structure. HPV is able to parasitize for a long time, replacing the DNA of human cells with its own. The activation of the virus occurs, as a rule, against the background of a decrease in immunity.
Whether papillomas of a particular type are dangerous, you can also check with your doctor.
HPV diseases
In the early stages of a virus, the human immune system is strong enough to fight infection. For this reason, the pathology does not progress. However, against the background of reduced immunity or some time after infection, a person may begin to experience symptoms associated with the manifestation of the papillomavirus.
Let's find out further if papilloma is dangerous for men and women.
HPV can provoke the following pathological processes:

1. Warts or warts. These are formations of a round shape, hard to the touch, the diameter can reach 1 centimeter. The boundaries of the warts are clear, but there are formations with uneven outlines. Warts tend to occur on the skin that is most susceptible to damage, namely on the hands, elbows and knees.
2. Warts on soles. Appear against the background of HPV infection of the first and second types. They are localized in places where rubbing of the skin or squeezing of the foot occurs. The skin at the site of the wart becomes rougher. The borders of the warts in this case are blurred.
3. Condylomas of pointed type. This is specifica type of wart that occurs on the mucous membranes and skin of the organs of the reproductive system. Are papillomas in intimate places dangerous? Yes, like any types, they can be reborn. The skin of the labia, the glans penis or the foreskin may be affected. In addition, such condylomas can be localized on the cervix, vagina, bladder, oral cavity and on the skin around the anus. By external signs, the warts resemble uneven convex formations of a small size.
4. Bowenoid papulosis. Flat plaques of small size, localized around the organs of the reproductive system. Their appearance of HPV 16, 18, 31, 33, 42, 48, 51 and 54 types is provoked.
It should be remembered that any latent infection, including HPV, becomes active against the background of a decrease in the body's immune properties.
Find out further if the human papillomavirus is dangerous. Consider the symptoms.
The disease passes in a latent form, but in some cases it can cause the appearance of papillomas on the genitals. Genital warts most commonly affect women between the ages of 15 and 30.
Is papilloma dangerous for women? Yes. The main danger associated with HPV is the high likelihood of developing cervical cancer. This pathology shortens the life of a woman by an average of 26 years. The risk of developing cancer increases if the virus has been in a woman's body for more than one year.
Cervical cancer can be latent until the last stages, when the effectiveness of therapy is significantly lower.

As for men, HPV is much less dangerous for them than for the female body. Often a man is a passive carrier. The chance of the virus turning into cancer is much lower.
Many people wonder if papillomas on the penis are dangerous. The presence of HPV in a man's body can cause genital warts on the glans penis, foreskin, or frenulum. Such formations should be removed as soon as possible, as they interfere with proper hygiene as well as sexual activity.
The main areas of preventive measures against human papillomavirus infection are:
1. Maintain personal hygiene in public areas.
2. Maintaining a he althy lifestyle aimed at strengthening the protective qualities of the body.
3. Compliance with the correct mode of work and rest.
4. Moderate physical activity on the body.
5. Timely intake of vitamin complexes, inclusion in the diet of a sufficient amount of juices and fresh fruits.
6. Condom use.

At the moment, medicine offers vaccination against HPV. There are two options for drugs: "Cervarix" and "Gardasil". The latter is active against HPV types 11, 16 and 18, that is, it prevents cancer of the uterine cervix and the appearance of warts on the genitals. "Cervarix" is designed to protect against types 16 and 18, that is, it prevents cancer, but does notexcludes warts.
At the moment, there are no antiviral drugs that can affect human papillomavirus infection. Preparations of the interferon group, such as Cycloferon, Reaferon, as well as interferonogens, such as Prodigiosan, Poludan, etc. are able to reduce the size of genital warts, but do not affect the appearance of new ones, as well as their number. Surgical removal of genital warts is the only way to combat the disease.
There are several methods for removing papilloma tissue:
1. Radiosurgical. The radio wave type electrode cuts off the formation, sealing the vessels. In the future, an antiseptic dressing is required.
2. Laser. This method is the least invasive, as it is bloodless and non-contact. Where the condyloma was removed, a crust forms. The disadvantages of this method are its high cost and high risk of recurrence.
3. Electrocoagulation.
4. Operational intervention. Performed under local anesthesia.
Before you choose a method of treatment, you must consult your doctor. The specialist will tell you about the available methods of treatment, about the possible consequences and contraindications, as well as about the pain of a particular procedure.

Removal of warts is not considered a way to achieve full recovery from the virus. This is due to the fact that a person is still a carrier of HPV and warts may appear again after a few years. Doctors recommend that the whole body be healed to avoid a recurrence of the disease.
Another effective method of treating genital warts, which is widely used today, is cryocoagulation. The procedure is a cauterization of the affected skin area with liquid nitrogen. The procedure can cause discomfort to the patient, as it is painful. Cryocoagulation is carried out for several weeks. The vast majority of patients experience complete elimination of warts.
In conclusion, it should be noted that you should not try to get rid of warts on your own. This can lead to the development of many unpleasant complications, including malignant tumors. It should also be remembered that for the duration of HPV treatment, it is necessary to exclude sexual activity, and in some cases, the doctor prescribes examination and treatment also for the partner if he has been diagnosed with the virus.
Now we know if papillomas are dangerous.