Bee products have always been appreciated by fans of alternative medicine. In this regard, many people are interested in the question of whether it is possible to chew propolis? The medicinal properties of bee glue have been known since antiquity. In Greece and Egypt, skin diseases and colds were treated with this remedy. It was applied to sore joints. This article will provide useful information about this natural remedy.
The product produced by bees is a sticky substance. Resinous lumps are yellow-brown in color. Over time, they darken and begin to crumble. According to scientists, bee glue has an excellent antibacterial effect. It was noticed that due to the presence of this substance, viruses do not develop in the hive. In the manufacture of folk remedies, it is used in combination with royal jelly or honey. But when it is discussed as a separate product, it is only betterchew propolis. Medicinal properties in most cases have effects when it is not swallowed. However, for some diseases it may be advisable to do so. We will mention this below.

Why is propolis not swallowed?
Not all the beneficial substances contained in propolis are fully absorbed in the human body. In addition, it contains heavy resins. When swallowed, they get inside in their pure form and adversely affect the kidneys. But these same substances with a different method of application bring great he alth benefits. For example, propolis is used for inhalation. If the bee product is heated in a water bath, applications can be applied to inflamed joints from it. Only with proper use will the beneficial substance fully manifest its healing properties. You need to chew propolis in compliance with the mandatory conditions.

Use with other ingredients
Propolis is consumed diluted inside. The most common remedy is alcohol tincture, which does not cause much harm to the body. First, insoluble particles of the substance are deposited on the bottom of the container in which the medicine is infused. As a rule, it is filtered before use, and the impurities remaining in the sediment are discarded. Secondly, the tincture is diluted with water and consumed in small doses, which also does not harm he alth.
An aqueous solution of propolis is considered the most digestible remedy. It is used even whentreatment of children. There are many recipes that contain this product.

Since we will talk about chewing propolis, it has a good effect on the oral cavity. The resinous substance strengthens the gums and serves as an excellent antiseptic. Meanwhile, various beneficial substances contained in the glue enter the body with saliva.
Later in the article we will discuss: how to chew propolis, medicinal properties, how to take this remedy so as not to harm he alth.
Bee product has a very complex and rich chemical composition. It includes proteins, oils, alcohols, pollen, wax, sugars, vitamins, resins and other components. Among them, phenolic ingredients and acids such as ferulic, benzene, caffeic and phenolic acids are distinguished. The presence of flavones and flavonols adds value to this healing medicine.
Healing properties
Biologically active substances have anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects. Propolis has the ability to neutralize toxins, helps to accelerate cell regeneration, suppresses and destroys various viruses, and heals wounds. In addition, it strengthens the immune system and rejuvenates the cells of the body. These are the effects that have already been studied by medicine. However, much more will be known about the bee product in the future, as research on the benefits of this substance is currently ongoing. The same can be said about chewing propolis, the healing properties that it can exhibit will beopened wider.

Diseases in which the bee product helps
As a medicine, propolis is used as an independent remedy and in combination with medical methods of treatment. The positive effect of tar glue and its application is quite wide:
- Many doctors recommend a bee product for the prevention and treatment of the respiratory tract. If, with such problems, propolis is chewed, the healing properties are found instantly. As a natural antibiotic, it easily copes with inflammation and infection. However, it should be taken into account that in severe conditions, propolis can only serve as an aid. It enhances the action of modern antibiotics that a doctor can prescribe for such diseases.
- In dental practice, tar is an indispensable complementary treatment. It is prescribed for periodontal disease and stomatitis. Propolis quickly heals wounds of a different nature, even purulent ones.
- Since the natural medicine has an enveloping effect, it helps with diseases of the stomach and pancreas. Due to its healing effect, it tightens the sores.

Rules of application
Experts recommend treatment with propolis only after meals. Moving on to how to chew propolis and how much:
- The first thing to do is to conduct a trial procedure. Within five minuteschew a small pea and observe the reaction of the body throughout the day. If there is an itching in the throat or any redness on the skin, then propolis should not be used.
- The first treatment session starts with a small dose (3 g) and no more than 10 minutes in time. In subsequent times, the dose is gradually increased to 5 g. This figure is optimal, and if it is increased, it will lead to side effects.
- Chew the tar glue with your front teeth, otherwise it will smear all over your mouth.
- They take a small lump the size of a cherry seed, put it in their mouth and bite slowly with their teeth. After softening, it is simply absorbed. In this way, the adhesive components are released and enter the body.
- Glue must be chewed until completely split, until it disappears. You don't need to swallow it.
- The frequency of doses depends on the degree of the disease. For prevention, it will be sufficient to use bee medicine 1 time. For the purpose of treatment, it is chewed 2 times.
- For bronchitis and other respiratory diseases, it is recommended to use 5 g of the product throughout the day. It must be evenly distributed in small particles the size of a match head. This will allow you to take breaks for meals. After relief comes, the rate is reduced.
- On the first day of a cold, it will be enough to take 1 g of medicine at a time.
- With gastritis and pancreatitis, an exception is made to the rule. To cure the affected parts of the stomach, the pea must be swallowed after chewing. How to chewpropolis and how much? With an ulcer, this should be done 3 times a day so that the tightening effect is permanent. Swallowing the glue will serve to better envelop the walls of the stomach and give some protection. You need to consume propolis in maximum quantities, while not exceeding the standard rate indicated above.
- For oncological diseases, it is recommended to chew propolis 5 times a day for 5 g. Treatments should last at least 10 minutes.
It is important to remember that not all diseases can be chewed propolis. Any natural product has medicinal properties and contraindications. The article points to diseases in which it is not recommended to use glue. But you can not ignore the predisposition to allergies. Most often, it is with such a problem that the use of propolis is fraught with consequences.

Allergy Danger
The benefits of the bee product have been proven, but since each organism is individual, the healing agent is not suitable for everyone.
Allergies that propolis can cause are often not limited to rashes or skin redness. It can manifest itself with accompanying symptoms similar to poisoning. Some people develop a fever after chewing glue. It may be accompanied by symptoms such as bloating, vomiting, diarrhea, nausea, and stomach pain.
If you do not see a doctor in time, these symptoms lead to serious complications. These include: shortness of breath, swelling of the nasopharynx, tearing. In rare cases, this can result in Quincke's edema andanaphylactic shock.

Effects after chewing propolis, benefits and harms are determined by the presence of certain diseases, doses of the product, time of use and individual characteristics of the body.
The resinous substance contains natural antibiotics. Regular use of propolis in large quantities can adversely affect the functioning of the digestive system. With irritable bowel syndrome at the stage of exacerbation, the use of propolis is canceled.
The natural ingredients that make up the healing medicine can cause severe allergies. With an overdose of the drug, such reactions can occur in he althy people.
Frequent use can lead to mouth irritation, sore throat and dry mucous membranes.
People suffering from diseases of the gallbladder, liver and kidneys, it is undesirable to chew propolis.
Pregnancy and children
Can the healing properties of propolis have a positive effect on a child? Children and pregnant women are allowed to chew the resinous substance with extreme caution. The fact is that it has a high concentration of nutrients that can adversely affect he alth even during chewing. And if there is no special need for this, then it is better not to do this without the recommendation of a doctor.
Even if the expectant mother does not observe a negative reaction to the bee product, she cannot know how propolis will affect the fetus. The recommended dose for pregnant women is 1 g per day. For preventive purposes, the same dose is taken 2 times a week.
For children, propolis is diluted in milk (2 g per glass), filtered and given in several doses.
There are different opinions of people about whether to chew propolis (benefit and harm). Reviews testify to its effectiveness in colds, sore throats and gum disease. Some believe that it is better to take alcohol and water tinctures from it. There have been cases when, after chewing the bee product, a pronounced allergic reaction was manifested. People warn that there are fake bee products on sale. It is better to buy it at a pharmacy or from familiar beekeepers.
After considering information on how to chew propolis correctly (healing properties, reviews are now known to you), everyone must make a personal choice. A healing substance with a powerful effect can only be beneficial if used correctly. If you decide to use this remedy, be sure to consult your doctor.