Blood affects many components of our he alth. It is responsible for saturating the body with oxygen, transporting CO2, hormones, other nutrients and enzymes; supports immunity, controls the heat balance of internal organs. The functions of the blood are indispensable and extremely important. Depending on its condition, it affects the appearance, intellectual abilities and overall he alth of a person.

Slag content
The state of our blood depends on many factors. It is influenced by the lifestyle we lead (malnutrition, lack of physical activity, smoking, alcohol), the ecology of the surrounding area (exhaust gases, polluted water and air), the use of drugs, stress and other negative components of our life. All this leads to blood pollution with toxins, which have a detrimental effect on he alth. "Dirty" blood circulates in a closed system, passing throughout the body and through the main organs responsible for blood purification: heart, liver, kidneys. As a result, toxins, along with blood, wash the cells of internal organs, disrupting their work, sitting firmlythere. Now unhe althy blood flows through the body.
Blood purification
To normalize the functioning of the circulatory system and other affected systems, a necessary procedure is blood cleansing. Modern equipment and highly qualified specialists will help you safely, and most importantly, effectively carry out the transfusion. Plasmapheresis is the most effective method of "cleansing". In its process, part of the plasma contaminated with toxins and toxins (10 ml) is removed from the blood. It undergoes multiple filtration, after which it is returned to the body already purified.

To achieve the desired result, you should undergo 3-5 plasmapheresis procedures. After the 1st, toxins are removed from the blood. Sessions 2 and 3 allow you to purify the blood at the intercellular level. In other words, remove toxins from the cells of internal organs. Cleansing blood with plasmapheresis eliminates the possibility of infection with hepatitis. It also prevents HIV.
Purifying the blood from acne will help!
Problem facial skin can also be the result of slagging of the body. In this case, high-quality blood cleansing will help to find smooth, clean skin and give it a he althy look. With autohemotherapy, the doctor takes blood (from 1 to 10 mg) from the patient's vein and injects it into the gluteal muscle. This therapy is carried out every 10 days. According to statistics, 80% of patients have a reduction in inflammation on the face. Avoid

complications or other side effects, it should be noted that plasmapheresis or other cleansing methodsused when other methods of solving the problem did not help. It is necessary to consult with specialists in matters of diagnosis and identification of contraindications to blood purification.
Folk remedies
If you don't trust doctors, then blood cleansing can be done on your own. To do this, it is enough to visit the bathhouse, use various baths to sweat well and remove toxins. Whatever method you choose, remember that in order to maintain the result, it is important to lead a he althy lifestyle, drink more water, well-cleansing juices (beetroot, apple), eat more fruits and vegetables, exercise, breathe fresh air and enjoy life. Then everything will work out!