The role of the pancreas in the proper functioning of the body is extremely large, but people who do not have a special medical education understand its significance only if they directly encounter violations of its functions. Only then will they know exactly why the pancreas is needed, where it is located and how it hurts. It seems to be better to get basic knowledge about the functioning of this organ and possible diseases - and most importantly, about their prevention - in advance.
Purpose of the gland
The pancreas, among other organs, is part of the human digestive tract. The name of this gland indicates that it is located under the stomach, but this is judging by when a person is in a prone position. In a standing position, it is rather behind the stomach, in the left hypochondrium, above the navel. Its structure is such that three sections are distinguished in it: the head, body and tail. It is not the largest organ. In an adult, it reaches a length of 15-20 cm, and width and thickness -at least 3 cm. Many lobules that make up the pancreas, in turn, are built from two types of cells.

Some of them - and most of them - have ducts and secrete pancreatic juice, while others do not have ducts and produce hormones, mainly insulin and glucagon, that affect blood sugar levels. That is, this organ combines tasks, simultaneously participating in digestion and performing endocrine functions. Digestive function is carried out through the production of enzymes: amylase converts complex carbohydrates into glucose, trypsin breaks down protein, lipase breaks down fats. These enzymes begin to work only when they enter the intestines, but they are not active in the gland itself, otherwise the organ would begin to digest itself. As you can see, although the process of digestion begins in the oral cavity, it is the pancreas that is responsible for the successful breakdown and absorption of essential nutrients by the body. Where this organ is located and how it hurts is therefore simply necessary to know, especially since, in general, iron has a tremendous impact on metabolism.

Characteristic pathologies of the pancreas
There are a number of diseases that affect the pancreas. The reasons for this are mainly inadequate and irregular nutrition, stress and bad habits, as well as genetic predisposition. Most often, pancreatitis is diagnosed - acute or chronic, diabetes mellitus, malignant tumors. Less common and much more difficulta disease such as a pancreatic cyst is recognized, the symptoms and treatment of which will be discussed in detail below.

This disease is characterized by the fact that cavities are formed inside the pancreas or on its surface - sacs that are filled with liquid. These sacs can, increasing in size, compress other organs. In case of suppuration or rupture of the cyst, the consequences can be even more serious, even fatal. Cysts can be located anywhere in the gland, from the head to the tail.

More about cysts
All cysts according to their origin can be divided into two types: there are true cysts, and there are pseudocysts. True cysts, in turn, can be congenital, post-traumatic, result from a violation of the patency of the pancreatic duct, parasitic (when infected with echinococcus from domestic animals or opisthorchiasis from river fish), neoplastic. The latter arise as a result of tumor processes. Pseudocysts, or false cysts, are usually the result of previous pancreatitis or trauma. At the same time, true cysts are lined with epithelium inside, unlike false ones.
It is possible to diagnose a cyst on the pancreas during an external examination if it has reached a sufficiently large size. You can accurately determine its presence using an ultrasound examination or computed tomography. The disease can proceed without any symptoms at all, especially whenthe cyst is congenital and small in size. Such cysts most often do not disturb their owner, and are discovered quite by accident.
Symptoms of disease
As for the signs that a cyst has formed on the pancreas, then usually a person is worried about pain in the hypochondrium - both left and right, as well as in the epigastric region. In this case, the pain can have a different character: dull and sharp, constant or paroxysmal, sometimes girdle, give to the back. In addition, a person loses weight, gets tired quickly, complains of digestive disorders. In general, if a pancreatic cyst has appeared, the symptoms and treatment directly depend on its size, on where exactly it is localized, and which organs are squeezed by it.

A cyst of the head of the pancreas, as a rule, leads to compression of the bile ducts, up to their complete blockade, and therefore jaundice often develops. With this localization of the cyst, it can be felt above the navel. A pancreatic tail cyst can be palpated in the left hypochondrium.
Treatment options for pancreatic cysts
As for treatment, in the case of small, asymptomatic single cysts, it may not be required. It will be enough to regularly monitor their growth and condition, as well as how they affect neighboring organs. If the cyst is large enough, more than 5 cm in diameter, or grows rapidly, or suppurates; if due to it there is an obstruction of the biliary tract or intestines, if a cyst has ruptured -surgery is inevitable. But really, the removal of a cyst is rarely carried out, only according to strict indications, when it comes to the life of the patient, since this is technically an extremely complex and responsible process, requiring a certain experience and competence of the surgeon. Such an operation is performed if the cyst is very large, or its malignant degeneration is detected.
In the medical environment, the pancreas is known as one of the most complex and unpredictable organs. If a pancreatic cyst is diagnosed, the operation is further complicated by the peculiarities of its location. It is located behind the stomach, and even in close proximity to many vital organs. In addition, the tissue of the organ itself is very fragile, it is difficult to suture it. Operations on the pancreas are fraught with dangerous complications.
Methods of surgical intervention in case of cysts
More often they do not remove the cyst, but drain it, that is, empty it - internally or through the skin, using a thin needle. After the cyst cavity has been emptied, sometimes repeatedly, there are prerequisites for this neoplasm to be replaced by connective tissue. With large cysts, this procedure will not help, and is used as a preparatory stage for surgery. If the cavity of the cyst is connected to the duct of the gland - and this is determined by puncture, then with the help of a special thin tube it is connected either to the stomach, if the cyst is located in the caudal region of the pancreas, or to the duodenum, if the place of its dislocation is the head of the gland. If notthe message of the cyst and the duct of the gland was confirmed, then a special substance is injected into the capsule of the cyst, causing the closure of its walls. If the cyst is located in the tail of the organ, then it is also possible to excise it.
In general, in the case of such a disease as a pancreatic cyst, the prognosis for complete healing is quite favorable even with surgery, provided that this pathology is not very advanced. It is clear how important the timely diagnosis of any neoplasm and the determination of its nature is.
Alternative treatments
Practically every disease that can affect the human body is treated in one way or another not only by the possibilities of traditional medicine, but also by methods of folk medicine. This can be treated differently. You should not completely give preference to one of these directions, completely ignoring the other. But nature tells a person many ways to alleviate the condition in case of illness. She did not ignore such a disease as a pancreatic cyst. Symptoms and treatment - all this is described by folk healers. Perhaps it would not be superfluous to listen to some recipes, especially since even traditional medicine does not find contraindications to their use - there will definitely be no harm.

So, what are the recipes for alternative treatment of pancreatic cysts? First of all, these are herbal preparations. Herbal natural remedies are, perhaps, the main thing on which alternative medicine stands. In case of cystsit is proposed to use a mixture of calendula flowers, yarrow herb and celandine for a month. You should be especially careful with celandine - its overdose can lead to poisoning. The components are mixed in equal amounts, a teaspoon of the collection is poured with a mug of boiling water, insisted in heat for about an hour. It is necessary to drink the infusion before meals, in small portions of about a quarter of a glass, drinking 200-250 ml per day. This tea has a choleretic, anti-inflammatory and wound healing effect.
Even for the treatment of cysts on the pancreas, it is recommended to use herbs such as tansy, immortelle, plantain, St. John's wort, chamomile, aloe and others. Some sources mention the leaves of lingonberries, blueberries, strawberries, currants.
Shilajit and other remedies
This natural mineral-organic product is famous for its absorbable and healing qualities. It is not excluded its use in the case of such a problem as the formation of a cyst on the pancreas. It is proposed to dissolve a piece of mummy the size of a match head within two weeks.
It is useful in case of any pathologies of the pancreas, including the appearance of a cyst, to drink warm alkaline mineral water. Despite the help of natural remedies, a pancreatic cyst, its symptoms and treatment, in order to avoid possible complications, should be regularly monitored by a doctor.

In order to avoid problems with such an organ as the pancreas, first of all, it is necessary to abandon harmfulhabits - alcohol and smoking. It is necessary to take all possible measures to reduce the burden on this body. And this implies adherence to a diet, the requirements of which are quite standard: fatty, fried and spicy, smoked and pickled foods are excluded. In case of violation of the functions of the pancreas, legumes, as well as foods rich in coarse fiber, such as cabbage, radish, radish, and some fruits will not be useful.