Unfortunately, it happens that SARS for a child does not end with a complete recovery, but causes a variety of complications. Sinusitis is one of them. It should be noted that it can also develop after suffering measles, scarlet fever, and various infectious diseases. It can also be caused by adenoids or a deviated nasal septum.
Treatment of sinusitis in children
Sinusitis is a rather unpleasant disease. During this disease, nasal breathing becomes difficult, the nasal mucosa swells, and pain appears in the area of the maxillary sinuses. There may be pain when tilting the head. Sinusitis is often accompanied by fever.

This disease is quite dangerous, because it can lead to terrible consequences - meningitis.
In children, unfortunately, sinusitis is a common occurrence. The fact is that children's immune system is weaker than that of adults.
Is it necessary to treat sinusitis with antibiotics?
Treatment of sinusitis in children should be, as in adults, complex. This is, first of all, taking medications, secondly, local procedures, and thirdly, these are actions that willaimed at strengthening the immune system. When the disease takes a dangerous turn, resort to surgical intervention.

The main thing to remember is that you should not take any action without a doctor's prescription. Do not take antibiotics for sinusitis without medical advice. Only a qualified specialist can determine the nature of the disease and, accordingly, prescribe the correct treatment.
Treatment of sinusitis in children is aimed primarily at removing the swelling of the mucous membrane and ensuring the outflow of the contents of the maxillary sinuses, and then it will be necessary to destroy the very cause of the disease.
If we talk about medicines that are used in the treatment of sinusitis in children, then we need to mention vasoconstrictors. These are drugs "Nazivin", "Naftizin", "Galazolin", "Rinazolin", "Sanorin" and so on. With their help, you can rid the nose of the child from the accumulated mucus. The main thing is not to get carried away with these drops and not to use them too often or for a long time. You can use aerosols or sprays of a similar effect.
The doctor usually prescribes drugs that have an antibacterial effect, as well as have analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects. These are, for example, such means as Protargol, Isofra, Collargol, Bioparox and others. The drug "Sinuforte" is also popular.

Some treatments can be done at home. For example, you can make cottonsticks soaked in propolis ointment. They need to be kept in the nose for five minutes. You can instill green tea or freshly squeezed carrot juice into your nose, as well as inhalation based on propolis tincture or just breathe over boiled potatoes in their uniforms.
Please note that the effect of the drops will only be if they are dripped correctly. There are some rules for this procedure.
It is necessary to put the child on the sofa or on the bed. First, lay the baby on its side. An adult should drip the medicine into the nostril that is located below. Then you should turn the child on the other side and again drip the medicine into the nostril, which is from below. Lie on each side for at least three minutes.
Qualified treatment of sinusitis in children is a necessary measure that will prevent unwanted complications.