Causes and stages of CRF

Causes and stages of CRF
Causes and stages of CRF

Chronic renal failure is a violation of kidney function for at least 3 months. The main cause of this disease is the death of nephrons and the accumulation of toxins such as urea, creatinine and uric acid. First, let's look at the causes, and then the stages of CRF.

1. Chronic glomerulonephritis, pyelonephritis.

2. Kidney damage caused by diabetes, hypertension, hepatitis B and C, gout, or malaria.

stages of CKD
stages of CKD

3. Reaction to drugs and toxic substances.

4. Bladder problems.

Now let's look at the stages of CRF.

There are several classifications of this disease, but we will consider only one of them, according to Lopatkin.

The following stages of chronic renal failure are distinguished by creatinine (more precisely, by its content in the blood):

  1. 1 stage is called latent. Creatinine is not much more than normal: 1.6 mg / dl at a rate of 1.2. CRF (stage 1) occurs without symptoms. This reduces the synthesis of ammonia, the osmolarity of urine. As for the renogram, it changes insignificantly. Most often, the disease is detected by chance during the examination.
  2. 2-A stage is called polyuric orcompensated. Creatinine is already 2.7 mg/dl. Compensation occurs due to the liver and other organs. At this stage, symptoms already appear: weakness, especially in the morning, thirst and a slight decrease in body temperature. The renogram is flat.
  3. stages of CKD according to creatinine
    stages of CKD according to creatinine

    Significantly reduced glomerular filtration and osmolarity. The next stages of CRF are more complicated and pronounced.

  4. 2-B stage is called intermittent. Blood creatinine is already increased significantly - 4.5 mg / dl. The amount of urine increases and its pH is alkaline. As for urea, it is increased by 2 times. The amount of calcium and potassium decreases. The signs of this stage are as follows: weakness, impaired reflexes, muscle twitches and convulsions appear, dry skin, severe anemia and arterial hypertension. Also, a person who has stage 2-B CRF feels sick, sometimes even vomits, he suffers from anorexia, constipation, hiccups and bloating.
  5. 3 stage is called terminal. It is characterized by a sleep disturbance, a mental state, the skin begins to itch, convulsions are clearly expressed. Significantly increased creatinine, urea and residual nitrogen.

We have listed the stages of CRF according to Lopatkin. As you can see, with each stage, the condition worsens significantly, so you need to see a doctor at the first symptoms. Now let's look at what needs to be done at each stage of CRF:

chpn stage 1
chpn stage 1
  1. The first stage. Treatment is as follows: they stop the exacerbation of inflammatory processes in the kidneys. Therebykidney failure decreases.
  2. Second stage. In addition to the treatment described above, the rate of progression of renal failure is assessed. The patient is prescribed medicines mainly of plant origin to slow down the rate.
  3. Third stage. Use the same treatment as in the 2nd stage, and also correct arterial hypertension, anemia and other complications. With significant violations, the patient is given a kidney transplant.

All stages of CRF involve food restrictions. Basically, the patient is prescribed a low-protein diet with a small amount of animal proteins, phosphorus and sodium. Try to monitor your he alth, because if you detect CRF in time, you will be able to recover in a short time and feel great.
