In the article, we will consider whether it is possible to have an abortion at 14 weeks.
Abortion is one of the most feared and discussed procedures, for which many cannot find an excuse. But the women who decided to do this had their own reasons, and sometimes quite good ones. Someone did not plan a pregnancy at all, someone was abandoned by a loved one, for some the fault was the lack of material we alth, the condemnation of relatives, and this is only the smallest thing that can push expectant mothers to such a risky act. After all, a woman who decides to terminate a pregnancy cannot help but be afraid of side effects and consequences.

Abortions come in many forms: spontaneous (miscarriages) and medical, drug-assisted or surgical abortions.
How is the pregnancy going?
Is it possible to have an abortion at 14 weeks pregnant? Woman to itthe moment it is already fully adapting to its position, its hormonal background is in a stable state, and the placenta takes over the life support of the fetus. To supply the fetus with important nutrients and oxygen, the body of a pregnant woman consumes a large amount of resources. There may be deterioration in the condition of hair, nails, skin (to find out the cause, you need to see a doctor). Cases of heartburn are becoming more frequent, since the uterus increases by this time to 14 cm and does not fit in the small pelvis, this makes it rise into the abdominal cavity.
A woman's breasts noticeably increase in size, become more sensitive. The areolas around the nipples become darker, and a vertical pigmented stripe of pregnant women appears on the stomach from the groin to the navel.
At this time, the weight of the embryo is already 43 g, and the length of its body is no more than nine centimeters. He has fully formed all organs and systems, although some of them still function poorly. On an ultrasound, the doctor may even be able to determine the sex of the unborn child. Increasingly, a woman begins to experience lower back pain, this is due to an increase in the weight of the fetus and a shift in the center of gravity. Sometimes there are pulling pains in the lower abdomen, which indicate a stretching of the uterus. The discharge should not have a strong odor. Pay attention to curd flakes, foam or pus, which indicate a possible infection of the pelvic organs. Sudden pain, which is accompanied by bloody discharge, is a clear sign of spontaneous abortion at 14 weeks. With such symptoms, it is urgent to contactdoctor.

14 weeks - is it possible to terminate the pregnancy?
According to the law of the Russian Federation, termination of pregnancy at the request of a woman can only be carried out up to and including the 12th week of gestation. There must be good reasons for this procedure at a later date, either social or medical.
In case of pregnancy due to rape, termination is allowed until the 22nd week. This is possible in the event of the death of a spouse, minor age is also a valid reason for the operation.
Medical indications
Medical indications include ectopic or missed pregnancy, fetal development with severe pathologies, both genetic and caused by medication and chemicals. This also includes mommy's diseases, such as hepatitis, tuberculosis, mental disorders, viral infections.
When there is a threat to the life and he alth of a pregnant woman in the event that she has an oncological tumor; violations of the central nervous system; acute kidney or heart failure is also allowed to have an abortion at 14 weeks.
Decision of the medical commission
To decide on the advisability of terminating a pregnancy, a medical commission should be assembled at the clinic where the woman is observed. The council should evaluate possible methods to keep the gestation. Permission for the operation can only be given by the patient herself. At the same time, the doctor must explain why an abortion is necessary in this case. Only in emergencyIn cases where immediate life-saving is at stake, the intervention is carried out without her consent. An abortion at such a time simply on your own whim will not work.

Attention should be paid to a number of contraindications to abortion.
- The presence of Rh-conflict during the first gestation. Abortion in this case will lead to the development of a repeated conflict in subsequent attempts to become pregnant.
- Pelvic inflammatory disease and infections: STDs, HIV, syphilis.
- Poor blood clotting.
The presence of contraindications is not yet a reason to refuse surgery. Before the procedure, the doctor is obliged to assess all the risks to the patient's he alth.
Before you have an abortion at 14 weeks, you need to take some tests.
Before interrupting gestation, a woman is referred for the necessary tests:
- Blood to detect viral infections (HIV, syphilis, hepatitis, etc.).
- Urine to determine the level of hCG.
- Smear from the cervical canal to determine the flora of the intimate zone.
- Complete blood count.
Due to the fact that termination of pregnancy at this time is carried out under anesthesia, more examinations are needed: ultrasound of the heart, liver or kidneys, ECG, MRI or CT scan, coagulogram, etc. If the interruption occurs due to fetal pathology, then a biopsy of the chorionic villi or amniocentesis is mandatory. This procedure is necessary forconfirmation or, conversely, to refute an early diagnosis.
Abortion methods at 14 weeks
The method of termination of pregnancy at the 14th week is determined by the indications for this procedure. There are several methods for this operation:
Dilatation and evacuation, it is recommended by WHO as safer at this time. The operation consists in dilating the cervix with the help of drugs containing prostaglandins or antiprogestogens. This process takes place under general or spinal anesthesia and can last from a couple of hours to a day. The cervical canal is expanded with a special surgical spoon, after which a vacuum aspirator is used, which removes the embryo along with the amniotic fluid. The whole procedure is done under ultrasound control to exclude damage to the walls of the uterus and to make sure that there are no residual gestational products. There are cases when it is necessary to introduce a KCl solution into the fetal chest to stop its heartbeat. At the end of the operation, the woman is taken to the ward for further observation. A woman is most often discharged already on the 5th day. What else can be an abortion at 14 weeks?

- Dilatation and curettage, or, as they call it, curettage. This method is most often used in our country for such a period. The technology is almost the same as for dilatation and evacuation, but instead of a vacuum aspirator, a curette is used, which is used for curettage
- fetus. With this procedure, there is a high risk of damaging the cervix, whichcan lead to profuse anatomical bleeding. According to the WHO, complications after this operation are two to three times higher than the frequency of complications after vacuum aspiration.
- Hysterotomy, or small caesarean section, is used if the pregnant woman has contraindications to other methods of termination in the form of heart or kidney failure; coagulopathy; neoplasms of the uterus and appendages; CNS pathologies. Doctors make an incision along the anterior wall of the cervix, through which the fetus and placenta are removed. Such an intervention is carried out if the fetal anomaly or death is such that another type of abortion is not applicable. It is held according to a pre-planned schedule or on an emergency basis.
Now we know when you can get an abortion at 14 weeks.

Possible risks and complications
Early he alth problems can develop immediately during or after the abortion. The first thing doctors pay attention to is the discharge, it is bloody and lasts about a week, as during normal critical days. There are cases of small bleeding within a month. Attention should be paid to possible impurities in the secretions, the appearance of an unpleasant odor, deterioration in color. With such changes, it is urgent to contact specialists for the timely elimination of problems.
The amount of blood lost is also taken into account. If you use more than two surgical pads in an hour, you need to call an ambulance. The cause may be an incomplete abortion.
If you feelbad smell, most likely an infection in the vagina.
You can have an abortion at 14 weeks, but it can also cause adhesive processes, infertility.

Recovery period after surgery
When leaving a medical facility, to avoid complications, doctors recommend:
- exclude sex;
- avoid swimming in ponds, pools;
- do not use tampons until full recovery of menstruation;
- give up from sports for at least two or three weeks;
- take a multivitamin and mineral course;
- eat more foods that contain protein;
You need to control your well-being: monitor blood pressure, temperature. And of course, it is important to undergo antibiotic and hormonal treatment after the operation to restore the menstrual cycle.
If the termination was due to genetic abnormalities of the embryo, you should make an appointment with a geneticist before the next pregnancy.
Where to get an abortion at 14 weeks? The procedure is carried out in a private or municipal medical institution.

It turns out that at 14 weeks they have an abortion. But there are big risks. Therefore, this issue must be approached with extreme caution. After the operation, follow all the advice of your attending gynecologist. Pay close attention to changes in your body and take the recommendedmedicinal agents. All this will allow you to recover as soon as possible both physically and mentally.