The topic of the need and usefulness of preventive vaccinations has already been raised many times. Starting in the maternity hospital, they are designed to protect the child, and then the adult, from dangerous and deadly diseases. To them, with the help of vaccination, in most cases lifelong immunity is developed.
Of course, a vaccination will not completely protect a person from the possibility of a disease. But if a microbe enters the human body, the immune system, which already “knows” this infection, will actively fight it. This greatly facilitates the course of the disease, making it non-life-threatening.

Vaccinations administered to a person are recorded in two established forms of the main medical records. This is a vaccination card - form 063 / y and a vaccination certificate - form 156 / y-93. Both documents, when properly completed, have equal force and significance.
Vaccination history of a person
Barely born, the baby, in the absence of contraindications, receivesthe first vaccinations against tuberculosis and hepatitis B. Upon discharge from the maternity hospital, this information is transferred to the district children's clinic, where the child will be observed. A special card is set up in her vaccination room, where information about further vaccinations will be entered.
While the child does not attend a pre-school institution, vaccination is carried out in the clinic. When a baby is placed in a kindergarten in a polyclinic, a preschool-school medical record card (form 030 / y) is issued. It has a section on vaccinations. Further vaccination is recorded already in this card.

Communication with the polyclinic is supported by a doctor and a nurse from a kindergarten or school. Among other things, their duties include the transfer of data on vaccinations carried out in the medical offices of a kindergarten or school. From form 030 / y, the information is duplicated in the vaccination card. Further, the documents are transferred to the teenage office, then to the district adult polyclinic.
In addition to the school medical card, information about preventive vaccinations is duplicated in the record card of the district antenatal clinic (for girls) and the district military registration and enlistment office (for boys). As for the documents kept by the person himself, several decades ago another form of accounting for vaccination appeared - a vaccination certificate. This vaccination history is kept in medical facilities.

Form 156/y-93
Many people are still wondering: “What is a vaccination certificate? Where to get it? What is he forneeded? From the moment of approval, it is issued to each child who first visited the vaccination room of the clinic. And it already contains data on prevention from the hospital. In the future, with each vaccination, the parents of the child should bring it and enter new information.
Standard form 156/y-93 has a passport part and pages with tables containing information about the state of the human immune system. In addition to the last name, first name, patronymic and address, there is a column on the blood type and Rh factor in the passport part. On this page, the corner stamp of the medical institution that issued the certificate and its official seal are affixed.
On the other pages, in the appropriate columns, information about vaccinations and reactions to them is entered. Data are entered on the transferred infectious diseases and on the conducted studies of the intensity of the immune system. Injected immunoglobulins are noted. Information about the Mantoux reaction is entered. There are sections for flu shots and other infections. Only medical professionals are eligible to fill out a vaccination certificate. Each entry is certified by the signature of the doctor and the seal of the medical institution (“triangle” - “For certificates and sheets of temporary disability”). Despite the fact that the certificate of vaccination is a relatively young phenomenon, many adults also have it. First of all, this is connected with the labor activity of a person. Quite a few speci alties require a certain stateemployee he alth, immunity to dangerous infections. Issuing a medical book, a mandatory document in the list provided for employment in industries with restrictions on existing immunity, will not present any difficulties if there is such a certificate. Having once issued a document and knowing where the vaccination certificate is stored, any adult can no longer worry about employment issues, issuing he alth resort cards, certificates for playing sports and other permits. But the main thing is that the presence of a correctly issued certificate is a guarantee that the vaccination has been carried out, and there will be no re-introduction of vaccinations already done. On the very first page there is an excerpt from the "Certificate Completion Rules". Following them, the he alth worker will make a reliable copy of the person's vaccination history. The certificate itself has the same legal force as the vaccination card that is stored in a medical institution. Based on the certificate, other permits or certificates may be issued. But despite the individual nominal affiliation, which the vaccination certificate has, the owner's photo is not pasted into it. This rule also works for issuing a certificate of preventive vaccinations. Upon reaching the age of majority, a person is transferred to an adult clinic. Accounting children'soutpatient and vaccination cards are transferred to the archive of the children's polyclinic. Quite often, school graduates temporarily or permanently change their place of residence - the reason for this is admission to an educational institution, employment, etc. And information about professional vaccinations is at a considerable distance from a person. Therefore, it is recommended to issue a vaccination certificate before leaving the children's clinic, where you can take, if necessary, all reliable information about the vaccination. Otherwise, you will need to request a vaccination card from the archive. In this case, the issuance of a certificate may take some time. And this can result in an overdue ticket, the inability to start work and other negative consequences. How to restore a vaccination certificate in case of loss? You will have to contact a children's clinic or other medical institution (department) where all the data on vaccinations are available. The recovery process will be easier if, after the initial issuance of the certificate, you make a certified copy of it. In this case, it is not necessary to contact a notary public. Such a copy can be certified by a specialist in the personnel department of the place of work or an administrative officer of the medical institution that issued the certificate. By contacting your former children's clinic with a request for registrationdocument, you may encounter the problem of the lack of the form itself for such a service. Such an obstacle can be easily de alt with if you purchase it in advance at the nearest medical center or print out a vaccination certificate, a sample of which is presented in the article below. Anyone will only have to enter their data into it. Sometimes you need to urgently get a vaccination certificate. Where to buy a document of form 156 / y-93? Can you get it illegally? It is worth saying that such a fraud can cost dearly not only to those who received the document fraudulently, but also to their close people. To prevent catastrophic situations, it is enough to take care of the paperwork in advance. If the employer requires you to hand over the vaccination certificate along with other documents when applying for a job, then it is recommended to make a copy in the personnel department, immediately certify it and give it back, as well as a copy of the diploma of education and copies of other documents constantly kept by them owner.
Vaccination information for adults
General requirements for form 156/y-93
It will be easier if everything is done in advance
If lost or worn out
An unexpected obstacle
Helpful tips