Speech therapy room in a preschool educational institution - features, design recommendations and reviews

Speech therapy room in a preschool educational institution - features, design recommendations and reviews
Speech therapy room in a preschool educational institution - features, design recommendations and reviews

In preschool educational institutions for speech therapy classes, a separate room is allocated. But not everyone knows how to draw it up correctly, what documentation is mandatory. First of all, it is important to bring the premises provided for the speech therapy room in line with all sanitary and hygienic requirements. Another of the mandatory attributes is a sign on the door containing information about the name of the specialist, hours of admission. The speech therapy room should be aesthetically designed, but without unnecessary interior items, so as not to distract the attention of children in the classroom.

speech therapy room
speech therapy room


Zoning the classroom will increase the effectiveness of remedial classes. The following layout is considered optimal:

  • Zone for individual lessons. There, the speech therapist teaches each child individually. Of the mandatory equipment, this is a table, chairs, a wall mirror used to practice the correct sound pronunciation.
  • Area for group classes. It should be bigger, more spacious. It is important to have several desks, chairs, a blackboard andindividual mirrors.
  • Storage area of educational and methodical and didactic material. Corner for placing cabinets, tables, racks with various manuals, illustrations for classes, didactic game schemes, etc.
  • The workplace of a speech therapist is designed so that the teacher is comfortable working. Therefore, you need a desk, chair, computer (laptop), printer.
kindergarten speech therapy room
kindergarten speech therapy room

Passport of speech therapy room

When they check the work of a specialist, they pay attention not only to the quality of the classes, but also to how the workplace is designed. Also one of the evaluation criteria is the ability to maintain documentation. One of the required papers is the passport of the speech therapy room according to the Federal State Educational Standard. What should be noted in it?

  • Rules for using the account.
  • Equipment.
  • Documentation.
  • Teaching aids.
  • The subject-developing environment.

Terms of use

  • Wet cleaning of the room should be done every day.
  • The office needs to be aired regularly.
  • Before each use, as well as after class, speech therapy probes and spatulas are treated with medical alcohol.
  • At the end of the working day, you need to check if the windows are closed, if electrical appliances are turned off.
logopedic office passport
logopedic office passport


In order for the learning process to bring a positive result, a specialist must have everythingnecessary for work. Therefore, there is a list of the main equipment of a speech therapy room:

  1. Desks and chairs - they should be enough for all the children who are enrolled in classes. Furniture should be selected based on the growth of students.
  2. Stands for pencils, pens - this will help teach children to keep the workplace clean.
  3. The magnetic board is at the height of the students.
  4. Sufficient aid cabinets to keep books and material out of sight.
  5. Wall mirror for individual work - the optimal width is 50 cm, and a length of 100. It is best to place it near the window. But if this is not possible, you should place a mirror on any other wall, but with additional lighting.
  6. Individual mirrors, the size of which is 9 x 12 cm, in an amount corresponding to the number of children. Used during group classes.
  7. Table near the wall mirror, chairs for speech therapist and child to conduct individual lessons. In addition to additional, local lighting is used.
  8. Set of speech therapy probes.
  9. Ethyl alcohol, cotton wool, bandage for processing tools.
  10. Flannelgraph, a set of figurines and pictures.
  11. Easel.
  12. Cut alphabet.
  13. Visual material for the examination of the speech development of children, arranged in envelopes and stored in a special box.
  14. Illustrations of speech development, systematized by lexical topics.
  15. Teaching aids, consisting of: symbol cards, cards withindividual lessons, albums for correcting sound pronunciation.
  16. Speech games, various lottos.
  17. Educational literature.
  18. Towel, soap, wet wipes.
speech therapy room equipment
speech therapy room equipment

Tasks solved in the speech therapy room

All of the above equipment is necessary to create optimal conditions in the classroom and help implement the following tasks:

  • comprehensive examination of children for psychomotor, speech development;
  • drawing up individual correctional programs and a long-term development plan for each student;
  • consulting, individual, subgroup, group lessons.

Standardization of the educational process in the form of GEF norms allows achieving good results. They list the necessary requirements for registration of a speech therapy room.


The administration of the educational institution periodically carries out a verification analysis of the work of a specialist. The workflow of a speech therapist deserves special attention. The documents reflect the basics of correctional programs, work plans, reports. This allows you to see the dynamics in learning, to get acquainted with the composition of children attending speech therapy classes. The range of required documents for a speech therapist includes:

  1. Prospective plan for working with children for the school year.
  2. Calendar planning of training sessions.
  3. Voice card for each child with additional documents: referral to PMPK,certificate from the pediatrician of the polyclinic, certificates from other specialists (ENT, ophthalmologist, neuropathologist, psychiatrist), reference from the kindergarten teacher (if the child attended it).
  4. Notebook for individual work with children.
  5. Speech therapy schedule.
  6. Plan to prepare the cabinet for the new academic year.
  7. Teacher self-education plan for the academic year.
  8. Instructions for safety and labor protection.
  9. Recording records of attendance, consultations, primary diagnostics, conclusions of the PMPK, recording the movements of children in the speech therapy group.
  10. Questionnaires for parents.
speech therapy room
speech therapy room

What you need for a speech development survey

Every speech therapist knows how to determine the level of speech development of a child. To do this, the specialist must have all the necessary equipment. To consider all aspects of speech development, you will need:

  • Material for the examination of intelligence, in order to properly build corrective work, you need to determine the intellectual level of the child. This will help to correctly plan the work for the school year.
  • Materials for the examination of all aspects of speech development. These components include: phonetics, vocabulary, grammar, connected speech.

Content Development Environment

What is meant by this concept in a speech therapy room in a preschool educational institution? This is the creation of the necessary conditions for speech development. Therefore, in the speech therapist's office there are all the necessary didactic games, visualmaterials for:

  • development of higher mental functions;
  • motor improvement;
  • honing the sound pronunciation;
  • formation of phonemic hearing and sound analysis;
  • preparing for school; vocabulary formation (impressive and expressive): subject pictures on various lexical topics, word formation tasks, pictures for the selection of antonyms and synonyms, plot pictures;
  • formation of coherent speech, its grammatical side.
speech therapy room at preschool
speech therapy room at preschool

Speech therapist's school office

Requirements for the workplace of a specialist are the same as for preschool institutions. The speech therapy room at the school is being equipped in accordance with safety requirements and sanitary and epidemiological standards. Also, a speech therapist teacher should have similar documentation, materials for examining speech development and a subject-developing environment.


The equipment of the speech therapist's workplace is slightly different from the preschool. This is due to the fact that the specifics of the work are slightly different: after all, other educational tasks are already set for school-age children:

  1. Desks, chairs according to the number of students.
  2. Blackboard - located at the height of the first grade students. It is desirable that there is a line on part of the board.
  3. Cabinets for educational literature and didactic aids, visual material.
  4. Wall and individual mirrors. The size and location requirements aresame as in kindergarten.
  5. Set of speech therapy probes, spatulas, accessories for their processing.
  6. A set of filmstrips with films, cartoons and other materials for the development of speech, acquaintance with the outside world and mathematical concepts.
  7. Screen to show movies, which should be folded over the blackboard when not in use.
  8. Wall cash register of letters and syllabary table.
  9. Individual cash registers of letters and syllables for each student, sound analysis schemes.
  10. A table with lowercase and uppercase letters above the board.
  11. Visual and illustrative material for examination, conducting classes.
  12. Sets of colored pens for each child.
  13. Didactic games.
speech therapy room at school
speech therapy room at school

As you can see, the design of the school office is a little different from the preschool. It is undesirable to hang a lot of pictures or toys on the walls - nothing should distract children from the educational process. You can make stands on which the rules of beautiful speech, stages of speech development will be written.

Minimalism is welcomed in the choice of style for a speech therapy room of a kindergarten or school. You can put several indoor plants. It is equally important to keep the workplace clean so that the office looks neat. All items, cabinets and drawers must be labeled, from which it will be clear what material is stored there. Also in the speech therapy room, it is necessary to have a first-aid kit to provide the firsthelp.

In order to properly arrange an office, a speech therapist should familiarize himself with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard. Then comfortable conditions will be created for conducting classes and activities of a specialist.
