Motherinka or oregano is a perennial plant with a pleasant aroma reminiscent of thyme. The plant is found almost throughout Europe, in Siberia and beyond. Origanum vulgaris always grows in dense dense bushes. It has a creeping dense rhizome. In one place, the plant can grow for more than thirty years, reaching an impressive size in width. The herb can be harvested up to three times a year, depending on the weather.
Features of the plant
The oregano has a straight stem with four sides. The leaves are arranged in pairs, oppositely on the petioles. They are oblong or oblong-ovoid with sparse glands. The flowers of the plant are small, collected in shields. Corollas light purple or pink, sometimes white. During flowering, the plant looks decorative. Oregano is a good honey plant, bees collect up to two hundred kilograms of honey per hectare of the plant.
After flowering, seeds are formed. They are small, brown or brown, up to a millimeter in diameter.

Useful properties of oregano are due to the chemical composition. In this plantcontains:
- essential oils;
- tannins;
- ascorbic acid.
The plant contains free alcohols, sesquiterpenes, carvacrol, thymol, geranyl acetate, vitamins, trace elements, phytoncides, flavonoids, bitterness.
Use in traditional medicine
Origanum vulgaris has many useful properties, for which it is widely used in medicine. It has a calming, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory effect. Helps to cope with helminthic invasions, and also acts as an excellent diuretic.
Origanum is able to increase intestinal tone, increasing peristalsis. It also stimulates the secretion of bile, digestive enzymes, improves appetite, tones the muscles of the uterus, and has a regulatory function on the menstrual cycle.

Infusions and decoctions are prepared from oregano for indigestion, poor appetite, for the treatment of enterocolitis. Medicines help her with flatulence, constipation. Shows good results in the treatment of JVP, with cholecystitis.
Oregano gives excellent results in the treatment of chronic and acute forms of bronchitis, with whooping cough, as it stimulates the secretion of the glands of the bronchial tree.
Origanum preparations help to cope with female pathologies. It is indicated for primary and secondary amenorrhea, algomenorrhea, depressed mood, insomnia, increased sexual excitability. Infusions are used for douching with whites, vaginal itching, colpitis.
In otolaryngology widely usedoregano ordinary. The medicinal properties of the plant help to cope with many ailments. Infusions are recommended for rhinitis, inhalations are made with herbs for sinusitis and tonsillitis, pharyngitis and laryngitis.
In folk medicine, oregano is used to treat pulmonary tuberculosis, convulsions, stroke, asthenia. The plant helps to cope with SARS. Oregano herb is used in the treatment of bronchial asthma, hepatitis, neuralgia, rheumatism.
Infusions are good for stomatitis, gingivitis. You can use the plant externally in the form of compresses for the treatment of dermatological pathologies, including boils, edema, eczema, abscesses.
Infusions are added to the bath and taken for the treatment of itchy rashes, with neurodermatitis, vitiligo, rickets, scrofula in children.
Hair wash with infusion relieves migraines, strengthens hair, preventing hair loss, and also treats insomnia, helps fight dandruff.
In homeopathy and urology, the plant is used to treat hysteria, nymphomania, erotomania.
Grass helps a lot in everyday life: it is used against moths.
Healing properties of oregano work well not only as an independent drug, but also in collections. In this form, the plant is used to treat the following pathologies:
- Bronchitis.
- Cough of various etiologies.
- When nervous excitability.
- To improve sleep quality.
- In case of inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
- For insomnia.

How to harvestraw materials
Harvesting of oregano is carried out at the beginning of flowering - from July to August. For medicinal purposes, the aerial part of the plant is used, cutting flowers with leaves up to twenty centimeters long. Be sure to leave up to three pairs of leaves so that the plant can produce new shoots.
If oregano is grown in a garden plot, then after the first harvest, the plant must be fed. If this is not done, then after three years the bush is transplanted to a new place.
Oregano has contraindications and side effects. Decoctions and other medicinal substances should not be used during pregnancy, as the substances included in the composition stimulate uterine contractions, which can lead to miscarriage.
You can not use the plant for gastric and duodenal ulcers, with increased acidity of the stomach, as well as with high blood pressure, arrhythmia and other pathologies of the cardiovascular system.

Recipes of traditional medicine
Infusions, decoctions are prepared from oregano, juice is obtained. Various types of drugs are prepared to treat different ailments.
To prepare an infusion of oregano, pour two tablespoons of herbs with boiling water and leave for three hours. The product is added to the bath, which is taken for twenty minutes every other day. It helps to get rid of skin ailments, soothes.
Origanum is used to prepare infusions for douching. To do this, take a spoonful of raw materials and pour a liter of boiling water. The tool is infused for about half an hour. Douching compositionspend twice a day for two weeks.
To treat headaches, the plant is powdered and sniffed. Also, this tool helps to cope with rhinitis. The powder can be poured into socks and walked around with it for about an hour. This method helps to cope with hyperhidrosis.
Juice is made from a freshly harvested plant. It is mixed with honey in equal parts and taken in a spoon three times a day. This tool helps to cope with a variety of pathologies.
You can use the plant as a tea. To brew it, take a spoonful of herbs and pour a glass of boiling water. One hundred grams is taken no more than five times a day. This tool helps to strengthen the immune system, and also has a therapeutic effect on existing pathologies.

Using oregano with other herbs
For the treatment of bronchitis, oregano can be used as an independent remedy, or you can use it in collections. For example, the following composition helps to cope well with the disease: for cooking, you will need two parts of coltsfoot, marshmallow, one part of oregano. Everything is mixed, and then a dessert spoon of herbs is poured into a glass of boiling water. The medicine is infused for thirty minutes. One hundred grams is taken up to four times.
As a sedative, prepare the following composition: take one part of oregano, lemon balm, hop cones and two parts of hawthorn. Everything is mixed. Then a spoonful of the composition is poured with a glass of boiling water and infused for twenty minutes. One hundred grams are taken twice a day.
For the treatment of inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract, they preparecomposition of oregano, woodruff, lemon balm, wild strawberry fruits. Everything is mixed and poured with a glass of boiling water. The composition is allowed to stand for half an hour. Then the remedy is filtered, you need to take one hundred grams three times a day.
In pharmacies you can buy oregano essential oil. It perfectly helps with toothache: cotton wool is moistened with oil and applied to the aching tooth.
As an anthelmintic, as well as for the treatment of asthma, hypertension, flatulence, in violation of menstruation, take a spoonful of herbs and steam 300 ml of boiling water. The composition is infused for 30 minutes, after which it is filtered and taken 150 grams 4 times a day.

Features of cultivation
Oregano is often grown in garden plots. For her, you need to choose a sunny, spacious place. This plant has wide roots, although they are located on the surface of the earth. With normal humidity levels, oregano bushes grow strong, with a lot of branches.
In the first year after planting, the plant does not gather, so as not to weaken it. Raw materials are collected from the second year of life.
There are two ways to get a plant on your site: by dividing the bush and through sowing seeds. In the latter case, crops are recommended to be transported before winter. Seeds are sown in pre-prepared beds to a depth of half a centimeter. From above, the beds are covered with humus. Shoots appear after two weeks. As soon as the seedlings have two true leaves, they can dive into a permanent place.
To get how tophoto, oregano, it is necessary to fertilize the plant twice a year.

Unique Oregano
Origanum is a unique plant that is used in official medicine to treat a variety of ailments. Officially, for medicinal purposes, the stems, flowers and leaves of the plant, which are sold in pharmacies, are used. The blank is stored for no more than a year, so it is important to pay attention to the collection date when buying raw materials in a pharmacy. Raw materials must be labeled before being sent for storage. Raw materials should be stored in a glass jar or in a paper bag, in a fabric bag with the obligatory marking of the type of grass and the period of its preparation. Subject to storage requirements, the plant will be able to lie for more than a year, almost completely retaining all its qualities.