Three ways: how to remove lenses with long nails

Three ways: how to remove lenses with long nails
Three ways: how to remove lenses with long nails

Many people prefer to wear lenses, especially young girls. Lenses can be designed not only to eliminate vision problems, but also to change the color of the eyes, the size of the pupil. There are times when girls have problems with removing lenses, as nails interfere: their own or extensions. Further in the article, you can learn more about ways to remove lenses with long nails.

how to remove contact lenses with long nails
how to remove contact lenses with long nails

Preparatory procedures

Those who do not know how to pull out the lens with long nails, you need to adhere to certain conditions.

The first thing to do is to prepare a special lens container in advance. Such a container is first washed with a solution intended for this, then you need to give time for everything to dry thoroughly, and if there is no time at all, you can wipe everything dry with a paper towel.

The second important condition is to wash your hands and nails, as hygiene should be above all else. Soap should not contain creams, lotions, any fragrances. The proper washing technique is as follows:

  • soap your palms on both sides;
  • further process the skin between the fingers;
  • special attention should be paid to the nails, they must be washed thoroughly from all sides.

After washing, dry your hands with a paper towel to prevent any particles from getting in. If some condition is violated, there is a high probability of damaging the lens along with the cornea, or causing dryness and irritation.

The next stage of preparation will be the removal of makeup from the eyes and the area around the eyes. This solution will prevent cosmetics from getting into your eyes and lenses.

An equally important condition will be a ban on smoking, at least before the removal. Particles emitted during smoking pose a risk of contact with the eyes. Experts advise taking off optical products in a sitting position at a table.

how to remove lenses with a long manicure
how to remove lenses with a long manicure

How to remove lenses with a long manicure

Among the lenses are soft contact lenses (MKL) and hard (LCD). For owners of long nails, when removing, you need to be extremely careful, especially with CL, which are particularly fragile.

Retrieve soft lenses with tweezers

There are several ways to get soft lenses:

  1. Tweezers.
  2. Pinch method.
  3. Closing the eyelids.
how to remove lenses with a long manicure
how to remove lenses with a long manicure

In the first case, to remove lenses with long nails, you need to move the lower eyelid with your fingers to such an extent until the edge of the lens appears. Next, with the help of tweezers, the lens is carefully pry off.and pulled out.

Pinch method

The second way to remove lenses with long nails involves spreading the eyelids with two fingers of one hand. One finger touches the upper eyelid in the middle of the lash line, and the other touches the lower eyelid. The eyelids naturally move up and down, and as soon as the edges of the lens become visible, pinch them with the fingers of the other hand so that the edges come closer to each other (as if folded in half).

To prevent long nails from causing harm, you need to keep your fingers parallel to the eye, and reach with your fingertips.

Closing eyelids option

The last third way to remove lenses with long nails involves fixing the eyelids. One finger should touch the upper eyelid in the middle of the growth of the eyelashes, and the other finger should be applied to the lower eyelid. After that, you need to bring them together. This process is done gently with your fingers, directing the eyelids to the desired position. During such movements, soft lenses fall out on their own.

When using this method, before starting work, you need to spread a napkin on the table in front of your face, then the lenses will fall straight onto it.

long nails and lenses
long nails and lenses

Be sure to put the lenses in a prepared container after removing the lenses and fill them with a special solution.

Hard lenses

As for hard lenses, they are worn at night. Basically, after using them in the morning, the eyes become dry. To prevent dryness, it is necessary to drip a couple of drops withmoisturizing effect on the cornea of the eye. Withdraw FCL after waking up after a certain time.

The most appropriate method of removing these lenses is to close the eyelids. This method can be slightly modified, instead of fixing the eyelids, do the following: press the outer corner of the eye with your finger, stretch the skin further and gradually move towards the temple. During this procedure, the eyelids constantly twitch and the lenses simply fall out on their own. This method is very convenient for girls with long nails, because during movement the nail is at a safe distance from the lens and cornea.

There is also a way to withdraw without any finger contact with the eyes. For this action, suction cups are used, they make it easier for girls with long nails. Before using the suction cup, wash it thoroughly with soap and water, then let it dry (or wipe it dry with a paper towel).

The suction cup is used according to this principle: the eye is opened with the help of fingers that touch the lash line on each eyelid. The eyelids must be moved apart so that the eyes are completely open, for this they are moved apart in opposite directions. When the eye is maximally open, the suction cup is inserted, it is done so that the tip of the suction cup touches the middle of the LCL. Then gently pull the suction cup outward and remove the lens from it. If it is not possible to carry out such a procedure the first time, then the suction cup must be disconnected and everything repeated again.
