Before treating any disease, it is necessary to understand its cause. Maybe it's a cold, or maybe an allergy caused by a violation of biological processes in the body.

Antibiotics for colds in adults
For example, a runny nose (the medical term is rhinitis) occurs in both children and adults. Symptoms of rhinitis are unambiguous: frequent discharge of mucus from the nose and its rapid removal from the body. The cause of a runny nose is different - it is either an allergic reaction or a cold. To determine the exact form of the disease, there are a number of effective diagnostic methods. Inflammation of the sinuses is called sinusitis. This is a more serious disease that requires a thorough examination. Chronic runny nose is the first sign of sinusitis. Fever, constantly clogged nose, pain in the forehead and bridge of the nose. These symptoms require emergency medical attention. Are antibiotics really necessary for a runny nose?
In an adult, when allergic reactions are detected, antihistamines are used. Drugs of similar actionprescribed strictly by the attending physician. Some drugs have a strictly defined prescription for one form or another of the disease. A certain dosage and regular exposure of the selected drug to the focus of the disease contribute to a quick recovery.

Do I need antibiotics for a mild cold?
It is not always necessary to treat a runny nose with antibiotics. Mild rhinitis is usually treated with natural remedies or semi-synthetic formulations. Preparations of this type neutralize or suppress the work and reproduction of the simplest pathogenic bacteria. Such medicines can be used without a doctor's prescription. Here are some of them:
- "Grippferon".
- "Vibrocil".
- "Delufen".
- "Naphthyzinum".
- "Galazolin".
The list provided contains products developed on different bases and combinations of necessary healing elements.

And if the runny nose is bad?
With a severe runny nose and the threat of infection in the sinuses, the otolaryngologist prescribes antibiotic treatment for the common cold. Such a set of procedures is usually prescribed for the threat or already widespread purulent sinusitis. There are two groups of antibiotics:
- Bactericidal.
- Bacteriological.
The bactericidal group is based on the destruction of disease-causing organisms.
Bacteriological preparationsare directly involved in suppressing the growth of pathogenic bacteria.
Treatment of chronic rhinitis
In the treatment of chronic rhinitis and sinusitis, it is recommended to prescribe and use antibiotics of the macrolide group. These include Erythromycin, Claritomycin, Medikamycin. In the treatment of children, these drugs are used as prescribed by an otolaryngologist.
Often use penicillin-based antibiotics for the common cold, the so-called beta-lactam. Medicines of this kind come in tablets or capsules and are suitable for adults. It can be "Augmetin", "Cefodox". If a child is being treated, special syrups, various kinds of sprays or suspensions are used. In more severe forms of the disease, intramuscular injections are used. During the treatment of the child, it is necessary to avoid acute disorders of the body, allergic reactions. All antibiotic prescriptions are written by a pediatrician.

Antibiotics for runny nose and cough
With the development of an ENT disease in children and adults, a cough is observed that requires treatment. ENT disease is a disease of the nose, ear, throat, part of the head and neck. All this is treated by an otolaryngologist. The otolaryngologist will conduct a comprehensive examination and prescribe the right drug, dosage and time for treatment.
In the process of treating cough, expectorant, thinning drugs are usually used. These funds have a direct healing effect on the affected area. The choice of drug during a cough is influenced by differentfactors. If the cough is not protracted and has a rapid excretion of sputum from the body, drugs are used based on substances such as ambroxol, bromhexine, acetylcysteine, carbocysteine. The intake of these substances causes an expectorant effect and helps to remove sputum from the bronchi.

If the cough is prolonged?
In case of acute persistent cough with accompanying symptoms (high temperature or the development of a pathogenic infection), treatment with antibiotics is prescribed. Bronchitis is a common disease in all segments of the population. A disease that needs to be treated without delay. With frequent and prolonged coughing, it is imperative to undergo a medical examination. For example, if symptoms of bronchitis, pleurisy or pneumonia are manifested, treatment is carried out using these drugs:
- "Cefazolin".
- "Cephalexin".
- "Cefaclor".
- "Erythromycin".
- "Azithromycin".
- "Ofloxacin".
- "Pefloxacin".
These categories of drugs have a different effect and method of treating an infected focus. But from their method of influence and the specifics of the fight against infections, the desired quality of the result does not change. Dosage forms can be in tablets and capsules. Intramuscular saline solutions are also used. With pronounced symptoms of coughing, various forms of complications, antibiotics are prescribed by a doctor. The choice of antibiotics in the treatment of cough depends on various factors.

Choosing the right antibiotics
Antibiotics are medicines designed to effectively treat severe infections. Treatment by them should be reasonable and practical. Antibiotics for a runny nose and severe cough are taken in the presence of diseases such as bronchitis, pneumonia, tracheitis and other similar diseases. It must be borne in mind that a cough can be caused not only by viral diseases, but also by heart disease or a disease of the nervous system.
Competent selection of antibiotics is required. Each otolaryngologist has a medical table of diseases with bacterial pathogens. A properly selected complex of treatment contributes to the rapid recovery of the patient. A person's sensitivity to the action of an antibiotic can cause a certain allergic reaction.
It is necessary to check the reaction to this type of drug used. It is necessary to know the correct intake and dosage of the antibiotic. During treatment, the dosage may change. When conducting a treatment course using an antibiotic, you must strictly adhere to the exact treatment plan. If within a few days the patient does not show visible improvements, you need to change the drug to a more effective one.
Some parents make the mistake of thinking that an antibiotic can quickly and painlessly cure a child's cough. But it's not. An antibiotic by itself will not give the desired result. It will give a positive effect for a while. The drug is used in complex and systemic treatment. Especially when it comes to a child.
Antibiotics for children with cough and runny nose are selected by a doctor. Cough syrups for children have proven themselves very well. In combination with antibiotics, syrups have a beneficial effect on the he alth of the child. Allergic reactions are most common in children. Before conducting a course of drug treatment in a child, it is necessary to check for an allergic reaction of the body.

How to recover without antibiotics?
It is considered possible in some cases to get rid of a cough without antibiotics. Antibiotics for a runny nose and cough to some extent negatively affect the internal structure of natural bacteriological processes in humans. Therefore, both adults and children are advised to try not to use the antibiotic treatment method often. As the disease progresses, use drugs based on a natural basis. Use the recommendations of traditional medicine. Eat foods rich in minerals and vitamins. Take care of your he alth and the he alth of your child (avoid drafts and hypothermia).
If you wondered what antibiotics (cold or cough) are needed, then you need to remember the following. Antibiotics are a fairly strong and powerful medicine to combat a runny nose and cough. Qualitatively fight against various infections and diseases. Each drug always has its own contraindications. It is highly recommended that you consult your doctor with any antibiotic use.