Vulvar cancer: photos, symptoms, stages, treatment methods, prognosis, reviews

Vulvar cancer: photos, symptoms, stages, treatment methods, prognosis, reviews
Vulvar cancer: photos, symptoms, stages, treatment methods, prognosis, reviews

What is this pathology? How dangerous is it and is it curable? These are common questions. Let's explore them in more detail in this article. Vulvar cancer is a malignant tumor that occurs externally on the skin and mucous membranes of the genital organs. Every year, specialists identify more than four thousand patients who are sick with this pathology. The onset of death during the year, even despite the assistance provided, is observed in every fifth patient. Such a high mortality is associated with the fact that patients do not turn to specialists for a long time. The consequences of such an attitude to he alth, unfortunately, are disappointing. As a result, the indifference of people leads to the fact that the initially operable form of the disease is incurable.

vulvar cancer treatment
vulvar cancer treatment

General information

The incidence of vulvar cancer in our country is approximately five percent. Epidemiology shows that the prevalence of the disease indeveloping countries are higher than in the rest of the world. As for Asian women, their incidence rate does not exceed one and a half percent.

The risk group often includes older people who are over sixty-five years old, since it is at this age that the hormonal background in women undergoes significant changes. Vulvar squamous cell carcinoma is extremely rare in adolescents or fertile women. Considering the age of the patients, it can be assumed that malignancy appears against the background of dystrophic degeneration caused by aging. For various reasons, older people are much less likely to turn to gynecologists, which leads to the neglect of pathology.

Vulvar cancer is not contagious for the surrounding people (photos showing the affected areas are presented in the article). It is impossible to get infected by airborne droplets, but there are some infectious pathologies that contribute to its formation, for example, human papillomavirus or AIDS.

Types of cancer

The following types of vulvar cancer are distinguished, which are based on its histological structure, and in addition, the direction of growth and other features. Thus, the cytological picture allows us to distinguish the following types of this disease:

  • Squamous form.
  • Basal cell variety.
  • Presence of melanoma.
  • Development of Paget's disease.
  • Appearance of adenocarcinoma.
  • Appearance of Bartholin gland carcinoma.
vulvar cancer
vulvar cancer

Squamous cell cancer todayaccounts for about eighty percent of all cases, and other species are much less common. According to the criterion of the direction of the germination of pathology, exophytic and endophytic forms are distinguished. The international classification shows the prevalence of this process, and it takes into account:

  • Size of the primary tumor.
  • Degree of lymph node involvement.
  • Presence of metastases.

Symptomatics and signs of pathology

In the early stages of vulvar cancer, patients may have no obvious complaints at all. Sometimes the forerunners of the development of such a pathology are leukoplakia along with kraurosis and lichen sclerosus. Often the first stage of the disease is asymptomatic.

The initial symptom of vulvar cancer is an itching sensation with discomfort or burning sensation in the genital tract. Pain usually appears later. Outwardly, the first changes can be difficult to detect without an examination, but sometimes you can see that a lump has appeared in the inguinal region in the form of an enlarged lymph node that does not hurt.

The primary visible manifestations are spots on the mucosa, which are easy to detect: it is enough just to carefully examine the vulva. Unfortunately, this is done too late. Such spots have a whitish-grayish tint. Similar symptoms are observed against the background of leukoplakia.

Characteristic signs of vulvar cancer with exophytic growth is the appearance of inflammation, ulceration, and in addition, purulent, bloody discharge, which indicates that the decay of the cancerous tumor has begun. Endophytic sprouting is characterized by swelling along with seals and infiltrate. Later manifestations include weakness, fatigue and low temperature. At the terminal stage, the symptoms progress rapidly, which is usually expressed by severe exhaustion. There may also be rapid weight loss and a weakly filled pulse with shortness of breath on the slightest exertion. As a result, most often death occurs.

You can see the symptoms of vulvar cancer in the photos presented in the article.

vulvar cancer photo
vulvar cancer photo

Main reasons

The etiology with the main causes of this pathology has not yet been fully studied to date. True, in fifty percent of patients, papillomatosis is found on the body. Its causative agent is the papilloma virus. It can be transmitted through contact or household contact. There are strains that cause the formation of warts and genital warts, which have a high degree of oncogenicity. Often this pathology begins with the appearance of papillomatous growth. Penetrating into the epithelium, the virus changes the structure of human DNA, which can cause dysplasia with accelerated division. The relevance of this problem lies in the fact that if vulvar cancer was detected in a young woman, then the papillomavirus is also detected with an eighty percent probability. Today, more than ninety percent of the entire population of the Earth is infected with it.

Vulvar cancer can often be inherited. Hereditary predisposition is noted in thirty percent of cases. This is the so-called intraepithelial neoplasia.type. The gene that provokes it has not yet been identified. Psychosomatics explains that malignant tumors are formed as a result of mental experiences, which are often unconscious. And they can also arise due to a lack of attention or love. Thus, according to some teachings, hatred with resentment, anger and envy of other people can cause oncological processes.

Vulvar cancer stages

In the treatment of this disease, the degree of prevalence of the neoplasm plays a major role. The following stages are distinguished:

  • Zero level of pathology is characterized by lesions of the epithelium only.
  • At the first stage, the size of the tumor does not exceed two centimeters and does not extend beyond the vulva itself.
  • At the second stage, the size of the tumor already begins to exceed two centimeters.
  • The third stage is characterized by the germination of the tumor in neighboring tissues, for example, in the region of the vagina or anus, among other things, one-sided nature of the lesion of the lymph nodes is observed.
  • At the fourth stage, the tumor can grow into other organs, and in addition, bones. In this case, lymph nodes affected by metastases on both sides can be noted.

In the early stage, with timely treatment, the survival rate of patients is ninety-eight percent. It should be noted that the neoplasm can spread throughout the body in a few months. Often, doctors detect distant metastases in the lung region. Unfortunately, the last stage is almost impossibleany treatment, in this case, the forces of doctors are directed only to alleviate the condition of the sick patient.

How to spot symptoms of vulvar cancer?

chemotherapy for vulvar cancer
chemotherapy for vulvar cancer


Acquiring an anamnesis, as well as interviewing a patient, determines the general dynamics of pathological processes along with the course of the disease and the benign nature of the formation. In the event that vulvar cancer is suspected, the examination to clarify the diagnosis will include the following procedures:

  • Performing a gynecological examination that reports external changes.
  • Implementation of palpation with the determination of enlarged inguinal, and in addition, femoral lymph nodes.
  • Performing a colposcopy to determine if the tumor has grown in.
  • Performing vulvoscopy, which helps to check mutated cells for dysplasia.
  • Performing a cytology smear along with a Pap test or checking for cancer cells and describing their structure.
  • Biopsy and histological examination.
  • Performing an ultrasound examination of the pelvis, and in addition, lymph nodes, which allows the detection of metastases.

When vulvar cancer begins to metastasize to neighboring areas, the diagnosis consists of the following procedures:

  • Performing a digital rectal examination.
  • Taking x-rays of the lungs.
  • Performing ureteroscopy.
  • Computer andmagnetic resonance imaging, which, in turn, allows the detection of distant metastases.

Conclusion with the prognosis of the disease directly depends on the totality of symptoms and clinical trial data. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the duration of the pathology along with the general he alth of the patient.

How is vulvar cancer treated?

vulvar cancer symptoms
vulvar cancer symptoms

Treatment of disease

The disease is an extremely dangerous, but curable disease, however, provided it is detected at an early stage. In the event that the pathology is not treated, it will be fatal. It should be noted that death with neglect of such a disease can occur within a year.

The chance to survive, and in addition, to stop the active development of carcinoma, exists if a person does not start the disease, but consults a doctor to receive appropriate medical care. In no case should you try to get rid of the disease yourself by taking painkillers, or look for effective remedies in recipes that are offered by traditional medicine. In such a situation, only competent medical care of qualified specialists should be provided. Vulvar cancer treatment should be comprehensive.

Modern developments in such areas as gynecology, surgery and oncology help cure and defeat pathology. The treatment tactic is combination therapy, which will help slow the rate of cancer development, allowing the body to recover, and in addition,prolong life. So, the treatment includes the following aspects:

  • Performing surgical removal of the focus and metastasis.
  • Chemotherapy with cytostatics.
  • Performing radiotherapy.
  • Taking pain relief measures.

Recovery of patients occurs immediately after surgery for vulvar cancer, in which an organ with regional lymph nodes is removed. Sometimes it is only about clinical remission. Relapses after operations are usually found in seven percent of cases. It is impossible to predict the timing of their appearance, but sometimes doctors have to operate on patients again.

vulvar cancer radiation therapy
vulvar cancer radiation therapy

Launched, but at the same time inoperable cancer still requires palliative therapy. Radiation therapy is usually prescribed, and the direct actions taken by oncologists are aimed at alleviating the suffering of a sick person. Chemotherapy is also available for vulvar cancer.

Possible Complications

Treatment for this pathology, which includes radiation with chemotherapy, can cause various side effects along with a deterioration in the quality of life of patients. For example, due to the removal of the genitals, swelling of the legs with inflammation and divergence of postoperative sutures, as well as accumulation of fluid in the area of the affected area may occur.

Negative operational consequences can also occur when nerves are damaged. Patients may experience numbness with tingling in the damaged area of the skin. In addition, the suture may not heal well. As part of the prevention, it is recommended to lubricate the skin with a balm called "Vinilin". Sea buckthorn oil is also suitable. Chemotherapy and radiation therapy for vulvar cancer can cause a variety of complications, including the following:

  • Decrease in the body's immune forces.
  • Development of anemia.
  • Significant hair loss.
  • The appearance of disorders in the work of the intestines.
  • Observation of narrowing of the vagina.
  • The appearance of a burning sensation during urination.
  • The appearance of general weakness, irritability, apathy and feelings of anxiety.

All postoperative time, patients need special attention in relation to themselves, and in addition - care from the clinical staff and, of course, loved ones.

In the advanced stages of vulvar cancer (photo can be easily found), sick people may experience severe physical discomfort. In this regard, the question of how to relieve pain is the most relevant. At some point, the use of non-narcotic analgesics no longer brings relief. Strong drugs, such as Buprenorphine or Morphine, are prescribed to patients strictly according to the doctor's prescription on an individual basis.

Pain medications can be somewhat addictive, with some side effects such as blurred consciousness, dizziness, nausea, low blood pressure, dry mouth and extreme thirst.

Not everyone knows what vulvar cancer looks like.

what does vulvar cancer look like
what does vulvar cancer look like

How realistic is it to get pregnant after pathology?

This issue has not yet been sufficiently studied, since this disease is extremely rare in women of reproductive age. This pathology is more of a so-called "senile" disease.

However, most doctors believe that planning a pregnancy is possible only after completing a full course of complex therapy, and, moreover, at the end of the rehabilitation period. As such, the recovery period is quite long and ranges from three to five years. Before planning a pregnancy, women should undergo a complete examination, primarily by a gynecologist, as well as an oncologist with a geneticist. This is required in order to discover hidden factors that can harm the child or provoke a relapse of the pathology.

In rare cases, this pathology can be diagnosed during pregnancy. In such situations, you can not refuse to perform chemotherapy. This method of treatment does not have any negative impact on the subsequent development of the fetus.

Preventive measures

How can this serious disease be prevented and controlled? Prevention of oncological diseases helps to avoid exposure to harmful factors, protecting yourself from them. In order to prevent the appearance of vulvar cancer, doctors recommend eliminating or at least reducing the effect of dangerous factors, and in addition, treating comorbidities in time. First of all, you need to quit smoking, get rid of excess weight, avoidentry into the body of all kinds of carcinogens. In addition, it is impossible to allow violations of the level of hormones and the development of problems with blood vessels. Here are some tips to help prevent vulvar cancer:

  • Giving the body a good sleep.
  • He althy lifestyle and normal daily routine.
  • Proper nutrition along with regular check-ups.

This disease should be treated at its initial stage. So getting rid of it will be easier and much more effective. In this regard, every woman after fifty should visit a gynecologist twice a year.

What is the prognosis for vulvar cancer?

Life expectancy and prognosis

Survival of operable patients who do not have lymph node involvement is usually up to ninety percent. In the event that lymph nodes were involved in the pathological process, then the survival rate is reduced to fifty percent.

Vulvar cancer reviews

Most often, reviews about the treatment of this pathology are left by the daughters of sick mothers who had to deal with cancer. Like any other cancer, this form is successfully treated only at the initial stage, immediately after the operation, which is reported in the comments. After undergoing treatment, women may develop various complications in the form of anemia, hair loss, feelings of weakness and fatigue.

In our country, about five percent of women suffer from vulvar cancer. In this regard, it is extremely important to be regularly examined by a gynecologist in order to avoidthe development of such a dangerous pathology. In addition, do not neglect proper nutrition, a he althy lifestyle and adherence to a normal sleep pattern. A woman is obliged to take care of her he alth not only in her youth, but throughout her life.
