The most common pathology of the joints, affecting the articular cartilage and adjacent parts of the bones, is called osteoarthritis. The most characteristic symptomatology of this disease is pain and a gradual decrease in joint functionality. These manifestations entail a significant deterioration in the quality of human life.
More recently, the whole range of measures that could be applied to alleviate the patient's condition consisted in the appointment of painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs by the doctor, which did not have any positive effect on metabolic processes in cartilage tissues.
Today, the pharmaceutical market is ready to offer its consumers a whole list of chondroprotective medicines. These drugs are natural components of cartilage and are intended for long-term use. One of these drugs is "Chondrosamine". Instructions for use contains detailed information aboutmedicine, its area of influence, properties and expected effect.
Composition of the drug
Chondroitin sulfate and glucosamine hydrochloride are the main active ingredients of the drug "Chondrosamine".

The first component is contained in a volume of 20 mg, the second - 250 mg. If we are talking about the drug "Chondrosamine NEO", the instruction informs consumers about the presence of ibuprofen in the amount of 100 mg as a component.
As additional components included in the drug, the manufacturer claims the presence of crospovidone, colloidal silicon dioxide, magnesium stearate, microcrystalline cellulose.
The tandem of the main active components of "Chondrosamine" takes part in the biosynthesis of connective tissues. The result is blocking the processes of cartilage destruction and stimulating the regeneration of cartilage tissues. As a result, pain sensations become less intense, joint inflammation decreases, and their (joint) mobility increases.

Chondroitin has an effect on phosphorus-calcium metabolism in cartilaginous tissues, inhibits calcium leaching and inhibits destructive processes, stimulates bone tissue regeneration. Glucosamine stimulates the synthesis of substances that are a kind of building material, from which articular membranes, cartilage tissues and intra-articular fluid are subsequently created. Protection against chemical damage, includingcaused by long-term use of NSAIDs and GCS, is also one of the functions of glucosamine, which is part of the drug "Chondrosamine". Reviews of experts report its effective anti-inflammatory effects. The systematic use of the drug can slow down the development of degenerative processes leading to negative changes in the joints, spine and adjacent soft tissues.
Thus, "Chondrosamine" (the instruction confirms this information) makes it possible to significantly reduce the dose of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs taken by patients.
Scope of application
Usually "Chondrosamine" instructions for use recommends for admission to patients from the age of 15 as one of the components of the complex for the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system. However, this is not the only area of \u200b\u200bapplication of this medication. The drug can be used in any condition during which changes in cartilage tissue occur, which are of a degenerative-dystrophic nature.
"Chondrosamine" instructions allow for use in osteoarthritis and osteoporosis, osteochondrosis and spondylosis, periodontopathy and humeroscapular periarthritis, degenerative-dystrophic diseases of the joints and spine and fractures (to stimulate the formation of callus).
Scheme of application and dosage
Tablets "Chondrosamine" instruction regulates for admission to patients from 15 years of age in a dosage of 2 pieces with a frequency of 2-4 times during the day. The drug must be takensmall amount of liquid (preferably water).

After a month from the start of the course of therapy, it is possible to reduce the dosage to 2 tablets or capsules 1-2 times a day. The optimal, minimally effective dose should be selected by the attending physician.
Usually, the course of treatment is from one and a half to three months. A stable positive effect is usually achieved when taking "Chondrosamine" for at least six months.
"Chondrosamine NEO" instructions for use regulates the reception according to the same scheme and in the same doses as "Chondrosamine". Without consulting a doctor, it is unacceptable to take the drug for more than 3 weeks.
As with any drug, there are contraindications for the use of the drug "Chondrosamine". Instructions, reviews and recommendations of medical specialists prohibit taking this drug to those who have a history of individual hypersensitivity to any of the components of the drug, to acetylsalicylic acid and other NSAIDs.

The reason for refusal to use is the presence of phenylketonuria in the patient, serious abnormalities in the functioning of the kidneys, hemophilia (and other abnormalities in the blood coagulation system, including hypocoagulation).
“Chondrosamine NEO” is not prescribed for people suffering from any erosive and ulcerative diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, hemorrhagic diathesis, GI bleeding, intracranialhemorrhages.
Contraindications for the use of "Chondrosamine" are pregnancy, lactation, age up to 15 years.
To date, no cases of overdose have been described. If, for some reason, an unacceptably large dose of the drug "Chondrosamine" is still taken, the instruction recommends doing a gastric lavage and symptomatic treatment according to the patient's condition.
Possible side effects
The development of side effects is possible in case of an overdose or in the presence of individual hypersensitivity to any of the components of the drug "Chondrosamine". The instruction informs that in such cases, violations of the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, allergic reactions on the skin, and dizziness may develop.

As for "Chondrosamine NEO", there can be much more side effects due to the presence of ibuprofen in the composition of the drug. Negative manifestations can manifest themselves from different body systems (digestive, respiratory, cardiovascular, urinary, hematopoietic and coagulation systems), skin allergic reactions may develop, changes in laboratory parameters.
If another form of release of the drug "Chondrosamine" is used - ointment - the instruction informs consumers that skin allergic reactions, itching, hyperemia can develop as side effects. If such an effect occurs, it is necessary to stop treatment and conduct desensitizing therapy.
What to look out for?
It is unacceptable to exceed the dose recommended by the doctor and independently increase the duration of the medication. With parallel intake, the absorption of tetracyclines from the gastrointestinal tract increases, and penicillins and chloramphenicol decrease. The drug is compatible with other NSAIDs, therefore, if it is necessary to take additional non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for a long time, Chondrosamine should be preferred, as it does not contain (unlike Chondrosamine NEO) ibuprofen in its composition.

"Chondrosamine" in no way affects the ability to drive vehicles and perform work that requires increased attention and speed of psychomotor reactions. But patients taking "Chonrosamine NEO" should refrain from these types of activities.
Patient feedback
Like any drug, "Chondrosamine" has both positive and negative feedback from consumers. For most patients, the medication turned out to be useful and helped to cope with acute pain. In addition, the drug is affordable. Basically the same reaction in patients and "Chondrosamine NEO". Instructions, reviews of consumers and he alth workers characterize it as an effective tool.
However, there is also a group of patients who spoke about the drug in a negative way. People began to develop side effects in the gastrointestinal tract, skin reactions appeared. I must say that to a greater extent they spoke about the drug "Chondrosamine NEO". Highthis is most likely due to the presence of ibuprofen in the composition.

In any case, there are much more patients who are satisfied with the results of treatment. And if any negative effects appear, you should consult a doctor to adjust the dose or replace the medication with some other one. Fortunately, Chondrosamine has enough analogues.