Herpes is an infectious disease that manifests itself in the form of small blisters. The disease is localized mainly on the lips and genitals, but can also appear on other parts of the body. Unfortunately, nasty cold sores, whose treatment only affects the symptoms, cannot be completely cured.

Medicated treatment
It is worth repeating that it is impossible to completely remove the virus from the body, but it is quite easy to eliminate itching, burning and red blisters. To do this, use local ointments and creams, as well as tablets. They do not require long-term use, however, after the first occurrence of herpes, they should be in the medicine cabinet constantly. As a rule, the symptoms of the disease appear suddenly, and the sooner treatment is started, the sooner it will end.
If you have herpes? Medical treatment will be effective with ointments such as Zovirax, Famvir and others. These drugs can not only reduce symptoms, but also reduce the number of relapses.
Folk treatment
Traditional medicines, like drugs, are quite effective. The only difference is the time after which the symptoms will be completely eliminated. As a rule, medicines begin to act immediately,gradually reducing the rash. Alternative treatment is carried out for several days, after which herpes disappears. Treatment at home may include:
- vesicles should be lubricated at least three times a day with valocordin, treatment should continue for several days until symptoms disappear;
well helps at the very beginning of the disease earwax, which must be applied to the inflamed areas with a cotton swab. If the herpes is in the first stage, then two days after the rash is treated in this way, there will be no trace of it;
Herpes simplex treatment - Kalanchoe juice should be applied several times a day until the herpes, which will take about three days to treat with this method, completely recede;
- Suppression of the herpes virus is possible with the help of polyphenolic substances contained in raspberry branches. To prepare a medicinal ointment, you need to cut a few branches, rinse them well and chew. Then the resulting slurry is regularly lubricated with the affected areas;
- if herpes simplex popped up on the lips, it can be treated with crushed garlic applied to the inflamed area.
Herpes Prevention
The herpes virus lives in every person. Until a certain time, he is in

passive form without showing itself. For many, the disease never begins, and some regularly suffer from unpleasantsensations and an ugly rash. The reasons why the virus suddenly becomes active, after which it does not leave a person for the rest of his life, have not been fully studied by scientists. One thing is known for sure: if the disease is prevented, then herpes will remain in a passive form.
The most important preventive measure is to maintain immunity. Only when it weakens the virus gets the right to life. Colds, hypothermia and inflammatory processes also contribute to its development. In order for herpes not to start, the treatment of which only relieves symptoms, you need to monitor your he alth, eat right and fully. Kissing people who have a disease on their lips is strongly discouraged.