Methods of biomicroscopy of the eye

Methods of biomicroscopy of the eye
Methods of biomicroscopy of the eye

Biomicroscopy of the eye is a modern diagnostic method for examining vision, carried out using a special device - a slit lamp. A special lamp consists of a light source, the brightness of which can be changed, and a stereoscopic microscope. Using the biomicroscopy method, an examination of the anterior segment of the eye is carried out.

eye biomicroscopy
eye biomicroscopy


This method is used by an ophthalmologist in combination with a standard visual acuity test and fundus diagnostics. Biomicroscopy is also used if a person suspects that he has an eye pathology. Deviations in which the doctor prescribes this examination include: conjunctivitis, inflammation, foreign bodies in the eye, neoplasms, keratitis, uveitis, dystrophy, opacities, cataracts, and so on. Biomicroscopy of the eye is prescribed during the examination of vision before and after surgical treatment of the eye. The procedure is also prescribed as an additional measure for diseases of the endocrine system.

How is the procedure?

Processbiomicroscopy of the media of the eye does not cause pain in the patient. A person only observes a beam of light and fulfills the doctor's requests. The procedure does not require any special preparation and is carried out quickly. Biomicroscopy is carried out in a darkened room. The optometrist makes sure that the person takes the right position: the chin is on a special stand for the head, and the forehead is leaning against a certain place on the bar. After the patient has correctly placed his head on the stand, the optometrist begins the examination process. The doctor changes the direction and brightness of the light beam, while observing the reaction of eye tissues to changes in lighting. The process of biomicroscopy of the anterior segment of the eye allows you to find out about the state of the lens and the anterior zone of the vitreous body. The doctor also examines the tear film, the edges of the eyelids and eyelashes. The procedure lasts about 10 minutes. This is usually enough time for the patient to be diagnosed.

biomicroscopy of the anterior segment of the eye
biomicroscopy of the anterior segment of the eye

Ultrasound examination

The use of ultrasound as a diagnostic tool in modern ophthalmology is based on the properties of ultrasonic waves. Waves, penetrating into the soft tissues of the eye, change their shape depending on the internal structure of the eye. Based on data on the propagation of ultrasonic waves in the eye, the oculist can judge its structure. The eyeball consists of areas that have a different structure in acoustic terms. When an ultrasonic wave hits the boundary of two sections, the process of its refraction and reflection takes place. Based on reflection dataThe ophthalmologist draws a conclusion about pathological changes in the structure of the eyeball.

ultrasound biomicroscopy of the eye
ultrasound biomicroscopy of the eye

Indications for ultrasound examination

Ultrasound examination of the eye is a high-tech diagnostic method that complements the classical methods for detecting pathologies of the eyeball. Sonography usually follows the classical methods of examination of the patient. In case of suspicion of a foreign body in the eye, the patient is first shown x-ray; and in the presence of a tumor - diaphanoscopy.

Ultrasound diagnosis of the eyeball is performed in the following cases:

  • to study the angle of the anterior chamber of the eye, in particular its topography and structure;
  • examination of the position of the intraocular lens;
  • for measurements of retrobulbar tissues, as well as examination of the optic nerve;
  • when examining the ciliary body. The membranes of the eye (vascular and reticular) are studied in situations with difficulties in the process of ophthalmoscopy;
  • when determining the location of foreign bodies in the eyeball; assessment of the degree of their penetration and mobility; obtaining data on the magnetic properties of a foreign body.

Ultrasonic biomicroscopy of the eye

With the advent of high-precision digital equipment, it was possible to achieve high quality processing of echo signals obtained in the process of biomicroscopy of the eye. Improvements are achieved through the use of professional software. In a special program, the ophthalmologist has the ability to analyze the receivedinformation during and after the examination. The method of ultrasonic biomicroscopy owes its appearance to digital technologies, since it is based on the analysis of information from the piezoelectric element of a digital probe. For the examination, sensors with a frequency of 50 MHz or more are used.

biomicroscopy of the eye
biomicroscopy of the eye

Ultrasound examination methods

In ultrasound examination, contact and immersion methods are used.

The contact method is more simple. In this method, the probe plate is in contact with the surface of the eye. The patient is given an anesthetic instillation into the eyeball, and then placed in a chair. With one hand, the ophthalmologist controls the probe, conducting a study, and with the other he adjusts the operation of the device. The role of the contact medium in this type of examination is tear fluid.

The immersion method of eye biomicroscopy involves placing a layer of a special liquid between the surface of the probe and the cornea. A special nozzle is installed on the patient's eye, in which the probe sensor moves. Anesthesia is not used with the immersion method.
