Prolactin in men is present in the body, despite the fact that it is a female hormone. In the weak half of humanity, he is responsible for lactation. For men, it is also important because it has a variety of functions. In case of failures in its production, significant processes occurring in the body are disrupted.
The concept of a hormone
Prolactin, or in other words, luteoropin, as well as mammotropin, refers to steroid hormones responsible for reproductive functions. Its synthesis is mainly carried out in the pituitary gland. Also, in much smaller quantities, it is formed in the skin, liver, adrenal glands.
Prolactin in men is mainly designed to regulate sexual function, release sperm and sex hormones. It also takes part in immune responses.
The content of the hormone in the body is not constant and is in constant fluctuation. However, both high and low prolactin in men leads to serious disorders,which cause various pathologies.
Functions of luteoropine
Prolactin in a man is involved in the following processes:
- weight control;
- control of the body's water-s alt balance;
- decrease in pain symptoms;
- activation of the growth of blood vessels;
- participates in the functioning of lymphocytes;
- stimulates orgasm, erection and libido;
- promotes the development of secondary sexual characteristics;
- affects the level of the main male hormone - testosterone;
- promotes motility of sex cells;
- responsible for regulating the spermatogenic function of the testicles.

It affects the reproductive he alth of the stronger sex by interacting with testosterone and estrogen. The more the latter, the more prolactin, which will suppress the synthesis of testosterone.
Norm prolactin in men
As noted earlier, its concentration fluctuates dramatically throughout the day. The highest values are observed during REM sleep and in the early morning, during the day they decrease, reaching their minimum in the evening.
Its content is considered normal from 2.5 to 17 ng/ml.
Its secretion is regulated by thyroliberin, estrogen and dopamine.

However, other factors also influence its dynamics:
- bad habits;
- pain syndrome;
- overheating and hypothermia;
- reception of proteinfood;
- sexual contact;
- physical activity;
- stress.
Therefore, before passing the analysis, all these factors should be excluded at least a day in advance. Blood sampling is done 3 hours after waking up on an empty stomach.
Thus, if prolactin is elevated in a man, the reasons may be different. These causes can increase prolactin levels by 10-15%. If more significant changes are observed, then it is necessary to be examined for the presence of pathology.
Symptoms of elevated prolactin in men

These include:
- developed mammary glands in the stronger sex;
- female hair development;
- appearance of a rash on the skin;
- female-type obesity - in the area of the mammary glands, abdomen and hips;
- decrease in libido and sexual function;
- infertility;
- drawing pains in the region of the heart with uncertain localization;
- headaches for a long time.
The higher the concentration of this hormone in a man's body, the less mobile his spermatozoa.
Symptoms can occur both individually and in different complex groups.
This disease is observed in pathologically elevated prolactin in men. It can occur as a result of the following reasons:
- rheumatoid arthritis;
- lupus;
- toxic goiter;
- chest injury;
- diseases of the genitourinary system;
- chronic vitamin B deficiency6, which is a prolactin antagonist;
- hyperthyroidism;
- kidney failure;
- cirrhosis of the liver;
- neoplasms that occur in the brain;
- injuries and tumors of the hypothalamus and pituitary gland;
- Pituitary stalk transection syndrome;
- tumors of the hypothalamus;
- malformations of arteries and veins;
- tuberculous lesions of the hypothalamus.

The production of this hormone is also stimulated by some narcotic and medicinal preparations:
- opiates;
- cocaine;
- dopamine blockers;
- drugs for hypertension;
- antidepressants;
- neuroleptics;
- antiparkinsonian and antiemetic drugs.
Effects of elevated prolactin levels
Hyperprolactinemia leads to negative trends in the following areas:
- nervous;
- metabolic;
- reproductive.
The latter are due to the fact that high prolactin suppresses testosterone and prevents its conversion into its active form - dihydrotestosterone. This contributes to the development of a decrease in testicular function in boys and young men, which leads to underdevelopment of the genitals and slowing down puberty.
Prolactin in men (symptoms of pathology are very unpleasant), being in excess, in relation to sexual function causes such problems:
- milky liquid comes out of nipples;
- mammary glands increase;
- Erectile dysfunction and erectile dysfunction may occur;
- poor sperm quality;
- infertility;
- decrease in libido.

In relation to metabolic processes, a high level of prolactin causes:
- diabetes mellitus;
- osteoporosis;
- dermatitis;
- obesity.
The effect on the nervous system is as follows:
- vitality decreases;
- fatigue occurs;
- apathy sets in;
- have frequent mood swings;
- there is a constant feeling of anxiety;
- depressive state;
- memory broken;
- irritability appears;
- sleep is disturbed.
In severe cases, psychosis may occur.
With an increased content of the hormone, the ratio of substances responsible for the transfer of cholesterol in the blood is disturbed, which leads to hypertension, heart ischemia, and atherosclerosis. When calcium is washed out, stones can be deposited in the bladder and kidneys.
Sometimes the disease proceeds in a latent form, without causing any complaints from the man.
It is carried out by an andrologist or an endocrinologist. After an elevated prolactin in men is established in a blood test, it is necessary to establish the etiology of this, for which you need to undergo the following examinations:
- level of basic hormones to assess the overallstate of the endocrine system;
- biochemical blood test to detect disorders in the pancreas, kidneys and liver;
- MRI or CT of the pituitary gland, which may show a benign or malignant tumor.
Sometimes the etiology of elevated levels of this hormone cannot be established. In this case, the diagnosis of "idiopathic hyperprolactinemia" is made. It causes an increase in the function of the pituitary cells without the observed growth of the latter.
A single blood test cannot indicate the presence of a disease. It needs to be confirmed at least twice more.
Ways to lower hormone levels
Normalization of the content should be carried out by treating the disease that led to high prolactin in a man.

The most common cause is a benign tumor of the anterior pituitary gland. If the disease is in its infancy, then it is treated with dopamine antagonists (dopaminomimetics):
- "Abergin";
- "Bromocriptine";
- "Cabergoline".
If the therapeutic treatment does not give the expected effect, and the tumor grows, it is removed through the sinuses. If this is not possible, then radiation therapy is performed.
Due to the increased concentration of the hormone due to liver cirrhosis, diuretics, hepatoprotectors, a diet that excludes fried, fatty foods and alcohol are used.
When kidneyinsufficiency carry out the following activities:
- diet;
- correction of water-s alt balance;
- kidney transplant;
- hemodialysis.
Hypothyroidism is treated with levothyroxine sodium. With Graves' disease, thyreostatics or radioactive iodine are used, or an operation is used to remove part of the goiter.
For rheumatoid arthritis prescribed:
- plasmapheresis;
- corticosteroids;
- anti-inflammatory drugs.
Lupus is treated with glucocorticoids.
To minimize negative moments use:
- diet and some exercise to bring the weight back to normal;
- vitamin D and calcium to reduce bone fragility;
- drugs containing testosterone to normalize sexual function.
Parlodel is used throughout the treatment in dosages of 3-7 mg. With the possible normalization of elevated prolactin levels in men with the use of lighter drugs, they are used.
Medical treatment should be accompanied by periodic monitoring of prolactin levels and an MRI or CT scan of the pituitary gland every six months.
Sometimes the pituitary gland is affected by surgery, but the effect of it is not always observed.
Folk remedies, as a rule, are not used, because they do not have a sufficiently effective effect on the hormonal background. But with constant stress as the cause of a high level of prolactin in men, you can take infusions and decoctions of herbs that havesedative action (valerian, mint, lemon balm).
To prevent serious pathologies, you need to normalize your daily routine, give up bad habits and take vitamin B6.
The main prevention methods are as follows:
- reduce time in the sun as ultraviolet stimulates the pituitary gland;
- giving up bad habits;
- reducing stress situations;
- balanced diet with enough vitamin B6.

In conclusion
Prolactin in men is present in the body, despite the fact that it belongs to female hormones, and contributes to a decrease in the reproductive function of men or their infertility and erectile dysfunction. An increase in its level can occur for various reasons, which requires the use of different methods of treatment. They are mainly therapeutic, but if they do not bring the expected result, surgical intervention is used. Men need to limit exposure to the sun, reduce or completely abandon bad habits. At the same time, the diet should be balanced and enriched with vitamin B6.