Many people dream of losing weight. Indeed, in the modern world, the concept of "beauty" is closely interconnected in the minds of people with the phrase "slender figure". Almost every one of us is dissatisfied with something in our appearance and strives to keep ourselves in good shape. The world's ideals of beauty have certain standards, one of which is the reference parameters 90 - 60 - 90. Today, a good figure is the key to success, but it was not always so.
How did beauty standards change in the 20th century?
At the beginning of the 20th century, Gibson girls were popular, famous for their lush hips and bust, but at the same time having a wasp waist. They were replaced by scandalous and frivolous girls of the 20s, reducing their breasts and waist.
In the 1930s, the Hollywood actress Mae West became the standard of beauty, who emphasized her beautiful forms with the help of outfits with tight silhouettes.
During the Second World War, Rita Hayworth, with her snow-white skin and a small wasp waist, was an example of millions of women.

Sex symbol of the pin-up era can be safely considered curvaceous and long legs of Marilyn Monroe, who introduced the fashion for the hourglass figure.

In the 60s there is a sexual revolution, the winner of which was the androgynous type of appearance - thin girls with long legs. Later, women sought to achieve an athletic physique. And in the 80s, being thin is not enough, you need a taut figure of actress Jane Fonda.
In the 1990s, the sophistication of anorexia becomes the standard - a boyishly fragile physique. The concept of "heroin chic" appears, which implies an angular figure and pale skin. The 2000s are famous for tall models, among which it was customary to be not only thin, but also fit.
Thus, we can trace how the standards of beauty have changed from curvaceous to fragile physique throughout the 20th century. Big hips and breasts are unlikely to be considered the epitome of sexiness these days, which is why most people are wondering how to achieve the perfect figure and keep fit?
There are many different methods of losing weight. But they all come down to dietary nutrition in combination with physical activity. If you exercise hard, but do not limit your diet, it is almost impossible to achieve results in the fight against excess weight.

Mostexperts are not advised to adhere to mono-diets, but are advised to consume a certain number of calories per day, calculated depending on physical parameters and the desired end result, in combination with daily exercise. Siberian fiber for weight loss will help to achieve a quick result.
Weight loss directly depends on the processes occurring in the human body. The benefits of Siberian fiber have long been proven. For the proper functioning of the digestive system, we need a daily intake of dietary fiber contained in the composition of fresh vegetables and fruits, as well as cereals. But it is not always possible to include these products in your diet. And their lack in the body entails serious consequences when performing cleansing processes in the intestines. Regular intake of Siberian fiber will help to fill this deficit.
Siberian fiber is a food product consisting of plant fibers obtained from berries, cereals and fruit crops. The benefit of the supplement is not only in weight loss, but also in the normalization of ongoing processes in the human body. The systematic use of fiber ensures the cleansing of the circulatory system and the restoration of disturbed hormonal levels.

Reviews of Siberian fiber confirm its effectiveness during weight loss, which consists in a prolonged feeling of satiety with a relatively low calorie content. This is achieved due to the swelling of dietary fiber in the walls.intestines.
Food supplement provides acceleration of metabolic processes, due to this, the work of intestinal motility improves, and the level of cholesterol in the blood returns to normal. With the help of Siberian fiber, you will be able to keep your blood sugar at a low level. If you prefer to fight excess weight with the help of strict diets, then you simply need to take Siberian fiber, because it will get rid of problems with the stool.
Indications for use
Experts advise using the supplement as a prevention of urolithiasis and oncology. The instruction of Siberian fiber recommends taking dietary supplements for those who have chronic constipation, problems with metabolism, cholesterol, blood sugar and hormonal imbalance. Also, this tool will be useful in the fight against allergic reactions, the accumulation of toxic substances in the body, disorders of complexion and skin tone.
The natural composition of Siberian fiber includes:
- grain shells (millet, rye);
- shredded dried fruits;
- berries (cranberries, blueberries, rowan and others);
- bran;
- nuts.
Dietary supplement does not contain dyes and other harmful chemicals. Energy value: 48 calories.
How to take Siberian fiber?
Use: up to 4 tablespoons per day. Should be taken 1-2 tbsp. l. during meals 3-4 times a day. It is recommended to start with lower dosages. Reviews of Siberian fiber say that it should be consumed by adding todairy products. But also dietary supplements can be mixed with salads, cereals, thick fruit and berry juices, and even with water. It is not forbidden to consume Siberian fiber during pregnancy, but it is recommended to consult a doctor before use.
In some cases, if Siberian fiber is used improperly, it can harm human he alth. Caution is recommended for people with a susceptible gastrointestinal tract, as there is a chance of even more harm to their he alth. When used dry, the gastrointestinal tract is irritated, therefore, before use, Siberian fiber powder should be diluted with a thick liquid and washed down with a warm drink. Siberian fiber contains insoluble elements, which, when consumed in excess, hinder the absorption of iron and calcium in human blood.
Less sweet, more he althy
In numerous positive reviews of Siberian fiber, you can find confirmation of the effectiveness of this remedy during weight loss. Also, buyers who have experienced this miracle cure for themselves say that after prolonged use, they began to eat sweets less often. And this is true, because vegetable fibers normalize the amount of sugar in the blood, and this reduces the desire to eat sweet foods. Thus, with the help of taking dietary supplements, you will be able to get rid of addiction to sweets.
Despite the wide range of properties and great benefits for the body, this biologically activethe supplement has a low price (from 40 rubles). With it, weight loss will be fast, comfortable and safe. In a pharmacy, Siberian fiber can be purchased without a doctor's prescription. Dietary fiber is not a drug, however, with the help of them you will be able to cleanse the body of accumulated feces and other harmful substances.
Losing Weight While Taking a Dietary Supplement
The results of losing weight with Siberian fiber will pleasantly surprise you. With the help of it, the body will make up for the deficiency of plant fibers, which will allow you to easily and quickly reduce weight. Thanks to the components contained in the dietary supplement, the work of the digestive organs will be restored, which will allow you to safely normalize body weight. You will be able to consume the required amount of useful components with minimal meals. And vitamins and minerals that are important for the proper functioning of the whole organism will make the process of losing weight with Siberian fiber harmless to your he alth.

Indigestible grain shells, passing through the digestive tract, will capture the accumulated deposits in the intestines and remove them naturally. According to reviews, Siberian fiber with daily use allows you to lose up to 6 kilograms per month. It should be borne in mind that regular physical activity is required to achieve high results.
Another advantage of the cleansing Siberian fiber is its increase in size after it enters the stomach, which helps to reduce food intake due to the feelingsaturation. Thus, the number of calories eaten is reduced, and the rate of weight loss increases. Slimming with vegetable fibers becomes comfortable and safe.
We lose weight with diet
To get rid of excess weight quickly and efficiently, taking Siberian fiber, follow the diet below. Here is a possible ration for three days. Before using this diet, it is recommended to consult with a highly specialized doctor without fail. With each meal, it is recommended to take 1 tbsp. l. Siberian fiber.
First day
- green tea without sugar;
- 150 grams low-fat cottage cheese;
- two thin slices of black wholemeal rye bread.
- black tea without sugar;
- 200ml lean chicken broth;
- 100 grams of buckwheat porridge without s alt and oil;
- medium sized green apple.
- fresh juice without sugar diluted with water;
- 40 grams of any dried fruit.
- weak coffee without sugar with low fat milk;
- 150 grams of chicken breast with 100 grams of rice without s alt and oil.
Two hours before bedtime, it is allowed to drink kefir with a fat content of no more than one percent. Snacking between meals is prohibited.

Second day
- 1 glass of low-fat kefir with a slice of lemon;
- 100 grams pumpkinporridge without butter and sugar.
- 150 ml vegetable broth;
- 150 grams lean fish fillets.
- medium-sized apple;
- low-fat fermented baked milk.
- 150 grams of boiled beef;
- 100 grams of wheat groats.
Before going to bed, drink one glass of fat-free yogurt.
Third day
- black tea without sugar;
- 150 grams of oatmeal without oil and s alt.
- green tea without sugar;
- 200 ml low-fat fish broth;
- 100 grams of pea porridge without oil and s alt;
- a small slice of brown wholemeal bread.
- green tea without sugar;
- 150 grams finely grated carrot and apple salad.
- one glass of tomato juice;
- 200ml light vegetable soup;
- 150 grams of baked lean fish.
How to keep yourself in good shape?
Finally, you managed to achieve the desired result in the fight against excess weight. But how to fix the result correctly and prevent the old kilograms from returning in double size? It all depends on the psychological attitude and willpower.

There are basic rules:
- Don't eat after six.
- Determine your maximum daily calorie intake.
- Try not to overeat.
- Doexercise and try to expend more calories than consumed.