How to treat a runny nose without fever at home?

How to treat a runny nose without fever at home?
How to treat a runny nose without fever at home?

To know how to quickly treat a runny nose in an adult or a child, any modern person should. Of course, there are many drops and aerosols on the pharmacy shelves, which, according to the manufacturer, will save and help, but this option is far from always suitable. In addition, the drugs are designed for short-term use. As an alternative, they will be various folk remedies. What to try if the nose is not breathing?

Relevance of the problem

Many believe that treating a runny nose with folk or pharmacy remedies is a waste of time and money, the problem is simply not worth it. The opinion is erroneous - rhinitis is a very real disease that brings a lot of anxiety in everyday life. If you approach the task correctly, you will be able to get rid of an unpleasant manifestation in just a day or a few. The main thing is to use the appropriate means for a particular case.

By the way, a runny nose can easilycause complications. Improper treatment also provokes unpleasant he alth conditions. You can prevent the need for long courses of therapy with the use of expensive drugs if you know how to treat a runny nose in adults and children.

True, it will not be superfluous to visit a doctor before starting the course, especially if the symptom is protracted. Most often, rhinitis accompanies a cold, but in some cases, more rare and severe pathologies manifest themselves in this way. Only a doctor will be able to formulate a conclusion on a particular case. The doctor will also give advice: what remedies for the common cold are applicable to treat the patient, and what should not be used, it will only harm. Many doctors formulate recommendations regarding both pharmacy names and folk remedies, providing the final choice to the patient.

Starting from the beginning: where did the trouble come from?

Before you figure out how to treat a runny nose without fever (or accompanied by fever), you should figure out why this condition occurs, what provokes it. Only knowing this, you can understand how to fight as efficiently as possible. Modern medicine knows several varieties of rhinitis, and first of all it is worth mentioning allergic. It occurs under the influence of an allergen, most often wool, dust, a drug (pharmaceutical, cosmetic), but it can be the body's response to a food product, pollen or other compounds. More often people suffer from stuffy nose in the spring, summer, when nature blooms. An allergic reaction can be assumed by the cyclicity of the phenomenon, the abundance of transparent compartments,itching of the ears, organs of vision. Often the face swells, frequent sneezing worries.

how to treat a runny nose at home
how to treat a runny nose at home

It is not easy to figure out how to treat a runny nose at home if the doctor has established a vasomotor type. More often it develops against the background of stress, after eating spicy foods, inhaling smoke. Possibly hormonal influence. Such chronic rhinitis leads to an irritable state of a person, sleep disturbances, memory impairment, and sometimes causes hypertension. Many notice that the nostrils are laid in turn. The discharge is colorless, mucous, the nose itches, a sneeze is possible. This problem is more likely to develop in people whose nasal septum is curved for various reasons.

We get sick and get treated

Best of all, the general population knows how to treat a runny nose of an infectious nature at home. This accompanies a cold, flu, other pathologies provoked by viruses, bacteria. It is best to choose therapy at the doctor's appointment. Sometimes the discharge is transparent, mucous, not too abundant, but there are also purulent. Often, when sick, a person cannot breathe due to nasal congestion, but there is no mucus at all.

Another variant closely associated with diseases is the drug-induced cold. How to treat a runny nose for an adult at home of this nature is also better to check with a doctor. More often, the syndrome is formed if vasoconstrictor drugs that provoke addiction are used for a long time. Usually the doctor recommends completely stopping the use of the name, and also advises folk alleviate the patient's condition.

Wrapping Up

The penultimate type of rhinitis known to modern medicine is hypertensive. With increased pressure, processes of hypertrophy of the nasal mucosa are often observed. This is accompanied by chronic runny nose and breathing problems. Mucus, purulent, copious discharge.

cold treatment
cold treatment

Another form, regarding which it is better to contact a doctor, so that he will tell you how to treat a runny nose, is atrophic. The processes are due to a decrease in the thickness of the nasal mucosa. This provokes dryness of the internal integument, stimulates the formation of crusts. With mucosal atrophy, the ability to recognize odors is impaired, the burning sensation in the nose worries.

What will help?

Sometimes a patient comes to the doctor and complains that he cannot breathe for a whole month. How to treat a runny nose in such a situation? The doctor will not give answers right off the bat: you should figure out why the disease appeared, and on the basis of this, choose the appropriate drug. Often prescribe special drops. On the pharmacy shelves there is a huge variety of names applicable for various reasons. Special for allergy sufferers, while other types are designed to treat the chronic, infectious form. Additionally, the doctor may recommend antiviral formulations. These will come to the rescue if the flu season begins, colds. The risk of the disease increases when it gets colder outside. A special medication stops viral activity, thereby eliminating the root cause of the disease, against the background of which soonall symptoms go away, including stuffy nose.

Among the most popular items, whose manufacturers know exactly how to treat a runny nose, it is worth mentioning:

  • "Viferon";
  • Grippferon;
  • "Rimantadine";
  • Tamiflu.

All these funds are designed to stop viral activity. They do not purposefully fight a runny nose, but eliminate the cause of the disease, after which all unpleasant symptoms disappear: a sore throat, a stuffy nose, and a fever.

how to treat a runny nose without fever
how to treat a runny nose without fever

What else to try?

From among the very inexpensive drugs recommended by most experts who tell how to treat a runny nose, it is worth noting oxolinic ointment. This tool is available to everyone and everyone, is sold in any pharmacy, has a long shelf life and economical consumption. The drug is effective against viral activity. Opinions on the correct application vary somewhat. Some believe that the medication should be used near the nose, while others suggest treating the lining inside the nose. The basic rule is to apply a thin layer. Whether it is worth using this particular ointment, what method to apply it, it is better to check with the doctor.

Short but effective

This is how vasoconstrictor drugs work. Understanding how to treat a runny nose, many people prefer to use just such formulations. Doctors pay attention: it is really justified only at the beginning of the disease. Effective compounds quickly return the opportunitybreathe freely, but they can be used for a strictly limited time period, otherwise there is a risk of addiction, against which rhinitis becomes chronic. Under the influence of active compounds, the blood vessels in the nasal cavity narrow, which reduces the swelling of the area and reduces the volume of compartments produced. Most Popular Items:

  • Otrivin;
  • "Sanorin";
  • Naphthyzin.

Often, doctors recommend that patients try Nazivin. Many stop at the name "Galazolin". Nazol drops have a good reputation.

Antimicrobial therapy

When choosing how to treat a runny nose in a child, sometimes you can stop at antibiotic therapy. The main condition here is not to start shooting sparrows from a cannon, that is, to use antibiotics exactly when they are really needed. Normally, only a doctor can prescribe such drugs based on the tests performed, but it is categorically not recommended to prescribe them to yourself (and even more so to children) on your own. This group of drugs is effective if rhinitis is provoked by bacterial invasion or complications associated with such infection.

how to treat a runny nose during pregnancy
how to treat a runny nose during pregnancy

There are quite a lot of aerosols on sale, the manufacturers of which are happy to tell you how to treat a runny nose in a child with their product. Doctors (if indications for such treatment are identified) most often recommend stopping at Isofra or Bioparox. The use of aerosol is quite simple, convenient, microscopicparticles are evenly distributed over the surface of the infected mucous membranes, which allows to achieve a high-quality and fast therapeutic effect.

Allergies and rhinitis

Finding out how to treat a runny nose during pregnancy (and in other cases), if the symptoms are provoked by an allergic reaction, you should understand: the most effective and safe option is the complete elimination of the allergen from the environment. Of course, this is not always possible, but it is worth taking measures to achieve maximum cleanliness of the surrounding space. The easiest way is for those who are allergic to wool, but getting rid of, say, poplar fluff is another problem.

There are many items on sale from the allergic nature of the common cold. They are based on antihistamine compounds. There are gels, ointments, aerosols, drops. The name "Vibrocil" has a fairly good reputation. The manufacturer advises the use of this remedy for allergies and colds. However, it is important to carefully read the instructions. Not all pharmaceutical products are suitable for the treatment of young children and pregnant and lactating women.

treat a runny nose
treat a runny nose


Manufacturers of such medicines assure that they know better than anyone else how to treat a runny nose during pregnancy, feeding a child, as well as symptoms that disturb young patients. Homeopathy is gaining popularity, being presented as a completely safe approach to therapy, effective against viruses, bacteria, inflammation. At the same time, homeopathic remedies, according to manufacturers, activate the immune system andrelieve swelling. However, you should not choose such compositions for yourself. It is better to consult a qualified homeopath who can advise the most appropriate remedy for a particular case. Recently, there has been a fairly large demand for:

  • "Delufen";
  • Edas-131;
  • Euphorbium Composite.

Safe and targeted

When a doctor confidently declares: “We treat a runny nose quickly at home!”, An adult patient is often overcome with doubts - is this possible? Many are accustomed to congestion for weeks, or even months. True, it is not at all necessary to endure inconvenience for so long - at present, everyone has the opportunity to use home inhalers. Pharmacies offer a large selection of expensive and not very nebulizers. This is a convenient device, modern, compact, safe. Apply it for inhalation at a convenient time.

The nebulizer dispenses medication through the mask. Thus, the agent quickly penetrates the nasal mucosa, affects the respiratory tract with maximum efficiency. The procedure involves a short inhalation over the device. It is important to take even breaths, as deep as possible, holding the air for a second or two in the lungs, exhaling through the mouth. Duration of treatment - from eight ten-minute procedures and more.

how to treat a runny nose for an adult at home
how to treat a runny nose for an adult at home

What to use?

Among the most significant positive aspects of using a nebulizer is its safety. For example, as a consumable forspraying, you can use the usual saline solution, that is, s alted water. Such a substance is completely safe for both children and adults, it will not provoke side effects. In addition, it will not be a burden on the family budget. As an alternative - mineral waters with an increased alkalinity, sea water. If the doctor recommends, you can stop at essential oils, herbal solutions, infusions, medicines from the pharmacy assortment.

Nebulizer is a great option a la "treat a runny nose quickly at home." To increase the effectiveness of the course, you can use interferon in the device. Three ampoules take 10 ml of physiological solution, heat the mixture to the temperature of the human body and inhale through the device for ten minutes. The frequency of repetition is twice daily. Similarly, olive oil can be used by mixing a couple of drops of the product with 5 ml of saline. The procedure is also repeated twice a day. You can also use Naphthyzin. The use of this agent through the device is sufficient once daily, and a 0.1% solution of the drug is diluted with saline in a ratio of 1:10. For one procedure, three milliliters of the resulting liquid is enough.

Traditional medicine against rhinitis

By the way, many believe that such products are much more effective than any pharmacy products. In addition, if, for example, a child is a month old, how to treat a runny nose? Most of the items on the shelves of pharmacies are intended for adult patients, but rhinitis does not distinguish between ages. But folk methodsinvolve the use of conventional products, herbs and fruits around us, so this approach is not associated with additional he alth risks, the chances of allergies and side effects are minimal.

The easiest option is to use beetroot juice. For cooking, take a fresh root crop, rub and squeeze out the liquid. No more than six drops are dripped into one nostril (less for small children). The procedure is repeated over the other half of the nose. An alternative use is to soak a swab in the liquid and place it in the nasal passage.

Aloe against all diseases

What is not treated with this plant! Some believe that it will help even with a malignant neoplasm. However, such assurances do not yet have official confirmation, but with rhinitis it is recommended not only by folk healers, but also by qualified doctors. By the way, this is an excellent answer to the question of how to treat a runny nose in a baby - there will be no side effects, but there are many positive ones. Do not forget about the availability of therapy - aloe grows at home in almost any person. Its use is completely free, and a small piece of abundant greenery is enough to get rid of a runny nose. In order for the natural preparation to be as effective as possible, you should not water the plant for a week before starting therapy, then cut off a couple of leaves, rinse and store in the refrigerator.

aloe for colds
aloe for colds

Immediately before use, a small amount of greens is crushed into a homogeneous gruel. It is better to use a wooden spoon for this. Juice is decanted and placedinto a closed container. Before use, the drug is heated in a water bath or kept in a warm room for about half an hour, after which a couple of drops are instilled into each nasal passage. The optimal frequency is three times a day. For many, such treatment is accompanied by a strong sneeze, since under the influence of active compounds, mucus begins to drain quickly, abundantly.

What else to try?

From traditional medicine, the option of using wild rosemary against rhinitis deserves attention. A tablespoon of pre-crushed plants is thoroughly mixed with 100 gr. vegetable oil, let it brew in a dark room (at least three weeks), stirring the composition daily. After this period - filter and use for instillation into the nose three times daily. Dosage - one drop in one nasal passage.

Interesting position

When carrying a child, the treatment of any he alth trouble becomes a source of considerable headache. Almost all medications are prohibited for pregnant women, as they can have an unpredictable negative effect on the fetus. But you don't want to get sick! The softest, most gentle methods of eliminating rhinitis come to the rescue. A simple and effective option is nasal heating. True, this will help only in the absence of temperature. You can heat the s alt, put it in a canvas bag and attach it to the bridge of your nose. Another option is to use a freshly boiled egg in the shell.

Inhalations with the use of a special apparatus will bring no less benefit. It is worth using herbal infusions: chamomile, sage,calendula. Thyme, St. John's wort have proven themselves well against rhinitis. This method of treating a runny nose is safe for both children and pregnant women.

we treat a runny nose quickly at home for an adult
we treat a runny nose quickly at home for an adult

Home and official methods

When resorting to traditional medicine for rhinitis, it is worth using aloe during pregnancy, but the juice is diluted with water before instillation. Similarly, apply the juice of carrots, apples, beets. They are also diluted with water. Only freshly squeezed products will be useful. But store-bought, packaged ones will not have any positive effect.

Among the official pharmaceutical products allowed for pregnant women, especially attention should be paid to Pinosol. This medicine eliminates puffiness, softens the mucous membranes, and alleviates the condition. You can also use "Grippferon". Sometimes the doctor recommends stopping at Sanorin, but you cannot choose it for yourself. Previously, the doctor assesses whether there are any contraindications for such therapy. The drug constricts blood vessels, therefore it is effective for rhinitis of various nature.

Rhinitis: curious features

In fact, the phenomenon consists in the excessive secretion of mucus by the tissues lining the nasal passages from the inside. A variety of factors can provoke this phenomenon, including the dust content of the air. The reaction is completely natural - together with mucus, the body tries to bring harmful particles into the environment, whether they are microscopic pathological life forms or pollution, allergens. By the way, sniffing is not yeta direct indication of the disease. It is worth crying, and now your nose is running with might and main. Everything is explained here simply - the excess fluid secreted by the lacrimal glands is transferred to the nasal canal, so the compound does not leave the body through the eyes, but creates the appearance of a runny nose.

Normally, the mucus produced by the human body, especially in the nose, is rich in components that can stop viral activity, so any cold, infection is accompanied by a runny nose, but its absence can be regarded as an incorrect, disturbing response of the body. Doctors note that mucus is only effective against pathological organisms when the density is moderate. Drying of the substance under the influence of heat, dry air in the room causes the formation of a thick protein secret, rich in nutrients necessary for microbes, so colonies begin to breed especially quickly in such an environment.
