The modern world with its super speeds, nanotechnologies and a fast-paced lifestyle has led to the fact that arterial hypertension is noticeably “younger”. If a few decades ago, when pronouncing such a diagnosis, the doctor saw in front of him a person no younger than 50 years old, today such a problem can overtake a thirty-year-old.
In order to be able to keep blood pressure readings normal, a lot of medicines have been developed. These are the tablets "Vazar".
Main components and release forms
The main working substance of this medication is called valsartan. Auxiliaries are microcrystalline cellulose, povidone and colloidal silicon dioxide, lactose monohydrate, magnesium stearate and talc.

As mentioned earlier, the drug is offered to consumers in the form of round coated tablets. Depending on the content of the main component (40, 80, 160 and 320 mg), you can buy Vazar 80 medicines in the pharmacy network, the same drug with a dosage of 160 and Vazar N, which contains 320 mg of valsartan.
Scope andcontraindications
Treatment of arterial hypertension - these are the main indications for the practice of prescribing this medication. That is, the Vazar 80 tablets, the instructions for use, regulate the use to lower blood pressure, not only for hypertension, but also for any problems of the cardiovascular system that manifest themselves against the background of cardiac insufficiency in a chronic form.

The drug has certain contraindications for taking. Do not prescribe it to patients suffering from severe liver diseases (including cirrhosis) and disorders in the process of bile outflow.
In addition, any form of medication ("Vazar 160", as well as in a dosage of 320 mg and even 80 mg) is not recommended for those who have abnormal kidney function, including patients who are prescribed and undergoing hemodialysis.
Also, pregnant women, nursing mothers and people with individual hypersensitivity to any components of Vazar should not take this medication.
Possible uses, dosages
Depending on the severity of the patient's condition and the individual characteristics of his body, the medication can be prescribed in different volumes. 160 mg is considered the average daily dose required for therapy for hypertension. If such a volume is ineffective, they switch to taking the drug "Vazar N" (320 mg), which can be drunk at a time or divided into 2 doses.

For patients with chronic heart failure, the initial dose is 40 mg. The next threshold is 80 mg. In any case, the instructions for use attached to the Vazar 80 medication state that the dosage should be increased gradually from 80 to 160 mg per day.
The optimal mode of administration is twice a day, morning and evening, until the maximum effect occurs. Then the dose should be adjusted to the minimum effective. The maximum daily dose is 320 mg and should not be exceeded.
A separate topic is myocardial infarction and the period after the acute phase. Here, "Vazar" begins to be taken with 20 mg twice a day. Over the next few weeks, gradually increase the volume of the drug to 160 mg, divided into 2 doses.
Pills are taken regardless of food, washed down with water. Determining the duration of therapy is the prerogative of the treating doctor.
Unwanted manifestations
As for the Vazar 80 medication, the instructions for use report that during therapy, infections of the paranasal sinuses and upper respiratory tract, such as pharyngitis, sinusitis, can join as side effects. In addition, the development of orthostatic hypotension (a drop in pressure with a change in body position in space) is not excluded.

It is also possible to develop heart failure, abdominal pain and diarrhea, back pain, cough, myalgia, asthenia, conjunctivitis.
CNS can manifest itself with insomnia, depression, neuralgia. Possible development of hyperkalemia andthrombocytopenia. In very rare cases, doctors talk about the development of angioedema, functional disorders in the kidneys, gastroenteritis.
The consequences of an overdose
If the maximum possible dose of the drug "Vazar N", "Vazar 80", "Vazar 160" is exceeded, the instruction (the price of medicines will be discussed below) recommends the following. Since an overdose can cause the development of arterial hypotension, which is usually accompanied by dizziness, the patient must take a horizontal position, after which he is injected with the necessary saline solutions (parenteral).
Due to the fact that valsartan actively binds to blood proteins, dialysis will not give any positive effect.
What to look out for?
Patients suffering from renal artery stenosis and taking potassium supplements and potassium-sparing diuretics should be careful about their condition when taking Vazar 80.
Instructions for use also informs patients that large doses of diuretics may well cause symptomatic hypotension. The reason for this phenomenon is seen as a decrease in sodium content and a decrease in circulating blood volume.

Under the constant supervision of a physician should be those patients who simultaneously take "Vazar" and ACE inhibitors. This is especially true of the initial stages of CHF therapy, treatment of liver cirrhosis and the post-infarction period.
It should be borne in mind that for any pathological processes in the liver, the dailythe volume of valsartan should not exceed 80 mg. As for children and adolescents, there is currently no information about the safety and effectiveness of the use of "Vazar" for the treatment of these categories of patients.
Price range
Prices for a medical product vary greatly depending on the region, the volume of the active ingredient contained in the tablet and, in fact, the number of tablets in the package. For example, in Moscow, "Vazar 80" (30 tablets per pack) will cost the consumer between 240 and 350 rubles. However, another, more commonly used dosage is in greatest demand among buyers (in any case, this is how the instruction informs about the Vazar 160 medication). The price of the drug - 30 tablets will cost from 450 to 500 rubles - not that very low, but with a daily dose of 40, 80 mg prescribed for admission, they will last for a much longer period of time than if a person bought "Vazar 80". That is, from an economic point of view, the purchase of package No. 30 with a dose of 160 mg is more profitable than the same 30 tablets, but with a dosage of 80 mg.
Drug Opinions
As for the "Vazar 80", reviews about it from both he alth workers and patients are mostly positive. The drug has established itself as an effective tool in the treatment of arterial hypertension. "Vazar 160" also did not cause a wave of criticism.

According to patients, it is effective not only when taking the full dose of 160 mg, but also reduces blood pressure when taking halfor even a quarter dose in cases where the patient's condition is not severe and the drug is well tolerated.
There are negative reviews about "Vazar" in the sense that the drug caused the development of unwanted side effects. Most often, the problem lies either in individual hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, or in an incorrectly selected dose. In this case, it is recommended to contact the attending doctor, because only he is responsible for the patient's state of he alth, both in case of choosing the wrong dose, and when prescribing Vasar, and not anything else.