Acute pancreatitis implies a disease in which inflammatory processes in the pancreas are observed, which in turn develop due to a large number of a wide variety of reasons. At the moment, this disease is relatively common. Acute pancreatitis affects mainly people from 30 to 60 years old who consume a large amount of alcoholic products (40% of all cases). In 20% of patients, the disease develops due to existing diseases of the biliary tract.

Case history: acute pancreatitis
Surgery today considers this disease one of the most common. In fact, its prevalence depends primarily on the lack of a nutrition culture among the population, which subsequently leads to the formation of early enzyme activity in the body. Subject to the elementary correct regimennutrition (steamed food, fractional, balanced nutrition) you don’t even have to think about this problem.
Causes of consistent development of acute pancreatitis
According to experts, this kind of problem primarily occurs due to some factors that lead to the aggressive production of enzymes by the pancreas itself, namely:
- drinking alcohol;
- violation of the usual diet (the use of excessively fatty and spicy foods in the diet);
- various abdominal injuries;
- endocrine diseases;
- taking certain medications.

Symptoms of acute pancreatitis
First of all, patients begin to complain of regular pain in the area of the right and left hypochondrium. In addition, an aversion to food gradually develops due to the fact that an insufficient amount of pancreatic enzymes is excreted in the intestines. Then there is heartburn and nausea. In some cases, patients have a significant increase in body temperature, chills and loose stools also appear.
Diagnosis of acute pancreatitis
According to experts, with the manifestation of the primary symptoms described above, you should immediately seek help. Qualified doctors must necessarily conduct a complete examination of the patient, which implies the delivery of a blood test, urine test, an ionogram, an ultrasound examination of the pancreas itself, as well as diagnostic laparoscopy. Atother diagnostic methods may be required if necessary.

Treatment and possible complications of acute pancreatitis
First of all, it should be noted that modern medicine offers two ways to get rid of such a popular disease. This is medical treatment and surgical intervention. The first method involves the use of painkillers, antibiotics and enzyme-forming drugs. All of them are prescribed strictly after consultation with a specialist, based on the patient's condition and the main cause of the disease. As for the issue of surgical intervention, it is carried out exclusively in those patients who have purulent complications. The operation involves the removal of already dead tissue, is performed under general anesthesia with preliminary lung intubation.