Why papillomas appear: risk factors and treatment

Why papillomas appear: risk factors and treatment
Why papillomas appear: risk factors and treatment

Papillomas are benign neoplasms on the skin. Most often they are located on the neck, in the armpits, under the breasts and on the genitals. Why papillomas appear, few know. And few people think about how to get rid of them. The growth of papillomas is promoted by the corresponding human virus (HPV), which is present in 80% of people throughout the world. However, in those who have a sufficiently strong immune system, it does not manifest itself in any way, and people do not even suspect that they have one in their body.

what causes papillomas
what causes papillomas

The most common reasons why papillomas appear:

  • Decrease in immunity due to a protracted chronic disease, acute infection, surgery and other reasons.
  • The papilloma virus in women can be active during pregnancy. This is due to the fact that during this period not only immunity decreases, but also the hormonal background changes greatly. As a rule, HPV disappears immediately after childbirth.
  • In old age, the possibility of the appearance of papillomas increases significantly. This is due to ongoing changes in the body, its aging and weakening of protective functions,why papillomas appear.

This virus can be transmitted both sexually and in the household. It can take months from infection to onset. Factors that increase the risk of contracting HPV include:

how to remove papillomas
how to remove papillomas
  • Promiscuous intercourse, inconstancy in partners, unprotected intercourse.
  • Smoking, regular drinking, lack of a he althy lifestyle.
  • Close household contact with a person infected with or carrying the papilloma virus.
  • Infection of the child from the mother during natural childbirth.
  • Prolonged medication, stress.

This is an incomplete list of why papillomas appear. If you have already noticed their appearance on your body, then the infection has occurred, and it's time to treat it.

There are several methods to remove papillomas:

  • liquid nitrogen;
  • knife that emits radio waves;
  • laser;
  • using electrocoagulation.

All these methods are possible only with special equipment, and therefore you need to ask your doctor for an appointment. In most cases, along with the removal of the papilloma, material is taken for a special biopsy study for an oncological marker.

papilloma virus in women
papilloma virus in women

If we talk about chemical methods of getting rid of neoplasms on the skin, then Solkovagin or Solcoderm is most often used. Point methodapplying these ointments, the papilloma dries up and falls off by itself after a certain period of time. And in order to prevent the recurrence of its appearance, a person who has the papilloma virus needs to take vitamins and immunomodulating drugs. It is important to realize that a complete cure for HPV is impossible, the virus will still remain in the body. However, increased immunity and good he alth simply will not allow it to progress and manifest itself in the form of the formation of papillomas.
