Chamomile is a medicinal plant with many beneficial properties. Among them are antiseptic and anti-inflammatory. Given the special qualities of the plant, many patients wonder if it is possible to wash the nose with chamomile.
The article will discuss the features of the procedure, its benefits and contraindications.
Healing properties of chamomile
Chamomile is a perennial compound plant. It owes its useful qualities to its unique composition. It includes vitamins, micro and macro elements, organic acids. Chamomile is used to treat many ailments, including the common cold. Unlike other medicinal plants, it can be used to wash the nose even for babies.
Chamomile decoction has the following properties:
- antimicrobial;
- disinfectants;
- anti-inflammatory;
- antiallergic;
- wound healing;
- antiseptic.

Despite its many positive properties, before using chamomile for washing the nose, especially in children, it is best to consult a specialist. After all, with some pathologies, the procedure is completely prohibited.
Is it possible to wash the nose with chamomile decoction
The plant can be used to wash the nose. Such procedures are practically safe and rarely cause various side effects. Therefore, they are allowed to be carried out not only by adults, but also by children. Side effects do not lead to serious consequences, are easily detected and eliminated.
Can I wash my nose with chamomile when I have a cold? The procedure is allowed to be carried out not only with rhinitis, but also with sinusitis and various acute respiratory viral infections, when negative sensations arise (dryness, itching).

Rinse your nose with chamomile for allergies is not recommended. In this situation, it is possible to increase the symptoms of the disease. The body sometimes reacts negatively to the influence of chamomile. For a similar reason, one should not rinse the nose if there is an individual intolerance to the plant. Even if it is completely insignificant and manifests itself locally (rash, tearfulness or sneezing).
Indications for use
Many patients ask doctors if it is possible to wash the nose with a solution of chamomile and under what pathologies is it better to do it? This procedure is recommended for the following diseases:
- Diseases of a cold and viral nature, accompanied by a runny nose.
- Sinusitis.
- Polypah.
- Tonsillitis.
- Sinusitis.
- Frontites.
- Influenza (and for its prevention).
- Chronic respiratory pathologies.

It is most effective to start washing the nose when the first symptoms of the disease occur. After all, pathogenic microflora begins to actively multiply in the nasopharyngeal region. Washing with chamomile improves the absorption of drops and sprays, which, along with abundant secretions, just go out.
Benefits of the procedure
Can I wash my nose with chamomile and when is the best time to do it?
Carrying out the procedure with the help of such a unique plant is especially beneficial for the mucosa. Chamomile moisturizes the inner surface of the nasal passages, washing away pollutants from it. This way you can prevent the mucus from drying out.
With rhinitis, washing accelerates the process of removing excess secretions and normalizes nasal breathing. A properly performed procedure allows, even in the case of a serious course of the disease, not to use vasodilating drops and breathe as usual even at night.
Such washes are especially useful for sinusitis. In this situation, a special procedure technique is needed, in which not only the nasal passage is washed, but also the sinuses. It is more difficult to carry out, but it allows you to avoid complications during the course of the disease.
With adenoids, washing with chamomile is ineffective. In this situation, irrigation of the pharynx is necessary. Even when tilting your headpart of the solution, of course, will fall on the source of the disease, but is more likely to drain into the throat. In most cases, this is not dangerous, but it is undesirable, for example, during pregnancy.
Flushing with chamomile is effective due to its clear anti-inflammatory properties. They are more pronounced than even in a 25% hydrocortisone solution. As a result of the procedure, the swelling of the mucous membrane decreases, the nasal passages are better ventilated and breathing is facilitated.
Preparing decoction
So, the answer to the question of whether it is possible to wash the nose with chamomile is clear. This is indeed an effective treatment. The main thing is to properly prepare chamomile broth. This is done in a variety of ways. You can buy chamomile in a pharmacy, packaged in sachets. In this case, it is not necessary to measure medicinal raw materials. One bag of chamomile is placed in a container and poured with 200 ml of hot water. Brewed for a quarter of an hour.

You can make a decoction of chamomile herb. The process is as follows:
- 20 g chopped herb, fresh or dried, put into a thermos.
- Pour a glass of boiling water and infuse for 30 minutes.
- The broth is filtered through a sieve or through several layers of gauze. Grass particles should not remain in it, otherwise they will damage the nasal mucosa during the washing process.
To enhance the effect of chamomile decoction, you can add other components to it:
- Sage grass. To obtain a decoction, you need to take 1 tbsp. a spoonful of chamomile and 1/2 tbsp. sage spoons. Next pourall boiled water, insist for 15 minutes.
- 2 drops of alcohol tincture of iodine. Do not use this decoction for young children.
- S alt or soda.
All these substances should be added to chamomile decoction only after consultation with a specialist. Some of them advise using 1/3 teaspoon of honey as an additional component. After all, the bee product has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties.
Washing methods
To everyone who is interested in whether it is possible to wash the nose with chamomile for an adult, we answer: it is allowed to perform the procedure for such patients. The main thing is that there is no allergy to the main component of the decoction.
Several nasal irrigation techniques are known, some of which are suitable for all patients, and others only for a certain category.
In the palm of your hand - this is the most primitive way to carry out the procedure. A small amount of chamomile decoction is poured into the palm of your hand. After that, one nostril is covered with a finger, and the second is drawn in the solution. Then they tilt their head in such a way that the nostril with the liquid is on top - as a result, the decoction will pass through the nasal passages and pour out of the previously clamped nostril. The technique is good because the remedy does not linger in the nose for a long time.
Moms ask pediatricians if chamomile can be used to wash a child's nose using the palm technique. Use this technique for all groups of patients, except for children under the age of 2 years.

Rinse the nose with a rubber bulb is allowed for everyonesick without exception. A warm solution is poured into a syringe and injected into one nostril - while the head needs to be slightly tilted to one side. With the correct procedure, the solution always pours out of the second nasal passage, which turns out to be lower.
When washing the nose, the pressure of the decoction should be small. Otherwise, it can enter the middle ear and cause inflammation. When treating children under 7 years of age, special care must be taken. A strong jet of solution can not only get into the middle ear, but can also cause damage to the eardrum. If a suitable syringe is not available, a disposable syringe without a needle is sometimes used.
Moms of the youngest patients are worried about whether it is possible to wash the baby's nose with chamomile. Yes, but for this category of patients, a pipette is best suited. Infants in the nasal passages are instilled with 4 drops of chamomile decoction. Wait a few minutes and aspirate the contents with an aspirator. After the end of the procedure, each nasal passage is cleaned with a cotton swab, pre-soaked in vaseline oil.
Children older than a year are instilled with 7-8 drops of the solution. The procedure ends with blowing the nose.
Using chamomile during pregnancy
Is it possible to wash the nose with chamomile for expectant mothers? After all, women during this period have a lot of restrictions on the use of medicines. It is allowed to rinse the nose with chamomile decoction during the period of bearing a child, especially at the first symptoms of a cold.

Decoction is not absorbed into the bloodstream and does not enter the body. However, before starting washing, a woman needs to get expert advice in order to avoid a negative effect on the fetus.
Washing Rules
The main recommendations for the procedure include:
- Before washing, the patient needs to blow his nose.
- The temperature of chamomile broth should be between 30-35 degrees.
- After the procedure, they blow their nose again to remove the remnants of the solution. Then lie down for 20-25 minutes and take a warm drink.
- It is not recommended to go out into the cold for 1.5-2 hours.
- Before going to bed, the procedure should not be performed to avoid leakage of fluid into the ear.
- Rinse the nose is recommended no more than 2-3 times a day. More frequent use may upset the balance of microflora.

You must follow all of these tips to achieve a quick positive effect and a full recovery.
The procedure cannot be performed at:
- otitis media;
- damage to the eardrum;
- obstruction of the nasal passages;
- existing neoplasms;
- predisposition to nosebleeds;
- septal curvature;
- individual intolerance to the components of the decoction.
Also, the procedure is prohibited for purulent sinusitis. For young children, it is recommended to use a weak decoction so as not to causeoverdrying of the mucosa.
Rinsing the nose with chamomile is an effective procedure that will provide the necessary assistance for many colds. It is important to carry it out correctly, especially for children. Before the procedure, it is necessary to consult a specialist in order to avoid negative effects on the body.