It's no secret that some berries can trigger an allergic reaction in people. Unfortunately, strawberries are no exception in this sense. It would seem, well, what harm can this visually refined and beautiful goodness bring? On the contrary, you can read many articles on the Internet about the beneficial properties of the red berry. It rejuvenates the skin, and slows down the aging process, and removes toxins from the body, and strengthens the immune system. And all because the berry contains an unimaginable amount of vitamins, antioxidants and minerals. But it is the allergy to strawberries that is that fly in the ointment in a barrel of honey. One way or another, but not all people are destined to enjoy the surprisingly sweet taste of this "romantic" berry.
It should be noted that strawberry allergy is quite common. It is likely that in the future it will be hereditary.

At the slightest suspicion that you have an allergy to strawberries, you should immediately seek help from a specialist. Only he can accurately prove or disprove your concerns, and you do not need to try to do it yourself. And yet, why is the hugehow many people complain about being allergic to strawberries? The reason lies in the pollen that the berry accumulates during the ripening period.
Curious fact
Surely few people know that in most cases the above problem occurs in those who have eaten a berry picked a few hours ago. Doctors have proved the fact that if you eat fresh strawberries (just picked from the garden), then the risk of an allergic reaction is significantly reduced. The thing is that "fresh" and "stale" berries differ in their chemical composition.
So many people are allergic to strawberries.

Symptoms of this disease can be very diverse. In particular, sneezing or a runny nose may appear, body temperature rises, the skin begins to itch, a red rash forms on it, pain occurs in the abdomen, which turn into vomiting and diarrhea, tears begin to flow from the eyes. An asthmatic attack and edema are also possible, and in complicated forms, eczema and anaphylactic shock are not excluded. This is how a strawberry allergy manifests itself. What to do in this case? It is far from always possible to consult a doctor with the above problem. Do you have an allergy to strawberries? Are there symptoms? Then use antihistamines to alleviate the situation, and then go to the doctor as soon as possible.
Things to remember?
Of course, a lot of inconvenience carries an allergy to strawberries. A photothe patient is another confirmation of this. Red rash, tearing and swelling do not adorn anyone. At the same time, many fearfully wait for the night to come, because it is during this period of time that a person develops the strongest itching.

All this negatively affects the psychological state of the patient. It begins to seem to him that no one is able to alleviate his suffering, despite the fact that a huge number of doctors say that through combined treatment, the chances of getting rid of the disease are quite high.
This is by no means a small threat posed by an allergy to strawberries. Photos of people suffering from this disease convince of this fair conclusion.
Diagnostic features
The traditional method of diagnosing the problem in question is a simple blood test. In the laboratory, you can easily determine the amount of special antibodies (immunoglobulins IgG and IgE). In complicated forms of the disease, the concentration of the above antibodies will be increased. This method of diagnosis is considered the most accurate and safe compared to skin tests.
For whom else is strawberry taboo?
Sweet berry should not be eaten by those who suffer from stomach ulcers or gastritis, as small bones are very irritating to the mucous membrane.

Strawberries are also not recommended for those who have joint pain.
Are there ways to defeat the above ailment? How to helpa person who is allergic to strawberries? Treatment is based on the use of prescription antihistamines.
Of course, it will not be possible to get rid of the disease by 100%, but it is quite possible to minimize its consequences. In addition to anti-allergic drugs, depending on the nature of the disease, the specialist also prescribes nasal sprays, corticosteroids. If an allergy caused an asthmatic attack, then you can not do without an inhaler. With complicated forms of allergies, in some cases, hospitalization is necessary.
And if you really want to?
Surely a person who is prone to the above disease should always refuse strawberries? This is not entirely true. If an adult is diagnosed with an allergy to strawberries, but he really wants to enjoy this delicious berry, then you can use it in the form of compote or jam. The fact is that after the heat treatment of strawberries, the enzymes that provoke the occurrence of an allergic reaction are destroyed, which means that in canned form it is absolutely harmless and, on the contrary, useful.

Some accustom their body to the berry by eating it mashed with sugar or frozen. Naturally, the dosage should be minimal. By eating 1-2 berries a day, a person adapts his body to strawberries, so the risk of an allergic reaction in this case is significantly reduced.
Berry for kids
Every year the first month of summer pleases us with delicious strawberries, and every mother wants to treat her babythis delicious dessert. However, do not rush into this, as pediatricians say that strawberry allergy in infants is not so rare. To minimize this risk, experts do not recommend giving the berry to toddlers who are under one year old.
There is a primary allergy when a baby first sees and tastes a berry. There is also a secondary allergy, when a child eats strawberries more than expected, and an excess of histamine appears in his body, which is the cause of a red rash, swelling, and urticaria. It is in this form that an allergy to strawberries in babies manifests itself. Naturally, at the slightest suspicion of the above symptoms, you should immediately contact a specialist.

First of all, swelling and rashes on the skin should cause anxiety - all this can lead to complications and lead to serious he alth consequences. It is urgent to exclude strawberries from the baby's diet and use antihistamines prescribed by the doctor.
If you are a passionate lover of strawberries, but deny yourself this dessert because you are afraid of an allergic reaction, then you can check whether your fears are justified. Testing is carried out by allergists. The analysis is quite simple: a small area of skin is scratched with a strawberry allergen using a needle. With a positive result, the treated area will soon begin to itch and turn red, and after a quarter of an hour it maya small swelling will form.

If the above symptoms do not occur, then you can be absolutely calm - you are not allergic to strawberries, and you can eat it as much as you like.
Don't think that allergies are a death sentence. Remember that the most histamine in red berries. This means that in white, yellow and golden strawberries, its level is very low. Yes, breeders have already bred an allergenic strawberry variety called Strawberry Pineapple. You can also reduce the effect of histamine if you eat berries along with fermented milk products. So everyone will soon be able to enjoy delicious berries without fear for their precious he alth..