Menopausal hormone therapy: indications, drugs, recommendations and reviews

Menopausal hormone therapy: indications, drugs, recommendations and reviews
Menopausal hormone therapy: indications, drugs, recommendations and reviews

In the life of every woman there comes a period when the reflection in the mirror pleases her less and less. New wrinkles appear, the oval of the face changes, the skin fades. Many ladies strive to restore beauty with the help of various cosmetic procedures and forget that all external changes are the result of internal ones. To prolong youth for several years will not allow a newfangled cream or injection, but menopausal hormone therapy.

menopausal hormone therapy
menopausal hormone therapy

Youth and hormones

The age-related changes that occur to women during menopause best demonstrate the dependence of beauty on hormones. The skin begins to age faster as soon as estrogen production decreases. In addition, hormones affect the emotional state of a woman, her weight and libido. Without sufficient production of these substances, normal work is impossible.organism.

The maximum amount of hormones produced in a woman aged 25 to 30 years. Then a gradual decrease in their level begins. Symptoms indicating a lack of hormones in the body are:

  • decrease in performance;
  • muscle flabbiness;
  • reduced sex drive;
  • frequent mood swings, depression;
  • increase in the number of wrinkles, decrease in skin elasticity;
  • appearance of pain in large joints;
  • omission of internal organs;
  • death of cells in tissues and organs, which subsequently leads to deterioration of the immune system, thyroid and pancreas, kidneys and liver.

Absolutely all hormones are important for the he alth of the body. But for the beauty of a woman, sex plays a primary role - these are progesterone, estrogen and testosterone. The production of these hormones begins to decline from the age of 35. As a result of such changes, the synthesis of hyaluronic acid and collagen is disrupted, muscle tissue disintegrates, and fatty tissue takes its place.

Further changes that occur with the body bring even more frustration to women. Hair begins to grow more slowly and fall out faster, memory worsens, working capacity decreases, episodes of irritability and depression appear more and more often. Often there are violations of sexual function, problems with urination are possible.

Bone density also depends directly on hormones. Therefore, older women are prone to osteoporosis. Contributes to fractures and excess weight. During menopause, there is a significantan increase in adipose tissue, while muscle tissue is constantly being destroyed. The risk of developing cancer and cardiovascular diseases increases.

Hormone replacement therapy in menopause is capable of maintaining he alth and significantly prolonging youth. It is necessary for every woman, provided there are no contraindications. Replenishing the deficiency of these essential substances allows you to maintain the synthesis of hyaluronic acid and collagen, prevents the development of osteoporosis and the breakdown of muscle tissue, and prevents the body from becoming decrepit.

Indications and principle of action of hormone therapy

Doctors of ancient civilizations knew that the production of hormones in the human body decreases with age. They made attempts to prevent this process. We can say that the first hormone therapy for menopause was invented in ancient Egypt. Doctors prepared extracts from the gonads of animals and prescribed this drug to their we althy patients.

doctor's appointment
doctor's appointment

Modern women have the ability to remain attractive for as long as they wish. Sports, a he althy lifestyle, adherence to the principles of rational nutrition, regular visits to a beautician allow you to maintain he alth and youthful appearance. And also significantly extend the period of active life.

In many European countries and the US, most women choose hormone therapy for menopause. Endocrinologists joke that this is the only way to make the body think it's younger than it really is. Not all domesticexperts agree with this opinion. They are in no hurry to apply hormone therapy to their patients, guided by the fact that it has an impressive list of side effects.

European doctors in the course of numerous clinical studies have understood how to minimize risks. The likelihood of side effects is reduced if the following conditions are met:

  1. Hormonal therapy for menopause is prescribed and canceled in a timely manner.
  2. The patient must strictly follow all the recommendations of the specialist. It is very dangerous to change the dosage of drugs on your own.
  3. Hormonotherapy should only be prescribed if indicated.
  4. For treatment, you should choose proven and reliable drugs that have a minimal list of side effects.
  5. The dosage of the drug should be prescribed by the doctor only after receiving all the tests.

Some patients have a negative attitude towards hormone therapy during menopause. They consider such treatment unnatural. But there are other reasons too:

  1. Fear of weight gain.
  2. The belief that hormone use can be addictive.
  3. Fear of more hair appearing in unwanted places.
  4. Fears that taking hormonal drugs will lead to the development of cancer.

Actually, this is prejudice. The problem is that not all patients understand how hormone therapy can delay menopause. This is possible thanks to the timely startcorrection.

All women over 40 need microdoses of bioidentical hormones. In this case, there is no deficiency of these substances and the aging of the body slows down significantly. Properly selected drugs and doses are not able to harm. On the contrary, they improve he alth by protecting the patient from the development of osteoporosis and cardiovascular disease.

Indications for hormone therapy for women:

  1. The desire of the patient to prolong youth.
  2. Menopause before age 40.
  3. The desire of a woman to prevent the development of pathologies such as polycystic ovaries, hypertension, vaginal dryness, hypertension, urinary incontinence.
  4. Climax due to chemotherapy or hysterectomy.
hormone therapy for women
hormone therapy for women

Hormonal therapy and pathologies

It is not uncommon for patients to have one or more chronic diseases by the time they enter perimenopause. They fear that hormone therapy for women can lead to an exacerbation of old and the emergence of new pathologies. In most cases, these fears are unfounded. Hormone therapy can alleviate the patient's condition with the following diseases:

  1. Osteoarthritis. Properly selected drugs slow down progressing diseases, reduce the intensity of pain. The effect is more pronounced on the knee joints than on the hip joints.
  2. Rheumatoid arthritis. Hormone therapy prevents a decrease in bone mineral density, and also improves muscle trophism.
  3. Osteoporosis. This is one of those diseases in which the positive impact of menopausal hormone therapy is undeniable. MHT is the most effective treatment for osteoporosis. Such therapy reduces the risk of fractures in all age groups, even older ones.
  4. COPD. It has been proven that in women during menopause, this pathology is more severe. Hormone therapy relieves the condition of patients.
  5. Bronchial asthma. Synthetic estrogens can exacerbate the disease. Such drugs should not be used in patients with bronchial asthma. But taking natural estrogens, especially in combination with progestogens, helps prevent exacerbations and significantly alleviates the condition of patients.
  6. Arterial hypertension. Research scientists have proven that menopausal hormone therapy helps to reduce blood pressure levels, and also restores a normal circadian rhythm.
  7. Ischemic heart disease. In this case, the influence of hormones is ambiguous. If therapy was started on time, that is, during the perimenopausal period, it will have a cardioprotective effect. Its contribution to reducing mortality from vascular pathologies is much higher than from taking acetylsalicylic acid. But in the event that a woman over 60 began to receive MHT for the first time, this can harm her body.
  8. Urinary tract infections. Estrogens normalize the microflora of the vagina, lowering its pH level. Preparations with these substances are allowed to be used for as long as necessary for the complete disappearance of symptoms.
  9. Diabetes. Properly selected drug does not lead to aggravation of insulin resistance.
  10. Obesity. Modern menopausal hormone therapy does not provoke, but, on the contrary, prevents weight gain. The accumulation of fat, especially in the abdomen, is significantly reduced by taking estrogens. Insulin sensitivity is reduced. This minimizes the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

Proper selection of drugs by a doctor allows the use of MHT in most diseases. A woman can only clearly follow the recommendations of a specialist and enjoy her reflection in the mirror.

Hormonal drugs
Hormonal drugs

Progesterone drugs

Progesterone preparations help eliminate menopausal symptoms and support hormone-dependent functions, which is why they are often used in menopausal hormone therapy. Clinical recommendations (treatment protocol) the doctor selects individually for each patient after receiving the test results.

The most effective drugs include:

  1. "Utrozhestan". Capsules for intravaginal or oral use. "Utrozhestan" should be taken at night, on an empty stomach. This is a hormonal remedy of natural origin. Usually well tolerated. In some cases, it can cause migraines and bloating. The cost of the drug is 4500 rubles.
  2. "Dufaston". The most prescribed drug, which uses a hormone of synthetic origin, butits structure is similar to natural. When taking it, there is no contraceptive effect. It does not cause an increase in temperature, an increase in body weight and an increase in blood clotting. In severe liver pathologies, Duphaston is contraindicated. The estimated cost of the drug is 550 rubles.
  3. "Norkolut". A significant advantage of the drug is its cost, which does not exceed 200 rubles. Unfortunately, this remedy has an impressive list of contraindications and side effects.
  4. "Linestrenol". Synthetic progestogen, the effect on the body of which is similar to natural. Unpleasant symptoms of menopause disappear after the first days of taking the drug. Its cost is 3500 rubles.
  5. "Veraplex". The drug is able to inhibit the development of hormone-sensitive tumors. "Veraplex" is prescribed to patients with certain types of oncology, postmenopausal.

Despite the effectiveness of these drugs, none of them can prevent ovarian dysfunction. But these means can significantly improve the course of menopause. The main thing is to strictly follow all the doctor's recommendations, otherwise you can cause irreparable harm to he alth.

Estrogen drugs

When a woman goes through puberty, estrogen production begins. Under their control, the synthesis of hyaluronic acid occurs. Estrogen allows the skin to retain moisture, stimulates cell regeneration, is responsible for the emotional state of a woman and the strength of her bone tissue. It also protects againstoverweight.

Estrogen preparations are almost always prescribed for menopausal hormone therapy. Recommendations for admission depend on the results of the patient's tests. Most often, estrogens must be taken in combination with progesterone. But exceptions are possible, for example, if the uterus was extirpated. In this case, estrogen monotherapy is recommended.

The list of the best drugs includes:

  • "Divigel". This is one of the best remedies for artificial and natural menopause. Good protection against the development of osteoporosis. The drug is available in the form of a gel. Its minimum dose is 1 g per day. The decision on how much Divigel should be used by a particular patient can only be made by her doctor. It also determines the duration of treatment. Apply the product to the clean skin of the lower part of the body. The cost of the drug is 650 rubles.
  • "Estrogel". The use of this remedy relieves the symptoms of menopause within the first week. The gel is recommended to be applied to the skin of the forearm. The cost of the drug is 800 rubles.
  • "Proginova". This menopausal hormone therapy drug is used to treat disorders that negatively affect the quality of life. The tool is available in tablets. The cost of the drug is 600 rubles.
  • "Klimara". Available in the form of a transdermal system. The effect of the patch remains for seven days. It is recommended to glue it along the spine or on the skin of the buttocks. It is forbidden to fasten in the chest area. ATif the product has been applied correctly, taking a bath or shower will not cause it to peel off. The price of the drug is 1250 rubles.
Hormonal patches
Hormonal patches

"Estramon". Another effective transdermal system. One patch can stay on the skin for three to four days. It is necessary to glue it on the skin of the outer side of the thigh. The cost of the drug is 5300 rubles

Combination drugs

Leading pharmacological concerns have created a number of modern combined drugs. Menopausal hormone therapy is so effective precisely because the gynecologist is able to accurately select the dose that the patient needs. The latest generation products contain both progesterone and estrogen. They are most often prescribed to women who do not have comorbidities.

pills klimonorm
pills klimonorm

The list of the best drugs includes:

  1. "Klimonorm". As part of the drug - levonorgestrel and estradiol valerate. The tool normalizes the emotional state, slows down the aging process of the skin. Not recommended for women over the age of 65. The price of the drug is 850 rubles.
  2. "Femoston". This remedy, used in the treatment of menopause, reliably protects against the development of osteoporosis and malignant neoplasms. The cost of the drug is 950 rubles.
  3. "Angelique". Clinical studies confirm that taking the drug protects against the development of menopausal osteoporosis, relievesdepression, improves the condition of the skin and hair. It also protects against the development of colon cancer. The price for packaging the product is 1300 rubles.

Contraindications and side effects

Menopausal hormone therapy is the most effective way to prolong youth. It is also the only method that has been proven effective in preventing menopausal disorders.

The first drugs that were used for treatment had an impressive list of contraindications. Therefore, few women could take advantage of this effective means of preserving youth and beauty. Since the latest generation of drugs appeared, the list of contraindications has been noticeably reduced.

Complete withdrawal of therapy is necessary in this case:

  1. Malignant tumors (breast, liver or endometrium).
  2. Intrauterine bleeding.
  3. Hepatitis.
  4. Thromboembolism.
  5. Disorders of fat metabolism.
  6. Porfiria.
  7. Deep vein thrombosis.

Modern ultra-low dose drugs minimize the risk of side effects. And in the event that a woman clearly follows all the doctor's recommendations, the appearance of unwanted reactions is observed in exceptional cases. However, taking hormone therapy drugs can sometimes cause the following side effects:

  • migraine;
  • bloating;
  • thrombosis;
  • change in libido;
  • nausea;
  • hair loss;
  • tachycardia;
  • liver dysfunction;
  • benign breast masses;
  • change in body weight;
  • acne;
  • constipation;
  • vaginitis.

Opponents of hormone therapy

In 2002, a group of scientists from the USA, Switzerland, Austria, Italy and Sweden prepared a report that de alt with the effectiveness of menopausal hormone therapy. The recommendations of the specialists were as follows: in all cases, when possible, alternative methods of treatment should be chosen.

Harm of hormonal drugs
Harm of hormonal drugs

Researchers have found that all previously released data that spoke about the benefits of hormone therapy were provided by unreliable sources. The shocking results were obtained during the conduct of new studies involving control groups. It turned out that hormonal drugs do not protect against cardiovascular disease. They, on the contrary, contribute to blockage of blood vessels and increase the risk of a heart attack by 50%. Especially in the first year of admission. In addition, there was no positive effect on problems such as urinary incontinence or mood swings. The fact that menopausal therapy protects against the development of osteoporosis has not been confirmed either.

Scientists note that many symptoms of menopause can be eliminated in other ways, taking hormones is not the only solution. A woman must be aware of all the risks and take a responsible approach to making a decision. Hormone therapy should only be considered if other treatments fail.


Some plants contain substances that have a similar structure to female sex hormones. With their help, you can reduce the manifestation of symptoms of menopause. Thanks to this, hormonal therapy can be replaced by taking herbal preparations. Such products have a gentle effect on the woman's body, remove many unpleasant symptoms, improve the condition of hair and skin.

Phytohormones can be taken for a long time. They are not rejected by the body and are well tolerated. Unfortunately, they cannot provide an instant effect, but if taken systematically, they can stabilize the condition for a long time.

The most effective drugs are:

  1. "Klimandion".
  2. "Incolim".
  3. "Remens".
  4. "Feminal".
  5. "Climaxan".


Staying always young and beautiful is the dream of every woman. Hormone therapy can partially fulfill this desire. Reviews of those patients who have been taking drugs for a long time confirm their effectiveness.

Hormone Therapy Reviews
Hormone Therapy Reviews

Women write that depression and anxiety disappear after three to four days of taking. The condition of the skin and hair is noticeably improved after a few weeks. Patients who opt for hormonal therapy say they look much younger than their peers who refused such treatment.
