Effective folk remedies to increase potency

Effective folk remedies to increase potency
Effective folk remedies to increase potency

Issues related to increasing potency can arise in any family and in any relationship between a man and a woman. They are important, since maintaining a quality sexual life is a factor that strengthens the love relationship between sexual partners.

Weak potency dramatically worsens the previous level of pleasure that two get during intercourse. So how do you improve potency? In the world there are a considerable number of medicines and types of operations that contribute to this. But in this article we will consider some folk remedies to increase potency, which are time-tested and experienced by many of the stronger sex.

Folk remedies to increase potency
Folk remedies to increase potency

What is potency

Such a phenomenon as male potency to the representatives of the stronger sex becomes known even at the time of adolescence. Many sexologists claim that the penisbegins to show sexual activity in the period of 11-13 years. In the process of maturation of the organism, this phenomenon intensifies, and with the withering of a person, it weakens.

Potency is the ability of a man to have sexual intercourse. As a rule, this concept in the literature written on the topic of sexology is defined in relation to men. Very rarely it is applied to women, however, there is currently no exact formulation of female potency.

Folk remedies to increase potency in men
Folk remedies to increase potency in men

Diseases affecting male potency

The presence and development of certain diseases is directly related to problems in sex. So, men who suffer from diabetes or obesity are guaranteed to experience some problems with potency. In addition, cardiovascular diseases affect the decrease in sexual activity, which is directly related to circulatory problems, with the help of which an erection occurs.

One of the reasons for the decrease in sexual activity as a result of a drop in potency may be the presence of cancer or Parkinson's disease. Also, the phenomenon of penis activity completely disappears under the condition of spinal cord injury.

Men who are regularly depressed often experience problems with potency. The same goes for smokers, alcohol drinkers and those who take drugs.

Folk remedies to increase potency quickly
Folk remedies to increase potency quickly

At what age does the level of potency decrease

In society there arethe opinion that the phenomenon of a decrease in potency can be observed only in men whose body has passed to the stage of withering. In Russian society, this age on average reaches about 55-60 years. But the concept is not quite right.

Sexologists claim that a man's sexual activity can be maintained even in old age if he has a regular sex life. Such a phenomenon as complete or partial impotence occurs in men who have undergone abstinence in sexual activity for a long period (usually more than 3 months) and are in the age category over 60 years.

The onset of temporary impotence is also characteristic of younger men who drastically reduce their level of sexual activity. An example of this would be the sailors and the military, who, due to their work, do not maintain contact with women. However, this phenomenon usually resolves quickly.

To avoid such excesses, you need to know at least a couple of folk remedies to increase potency in men and apply them at the first alarms. Consider the most effective among them below.

Ground coffee

One of the most popular folk remedies for increasing potency at home is the regular use of ground coffee. Of course, a cup of the classic black drink, drunk hot, will not bring the desired result. Therefore, it is better to combine it with dry lemongrass leaves. These components must be combined in certain proportions (a tablespoon of coffee andtea - lemongrass) and pour a glass of boiling water. In this form, the ingredients must be kept on fire for some time and, after waiting for the formation of bubbles, which will indicate the boiling of the mass, remove from the stove and let cool. The resulting drink should be filtered through a sieve or gauze. A glass of such a decoction, taken before the onset of sexual intercourse, will significantly increase the level of potency.


Thyme is another miraculous herb that, like dry lemongrass, has amazing effects on the penis and increased sexual activity. Taking an infusion of dry thyme is another guaranteed folk remedy to increase potency, but only if the decoction is properly prepared.

To make the drink effective, pour a handful of dried grass into a glass of boiling water. The dish with the infusion should be tightly covered with a lid and infused in this form until it cools completely.

Drink such a drink should be at least twice a day (a glass), but after eating - only in this case, a man can notice a positive result. With the help of such a folk remedy, an increase in potency in 3 days is a very real result - this fact has been repeatedly confirmed by many men who use it.


Since ancient times, oriental sages attributed to this plant miraculous properties that increase sexual activity. As practice shows, ginseng tincture is an excellent folk remedy for increasing potency in older men.

For the preparation of high-quality and effective medicine forreduced potency should take 100 root of this plant (can be purchased at any pharmacy) and pour it with 500 ml of boiling water. The dishes with the future broth must be tightly covered with a lid and set aside for a couple of days to infuse.

After the specified period, boil the broth over low heat and, as soon as bubbles form in the water, add 50 g of honey to it. In this composition, the mass must be brought to a boil and cooled. When the temperature of the broth drops to room temperature, the boiling procedure should be repeated, but only this time 10 g of cinnamon should be added to it (you can use ground cinnamon). In this form, the mass must be simmered on the slowest fire for three hours. Such a folk remedy is infused to increase potency for 3 days, after which it must be consumed every day - a glass, twice a day.


A small number of men know that nettle is great for strengthening male power. A decoction of common nettle, which is sold in any pharmacy in dry form, is an excellent folk remedy for increasing male potency.

To prepare the right medicine, you need to pour 100 g of dry grass with a glass of boiling water. When the temperature of the broth drops to room temperature, you need to add a teaspoon of honey to it and stir thoroughly until it is completely dissolved. Such a folk remedy to increase potency should be taken an hour before the intended sexual intercourse. As those men who regularly practice this method of treatment say, it helps much better than specialmedicines.

This folk remedy to increase potency according to the recipe suggested here can be prepared using fresh nettle leaves. But in this case, it is necessary to reduce the amount of grass - it will take half as much.

Folk remedies to increase male potency
Folk remedies to increase male potency

Honey with nuts

Daily consumption of honey and nuts will significantly increase potency - this fact has been proven in practice by many men. But this folk remedy for increasing potency in men is not suitable for those representatives of the stronger sex who want to observe an instant result, because in order to get the desired effect, you need to eat honey with nuts every day for at least a month. If desired, such a "dessert" can be written with milk.

Herbal decoction

Another miraculous decoction of herbs is often used as a folk remedy to increase potency in old age. It is prepared quite simply: you need to take basil inflorescences, one horseradish rhizome, as well as a small amount of walnut leaves. The listed herbs should be placed in one pan and pour a liter of boiled red wine. In this form, the broth should be tightly covered with a lid and, wrapped in a towel, let it brew until the temperature of the liquid inside the pan drops to room temperature. When this happens, strain the contents through a sieve or cheesecloth.

The resulting decoction has, to put it mildly, an unpleasant taste, but a magical effect. In order for it to properly affect the body, it must betake a glass every day before meals.

Increasing potency in men folk remedies recipes
Increasing potency in men folk remedies recipes

St. John's wort

Another recipe for a folk remedy to increase potency in men is a tincture prepared on the basis of St. John's wort. It can help overcome the problem of reduced sexual activity even in older men.

To properly prepare a decoction, you must first dry the flowering St. John's wort and grind it (you can even to the state of powder). After the base is ready, 100 g of it should be poured with 1.5 cups of boiling water and, covered with a lid, let the broth brew for a day.

After the product is completely ready for use, it should be taken 50 ml 3-4 times a day. As practice shows, such a decoction helps to remove congestion formed in the blood vessels from the male body, due to which its male activity is activated again.


Acorus is another plant that helps a lot in solving issues related to increased potency, but not everyone knows about its wonderful qualities. To really get a favorable result, it is enough to chew its dried root, which can be purchased at most pharmacies, once a day for several minutes.

One of the folk remedies to increase potency is a decoction of calamus, prepared in the simplest way. To do this, pour a couple of tablespoons of ordinary vodka into a small amount.crushed to a powder state of the rhizome of such a plant. The resulting mass should be insisted for three days, after which it should be consumed daily in a small amount - 10 drops three times a day.

Means to increase potency folk recipes
Means to increase potency folk recipes


Such a plant has long been known for its magical properties, which manifest themselves in the expansion of blood vessels. It is they who can always be used if there are problems associated with a decrease in sexual activity in a man.

A folk remedy to increase potency is prepared in a simple way. It is necessary to take 100 g of dried grass (if you use fresh, it will take half as much) and pour boiling water over it. In this form, the decoction should be left for 2.5-3 hours, after which the product will be completely ready for use.

A man can drink this infusion instead of tea, taking four times a day.


This plant has also long been known in folk medicine, despite the fact that it is considered poisonous. If you strictly observe all the proportions presented in this recipe, you can make a truly effective folk remedy for a quick and effective increase in potency. As practice shows, an excellent result will be noticeable already on the 3-4th day of using the decoction.

To prepare the right and truly he althy infusion, you need to pour 100 g of anemone bought at the pharmacy, 250 g of boiling water and cook in this composition on fire for five minutes. When the liquid has completely cooled down, it must betake one teaspoon twice daily.

Contrast shower and bath

To improve potency, it is necessary to take a contrast shower daily, and it is recommended to do this not in the morning (according to the principles of he althy lifestyle), but at night. This procedure significantly improves blood circulation in the pelvic area, which helps to restore the previous level of potency. The shower can be replaced with a bathtub.

Some experts in the treatment of impotence and sexual dysfunction in men recommend more frequent visits to the sauna or, even better, the bath. In the second case, it is advisable to massage with a birch broom. It is this procedure that effectively affects the improvement of blood microcirculation not only in the pelvic area, but also in the whole body as a whole, and this will positively affect not only the sexual he alth of a man.


Nutrition, which is properly organized, of course, helps to improve a man's sexual life. Among folk remedies to increase potency, there are often recommendations for adding certain foods to the daily diet.

Increasing the potency of folk remedies in old age
Increasing the potency of folk remedies in old age

Nutritionists and sexologists unanimously recommend that men eat more foods that contain protein. Examples of these include chicken and quail eggs, walnuts, sesame seeds, and almonds. Do not neglect also such plant gifts as pumpkin and garlic. Food also has a positive effect on the work of the penis, inwhich contains such useful trace elements as iodine and iron, as well as vitamins B, C and E.

Increasing potency at home folk remedies
Increasing potency at home folk remedies

Regular consumption of seafood is also attributed by many to folk remedies to quickly increase potency. Oysters are among the miraculous products in this category, which should be served with lemon juice for a better effect. Seaweed, mussels and oily fish, which are high in omega-3s, are also excellent sources of substances that increase the activity of the stronger sex in bed. These are the main folk remedies for increasing potency quickly and effectively.
