The disease, popularly called influenza, has many variants of origin and manifestation. For example, there are such types of it as swine, bird, stomach flu. Symptoms, signs and treatment of the latter will be discussed in this article.

It should be noted that not all influenza-like diseases are correctly called "flu". The so-called stomach or intestinal flu is one of them: it is caused by rotavirus. Basically, this disease is transmitted by the alimentary route, but it can also be transmitted by airborne droplets, for example, when coughing or sneezing. It is important for those who like to visit swimming pools to know that this virus is not affected by chlorine, and can also live for a long time at low temperatures. In addition, rotavirus can be "picked up" from meat or dairy products.
Risk groups

See your doctor right away if you suspect you have the stomach flu. Its symptoms can be very different, they will be discussed further. It is much more important to find out where you can get this disease.
Many doctors classify rotavirus as a so-called "dirty hand disease". This means that most people getinfection as a result of non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene. That is why children are the main category of patients. Even well-mannered and closely supervised babies often put dirty hands in their mouths, and infection enters the body. Rotavirus tends to spread quickly, which can lead to serious complications given children's immature bodies and weak immune systems.
Pregnant women, people of retirement age and people who have weakened immunity due to chronic diseases can also become infected. The main measures for the prevention of influenza caused by rotavirus are the observance of sanitary and hygienic standards. There are also two vaccines in clinical trials.
How to identify rotavirus?
Rotavirus most often occurs in the form of epidemics, much less often it affects one person. Increased activity of the virus was noted in the cold season, from November to April. First of all, the infection acts on the intestinal mucosa, after which the person begins to feel unwell. The incubation period of the disease is about 1-5 days.

Signs of disease
You need to take action as soon as the doctor has diagnosed "stomach flu". Its symptoms can be as follows: headache, nausea, fever, diarrhea, discomfort and pain in the abdomen, loss of appetite. In addition, gray-yellow loose stools may appear. A person goes to the toilet up to ten times a daydiagnosis of stomach flu. The symptoms are slightly different in children. Lethargy and vomiting are added to those described, in addition, the child begins to act up.
Treatment of disease caused by rotavirus
An important place in the treatment of the patient is the drug "Viferon". It cleanses the body of a harmful infection as much as possible, and also helps in restoring the immune system. In no case should the patient be given dairy, s alty and fatty foods. The diet should include cereals (rice and oatmeal), broth, jelly, and boiled fish. Proper nutrition contributes to recovery, as well as drinking plenty of water. However, with the diagnosis of "stomach flu", treatment cannot be limited to the listed measures. Be sure to call a doctor, especially if the child is sick.