Vertebral hernia: symptoms and treatment

Vertebral hernia: symptoms and treatment
Vertebral hernia: symptoms and treatment

Vertebral hernia is a rather dangerous disease that leads to pathology of the locomotor system. It occurs quite often and requires regular treatment, as well as preventive measures. This is a disease of athletes, tall people and patients in adulthood.

computer diagnostics of the spine
computer diagnostics of the spine


The causes of a herniated disc include:

  • The patient has scoliosis, excessive kyphosis or lordosis.
  • Any spinal injury.
  • Age over 30 years old and taller than 170 cm.
  • Impaired nutrition of the discs, which may be due to the lack of load on the deep muscles of the back. This is due to the fact that they do not have veins, and they receive nutrition only during the work of the back muscles.
  • People who have osteochondrosis or any degenerative disease that destroys the structure of the discs. Their destruction leads to the destruction of the fibrous ring or its protrusion.
  • Atrophied back muscles. The smaller their volume, the higher the risk of earning a hernia with the same load.

Sharp actions that can affect the spinal array:

  • Strikes.
  • Fall.
  • Excessive rotation of the body.

Other factors include:

  • Female. This is due to the fact that women suffer from the disease more often than men.
  • Great physical activity, sedentary lifestyle.
  • Permanent sitting position, such as when working at a computer.
  • Prolonged driving.
  • Regular smoking.
  • Bad posture.
  • Overweight.
  • Excessive hypothermia.


Back pain can be a sign of a lumbar disc herniation. Symptoms may not appear immediately or be intermittent, for example, during physical exertion or with a certain position of the body. This is due to the fact that at the first stage of the disease, the extruded pulpous material of the intervertebral nucleus is not yet inflamed.

Of course, if the deformities are the result of a blow or a heavy load, then, as a rule, the symptoms of a vertebral hernia appear almost immediately. This is due to the fact that after the rupture of the fibrous ring, there is a strong extrusion of the pulpous nucleus outward, which can lead to compression of the spinal cord. If there was a touch of the roots of the spinal cord, then the intensity of the pain increases. It is felt even with complete relaxation in the supine position. In addition, the sensitivity of the toes is lost, the muscles lose strength.

If compression of the spinal cord occurs, there may be such a symptom of a hernia of the vertebral region as the failure of the lower extremities and disruption of the abdominal organs. This is due to the obstruction of impulses frombrain. Because of the above symptoms, a person is constantly trying to limit motor activity, which further affects the state of the intervertebral space.

why does vertebral hernia occur
why does vertebral hernia occur


At the initial stage, the vertebral hernia practically does not manifest itself. In some cases, its symptoms are similar to those observed in osteochondrosis of the spine. If you suspect symptoms of an intervertebral hernia, then you should contact a neurologist.

The doctor prescribes instrumental studies to make an accurate diagnosis. Conventional X-ray is not able to show the condition of the intervertebral discs, so more advanced instrumental studies are being carried out.

The following are those that allow you to detect the protrusion of pulpous material from the nucleus of the intervertebral disc:

  1. Magnetic resonance imaging of the spine (MRI).
  2. Computed tomography (CT), most often prescribed for a comprehensive determination of the condition of the intervertebral discs and bones.
  3. Myelography. If there are contraindications to the above methods, then myelography with contrast is performed. It is able to identify the degree and location of compression of the spinal cord.

Of this list, MRI is the most informative study, as it allows you to get a better visualization of the soft tissues of the spine. This method allows you to determine not only the size of the hernia itself, but also the degree of narrowing of the spinal canal.

treatmentvertebral hernia of the lumbar
treatmentvertebral hernia of the lumbar


Usually, with a herniated disc, conservative or physiotherapeutic treatment is prescribed. This is due to the fact that spinal surgery is a traumatic operation, during which the patient's condition may worsen.

But there are times when there is no other option, only surgery. For example, if there is a strong pain syndrome, if the hernia has reached such a size that it has begun to create a load on the spinal cord.

The operation includes the following steps:

  • A three or four centimeter skin incision is made in the region of the problem vertebra.
  • Skin, muscles and ligaments are moved apart with the help of special holders.
  • Removing part of the material of the nucleus pulposus and fibrous ring.
  • Ligaments and muscles return to their original position.
  • The wound is sutured.

If, after the above actions, the compression in the same vertebra is repeated, then a second operation is performed with excision of part of the intervertebral disc.

If during the diagnosis, instability of the vertebrae is detected, then an operation is performed to fix them. This surgery is called spinal fusion.

The above operations allow you to save the supporting function of the spine.

at the doctor
at the doctor

Medicated treatment

Conservative treatment of lumbar vertebral hernia involves the use of medications. This therapy has become the mainstay of treatment formost patients. This is due to the fact that this method can show a fairly good result.

To remove inflammation at the site of hernia formation, anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed. Most often, these are non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, which are listed below:

  1. "Diclofenac". The most widely used drug, but it is prescribed only in the absence of pathologies in the stomach, as it acts aggressively on the mucous membranes.
  2. "Mowali". Tablets are prescribed for a large number of affected vertebrae. The suspension is administered intramuscularly.

Good results are shown by the use of chondroprotectors. They include substances such as glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate. These drugs can prevent the degradation of intervertebral discs.

The most popular chondroprotectors are listed below:

  • "Teraflex" - in the form of capsules.
  • "Artra" - in the form of tablets.
  • "Alflutop" - injection solution.
  • diagnosis of a hernia of the vertebral
    diagnosis of a hernia of the vertebral

Home Therapy

Kneading the back is carried out with any ball that is suitable in size. They can be found and bought at a sporting goods store or pharmacy.

Kneading is carried out pointwise, which allows you to strengthen the muscles on the back at the point of contact.

The exercise technique is as follows:

  • Lie on your back, bend your knees, and press your feet and shoulders to the floor.
  • Put the ball under the lower back and adjust the degree of its pressure onback.
  • Roll the ball up and down or left and right.

The number of repetitions is selected for each individual, based on sensations. If you feel that there is no particular discomfort and are able to perform several times more, then do it.

For the initial stages of massage, this exercise can be performed in several approaches. If you feel severe pain and discomfort in your back, then try breaking up the exercise into several parts.

Properly performed exercise should cause a feeling of warmth in the muscles. This is due to the fact that the blood supply increases at the point of contact. It contributes to a faster recovery of the locomotor system, since its tissues receive more nutrients than usual.

You can use another version. With him, the exercise is carried out while standing, pressing the ball with his back against the wall. This variation is easier, which can be helpful if the person has a back injury and cannot do the exercise while lying down.

back massage
back massage

Back massage with roller

This exercise is done using a rubber paint roller or an object similar in shape and elasticity. Due to the large area of contact with the back, the tool will allow you to use many muscle groups. During the exercise, it is necessary to move so that the roller uses the entire back area.

After three rolling up and down, you need to relax, spreading your legs and arms to the sides. To enhance the effect, you can rub your back with alcohol tincture. Afterexercises do not load the back for two hours.

Kuznetsov Applicator

This item was once incredibly popular. Kuznetsov's applicator is another way to treat a vertebral hernia. This is a material on the surface of which there are many attached round plastic plates, on which plastic needles are arranged concentrically in the form of a pyramid. They act to create an acupuncture effect while increasing the blood supply.

Apply the Kuznetsov applicator by placing this material under the back. Then lie on your back for an hour. The above applicator is used in the complex treatment of hernias. In some cases, this exercise can cause a deterioration in the condition. If this happens, it is worth reducing the exposure time or completely removing this exercise from practice.

cervical hernia
cervical hernia

Lyapko applicator

This item can also be used to treat spinal hernia. The applicator consists of rubber, on which blunt needles made of different metals of small length are fixed. The impact of needles on the skin is more pronounced than when using the Kuznetsov applicator. The Lyapko applicator is available in various modifications. The size and shape is selected depending on the disease of which parts of the body it is planned to use this applicator: with a hernia of the cervical, thoracic or lumbar spine. Use to reduce the symptoms of lumbar and vertebral hernia helps relieve pain.

Five best folk remedies

Kbest ways include:

1. Sabelnik.

Tincture of the root of this plant is suitable for both external and internal use. To prepare it, you need to take one hundred grams of the root and chop. Then fill the glass container with the resulting mixture and pour medical alcohol. At the next stage, a jar with a cinquefoil is placed in a dark place and insisted for two to three weeks. After preparation, use three times a day before meals, diluting one spoon of the product in a third of a glass of water. For the best effect, one bottle of ten percent Dimexide is added to the tincture, but then the remedy is used to rub the problem area of the back.

2. Comfrey.

Preparing the ointment begins with grinding the comfrey root, which is required to take 500 g. Then the resulting mass is added to melted pork fat and heated in a pan, stirring constantly. When the mixture becomes homogeneous, three hundred milliliters of vodka are added there, mixed and allowed to cool in a dark place. After cooling, reheat and filter into a glass container. The finished product must be stored in a dark and cool place. Use the product by applying it on the back and wrapping it with material. Withstand the ointment for half an hour.

3. Treatment of hernia with compresses with aloe juice and honey

Take aloe juice, liquid flower honey and medical alcohol in a ratio of 1:2:3. Everything is thoroughly mixed. The mixture is placed in a jar and kept for 24 hours. After that, it is placed for cooling in the refrigerator. Apply the mixture by soaking it with gauze, folded ten times. Thisgauze must be applied to problem areas, covered with polyethylene and wrapped with something warm. It is recommended to withstand at least an hour, and possibly more. During the procedure, do not strain your back or get out of bed.

4. With umbilical hernia.

Die a lump of wet clay and wrap it in one layer of gauze. Warm to body temperature and apply to the navel. Fix with a band-aid.

5 Fruit treatment.

This recipe is based on the use of foods rich in trace elements. Need to take:

  • Dried apricots - five pieces.
  • Figs - one piece.
  • Prunes - two pieces.

The above products are crushed and consumed within a month. The combination of the above fruits helps to improve the well-being of the patient.

But before using all these recipes, you need to consult a specialist.

lumbar vertebral hernia symptoms
lumbar vertebral hernia symptoms

Do I need to stretch the spine

One of the treatments for a hernia is spinal traction. This method allows you to relieve pain in a short period of time. Currently, traction is successfully used to treat other diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Also, this procedure allows you to correct the displacement of bone fragments during a fracture, restore mobility to the limbs and eliminate the deformity. However, many experts argue that such loads can only aggravate the situation.

Spine traction is performed when the patient is in a vertical or horizontal position.

Basic methodsprocedure:

  • Using the patient's body weight.
  • Under additional weight.
  • Dry traction - this procedure is carried out using additional items.
  • Hydroextraction - carried out in water.

The procedure has many contraindications. Before its use in old age, it is necessary to undergo the entire range of examinations.

Vertebrologists perform manual traction of various parts of the spine. The procedure is painless and safe, as the doctor feels the slightest changes in the patient's condition and quickly corrects his actions.

Spine traction should not be performed in the presence of degenerative changes in the structure of the vertebrae.
