Ears hurt in children: what should parents do

Ears hurt in children: what should parents do
Ears hurt in children: what should parents do

Due to the structure of the auditory shell, babies are more likely to suffer from otitis media than adults. The problem is that the baby cannot tell his parents what exactly worries him. Of course, you should show the child to a pediatrician who will make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe a comprehensive treatment. But how to give the baby first aid? How to find out that the ears hurt in children; what to do for parents to reduce the suffering of the crumbs - read about all this in the article.

Ears hurt in children what to do
Ears hurt in children what to do

How to find out what exactly worries the child? He cries, refuses to eat, is naughty. A fever may occur, but this symptom is not necessarily a sign that the ears in children hurt. What to do to determine that the child is crying not from cutting teeth or gases in the tummy, but from a sharp and shooting tingling in the auditory canal? On the auricle there is a triangular-shaped cartilage (it is called a tragus). Press lightlyfinger on it. If the baby reacts to this touch with a flinch or a cry, most likely, his ears are bothering him. Snot, colds, sore throats, and even toothache are also often accompanied by discomfort in the auditory canal.

There are several reasons why children's ears hurt. What to do depends on the nature of the disease. First of all, it can be a cold: drafts, untreated acute respiratory infections, a runny nose immediately affect the well-being of the middle ear and auditory canals. Also, the cause of pain can be a viral infection - mumps, tonsillitis. In some cases, otitis media develops from ordinary water getting into the ears while swimming.

How to treat childhood diseases
How to treat childhood diseases

Rarely (but still do not discount the possibility of such a cause) it can be an injury to the eardrum. After all, children often experiment with objects and their bodies: any kid up to 5 years old can stuff something into their ear hole.

So, children's ears hurt: what if the cause of this is a cold? It is necessary to warm up the auditory canals. This can be done in many ways. For example, using a heating pad (water, electric, a bag of heated s alt or sand). You can attach a compress to the big ear - alcohol, vodka. However, in this case, it is important not to burn the mucosa: there should be a barrier of cellophane or waxed paper between the canal and the cotton swab. You also need to remember that you can not use heating at elevated temperatures and purulent discharge from the ear.

Pain near the ear
Pain near the ear

Parents whothey know how to treat childhood diseases, they understand that first of all it is necessary to save the baby from suffering. Drops "Otipaks" not only treat inflammation of the canals, but also have an anesthetic effect. You can also use the drug "Anauran", 1% chloramphenicol solution of alcohol, boric alcohol, camphor. Despite the fact that only one ear can hurt a baby, it is necessary to drip two. First, you should slightly heat the drug by lowering the vial into a glass of warm water. Then lay the child on the barrel with a he althy ear up, slightly pull the lobe and drop the medicine with a pipette. Then repeat the same procedure with the diseased auditory shell.

But if the pain near the ear is caused by an injury to the eardrum, the above remedies are not suitable. Moreover, they can only cause complications. In this case, you need to give the child an anesthetic in a dosage appropriate for age - analgin, efferalgan, nurofen, ibuprofen. And, of course, the first thing in the morning is to visit the children's ENT.
