Today we often hear about such a disease as pneumonia. Symptoms in children are different from symptoms in adults. But do not forget that pneumonia (also called pneumonia) is the name of the inflammatory process, characterized by its etiological, pathogenetic, therapeutic features. Therefore, in this article you will learn what factors cause pneumonia, symptoms in children, and what folk remedies will help to cope with this disease.
Causes of disease
Children are known to get pneumonia much more often than adults.

And depending on the age of the child, the causative agents of this infection may vary. For example, chlamydia, E. coli, staphylococcus, pneumococcus andHaemophilus influenzae can be the causative agent of pneumonia in both one-month-old and six-month-old babies. In older children (up to six years old), mycoplasmas, chlamydia, pneumococci, Haemophilus influenzae can cause inflammation.
Inflammation of the lungs. Symptoms in children
If there is an infection in the body, the child will show the following signs:
- increase in temperature (more than 38o) for several days (three or more);
- the presence of shortness of breath (rapid breathing) - depending on age, this can be 40-60 breaths / exhalations in one minute;
- retracted skin between the ribs (usually on the side where the diseased lung is).
As for mycoplasma and chlamydial pneumonia, they can begin with a runny nose, cough, sneezing and sore throat. But these are symptoms of the common cold. Therefore, shortness of breath in combination with high fever is considered the main distinguishing feature of pneumonia.
How to care for someone with pneumonia
In order to cope with pneumonia, you need to follow these guidelines.

- The environment should be calm and comfortable.
- Include as many fruits and vegetables as possible in your child's diet.
- High-calorie and at the same time easily digestible food is what a child needs during the treatment period.
- Give the patient plenty of fluids (about 1.5 liters of fluid per day) to prevent dehydration.
- Refer todoctor. After all, the correct treatment of pneumonia will prevent possible complications.
- Perhaps the doctor will advise physical therapy, massage, physical activity.
Inflammation of the lungs. Treatment with folk remedies
In order to cure pneumonia, you first need to visit a doctor. If a diagnosis of pneumonia is made, the symptoms in children correspond to those previously listed, then treatment should be started urgently.

- You can prepare a pine decoction and make an inhalation. For this, pine buds (1 teaspoon) are poured with water (100 ml) and heated over a fire. Then we take a sheet of drawing paper and make something like a funnel. We take 80 to 100 breaths.
- Decoction of oats is suitable for those who suffer from severe pneumonia. You will need 1 liter of milk, which you need to pour washed oats with husks. Boil the broth for about 1 hour. Then we filter and drink a hot decoction before going to bed, adding oil or honey.
- Verbena officinalis can also be used to treat pneumonia. 1 teaspoon of dried leaves is poured with boiling water (200 ml). We insist the broth for about an hour and filter. Divide into 3 parts and drink throughout the day.
Do not forget that the treatment of pneumonia with folk remedies will be more effective if you also follow the doctor's recommendations.