Hamomilla (homeopathy): indications for use, analogues and reviews

Hamomilla (homeopathy): indications for use, analogues and reviews
Hamomilla (homeopathy): indications for use, analogues and reviews

Pharmacy chamomile is known for its healing properties, it is used to relieve cold symptoms, pain of a different nature, with increased excitability. Hamomilla (homeopathy) is used in the treatment of children and women.

Characteristic of the medicinal plant

The plant in question has other names - mother grass or common chamomile, belongs to the aster family, has been known for its healing properties since the time of our ancestors.

Medicinal herb is able to have a calming, analgesic effect, fight viral diseases, effectively relieve a variety of inflammatory processes.

This plant is used in the treatment of newborns, as it is an absolutely natural product, therefore, it is harmless and has a positive effect on a fragile body.

hamomilla homeopathy
hamomilla homeopathy

Drugs based on chamomile are prepared from the whole plant, so they retain its beneficial properties. Chamomilla (homeopathy) is available in various forms so that everyone can choose the most convenient for themselves: in granules,rectal suppositories, ready-made infusions.

Indications for the use of a medicinal plant

The drug in question has a wide spectrum of action, is used in the treatment of the following diseases and abnormalities in the body:

  • viral infections, fever, cough, runny nose, otitis media;
  • problems of a neurological nature: irritability, sleep disorder;
  • toothache and other types of pain, teething in infants;
  • diseases of the intestinal tract: diarrhea, vomiting or colic in newborns;
  • diseases of the reproductive system, uterine bleeding, pain during menstruation in women;
  • chamomilla also treats diaper rash, inflammatory processes.
chamomilla homeopathy indications for use
chamomilla homeopathy indications for use

Homeopathy, the indications for which are quite diverse, suitable for the treatment of newborn babies, is considered effective during teething and colic.

Pharmacy chamomile for colds

Healing herb is quite common for colds, cough, runny nose and otitis are treated with it. She effectively copes with these manifestations not only in babies, but also in adults. In infants and preschool children, the drug in question is prescribed when the following cold symptoms are observed:

  • if the cough is dry, irritating, disturbing mainly at night;
  • sneezing, runny mucus, nasal congestion and difficulty breathing;
  • with acute otitis media, severe ear pain, feeling of foreignobject in the auricle;
  • febrile conditions in a child, when there is a strong chill and a feeling of icy cold.

Hamomilla (homeopathy) for children is safe and can be given for any of these cold symptoms. It effectively treats cough, soothes irritation in the throat, clears the sinuses from a runny nose, relieves the baby of inflammation in the auricle, relieves a feverish condition.

hamomilla homeopathy indications
hamomilla homeopathy indications

Can be used as decoctions, granules or rectal suppositories, depending on what is more convenient for the baby to give. It is worth remembering that taking any medicine is necessary according to the instructions.

Hamomilla: homeopathy for toothache

The drug in question has analgesic properties, therefore it is actively used for any manifestations of toothache, especially its effectiveness is noted during teething in infants.

Chamomilla is given when the baby's teething is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • he abruptly wakes up crying and screaming at night;
  • sleep restlessly and toss and turn in his sleep;
  • arches and strains in mother's arms;
  • cannot calm down for a long time, falls asleep only near the parent;
  • bad breastfeeding;
  • he has loose greenish stools with mucus in them.

In addition, it helps with toothache that does not require surgical intervention in preschoolers and schoolchildren, adults. Can reduce inflammation andother types of pain accompanied by irritation and excitation of the nervous system.

hamomilla homeopathy application
hamomilla homeopathy application

Hamomilla (homeopathy): indications for use in diseases of the intestinal tract

Pharmacy chamomile helps with colic in babies due to the fact that it suppresses gas formation and soothes the raging intestines. It is important to know that it is accepted in the following cases:

  • the baby asks to be held all the time, however, this does not help him, colic continues to bother;
  • baby screaming and whimpering;
  • demands to give him something, but immediately throws it on the floor;
  • becomes very moody and unbearable;
  • one cheek becomes reddish while the other remains pale.

With such symptoms, it is recommended to give a homeopathic medicine in the form of granules that can be pushed in a spoon or diluted in water. It is not recommended to give the drug for too long, after improvement and reduction of colic, it is necessary to stop taking it.

Chamomile for neurological disorders

The drug in question, as mentioned above, has a sedative effect, so it is often chamomilla (homeopathy) that is prescribed for neurological diseases. Indications for use in children should have the following symptoms:

  • baby irritated, restless;
  • rude and embittered;
  • acts up and throws tantrums;
  • wakes up at night crying, has light sleep during the day or at night;
  • badfalls asleep, constantly in an excited state.

Chamomilla treats neurological disorders in adults as well. Good for those who suffer from insomnia, experience constant stress at work.

hamomilla homeopathy for children
hamomilla homeopathy for children

Hamomilla (homeopathy), the indications for the use of which include the manifestation of all of the above symptoms, will help calm the nervous system, improve sleep, relieve tension and irritability.

The power of a medicinal plant for women's he alth

It is not for nothing that this plant is also called mother grass, as its medicinal properties help to improve the female reproductive system. It is recommended to take medicine in the following cases:

  • uterine bleeding caused by obstructed labor, abortion;
  • painful periods;
  • hysterical states accompanied by fainting, convulsions;
  • anger, despair, longing.

In general, chamomilla (homeopathy) is indicated for nervous women, who are sullen and grumpy, very sensitive to pain, leading them to despair.

Contraindications and side effects of the drug

Pharmacy chamomile is a drug of natural origin, so it has no strict contraindications for use. Approved for use by newborns.

However, it can cause allergic reactions if there is hypersensitivity to the medicinal plant. In babies, it causes rashes, hives, itching.

In cases of overdose, a homeopathic medicine may havethe opposite effect: overexcite the nervous system, exacerbate pain. Therefore, it must be taken strictly according to the instructions.

If you experience unwanted effects, you should consult a doctor and stop taking the drug.

hamomilla homeopathy for children reviews
hamomilla homeopathy for children reviews

Reviews on the action of ordinary chamomile

A homeopathic remedy is not a panacea for all ailments, it can have a positive effect on the body or not provide the necessary help, while there is practically no risk of negative manifestations.

Hamomilla is quite common among mothers. Homeopathy for children, reviews of which are positive, has practically no contraindications. Many note that the drug in question helps well during teething, with colic, cough, runny nose and otitis media. He calms, the baby is not worried, sleeps at night.

However, according to reviews, the drug does not help everyone, it does not have a positive effect on some babies, they remain capricious, they are tormented by pain and discomfort, in such cases it is better to take a stronger medicine than a homeopathic one.

hamomilla homeopathy indications for use in children
hamomilla homeopathy indications for use in children

Analogues of a medicinal plant

In terms of its healing properties, common chamomile is close to other medicinal plants, so it can be replaced in the treatment of any ailment with a similar drug.

For the treatment of various painful manifestations, the following can be usedhomeopathic medicines:

  • bryonia and belladonna - with dry, exhausting cough at night;
  • nux vom and bryonic ointment - when sneezing, thin mucus from the nose;
  • Aconite and Pulsatilla - for acute otitis.

In the treatment of toothache, teething, chamomilla (homeopathy), the use of which was discussed above, has no analogues. With regard to neurological disorders, irritability, restless night sleep, it is necessary to take into account the symptoms. For example, pharmacy chamomile is used for rudeness, hysteria, and pulsatilla is recommended for whiny and tender children.

For women's he alth, in addition to the medication in question, you can take belladonna for neurology against the background of severe pain, colocyte to relieve painful menstruation, sabina for uterine bleeding.

Thus, chamomile is characterized by a wide spectrum of action, treats many diseases that occur in babies and women. Chamomilla (homeopathy) is especially useful for babies, reviews confirm its high effectiveness during teething and colic.
