Uncovertebral arthrosis is a problem that many people don't know about. However, special attention should be paid to it, since this process is characterized by damage to the joints located between the cervical vertebrae. Because of this, motor ability and blood circulation are disturbed. This pathology can lead to severe complications.

It is necessary to consider the causes of arthrosis of the uncovertebral joints. This problem can be both acquired and congenital. If we talk about the latter type, then an anomaly in the cervical spine can become the cause of this. Considering the acquired type, it should be noted that injuries of the musculoskeletal system, hip joint and poliomyelitis are provoking factors. Also, the problem can develop if a person is overweight, sedentary and overworked.
Pathogenesis of the described disease
At the very initial stage, thisthe problem is diagnosed on C3-C7 vertebrae. The described pathology initially affects only the intervertebral tissue. Bone formations are also able to grow. Because of this, the spine becomes less mobile, a hump appears. Such a formation compresses the nerves, limits the motor function of a person, so problems with blood vessels begin. Because of this, the symptoms become even more noticeable.
If a patient is diagnosed with C5-C6 uncovertebral arthrosis, then, most likely, the manifestations will be as strong as possible. After all, such a problem affects the neurovascular bundle. Unfortunately, it is difficult to bring all subsequent changes back to normal.

At the very beginning, arthrosis may not manifest itself in any way. Rarely there is pain in the head and neck with sudden movements. Such symptoms are often attributed to fatigue, but over time it begins to progress. Further, nausea, discomfort along the entire length of the spine, mobility problems, high blood pressure, and numbness of the fingers appear.
In the event that uncovertebral arthrosis of the cervical spine occurs in an acute form, then most likely one of the symptoms will also be unsteadiness when moving and problems with balance. The manifestation of the problem in each individual patient depends entirely on the degree of damage to the joints.

Diagnostic Methods
To diagnose uncovertebral arthrosisspine, it is necessary to conduct a personal examination, as well as instrumental methods of examination. In most situations, an x-ray is effective. However, sometimes a CT or MRI is required. In certain cases, an examination by a cardiologist, ophthalmologist and neurosurgeon may be prescribed.
Cure disease
Treatment of uncovertebral arthrosis of the cervical spine should be carried out in a hospital setting. This is the only way to achieve effective treatment. The technique should be selected from the general condition of the patient, and also depending on how difficult the process is. Treatment should be given as early as possible. This will restore the joints.
Therapy involves not only the use of medicines, but also physical education. The treatment of uncovertebral arthrosis of the cervical spine consists of physiotherapy, reduction of joint movement with a special collar, diet and orthopedic correction. Sometimes surgery may be required. However, it is carried out in quite rare cases. As a rule, it is only necessary when the joint is very displaced and the nerves are pinched. Also, uncovertebral arthrosis can lead to paralysis. In this case, the operation is required.

Medicated treatment
If a person has this disease, then you should not run to the store for painkillers. You need to see a doctor. He will prescribe special remedies that will not act on the entire body, but only on the focus of inflammation. Usually,chondroprotectors are prescribed. Thanks to this medicine, the course of the described inflammation can be slowed down.
Additional treatments
With the described type of arthrosis, magnetic, ultrasound therapy, electrophoresis and UHF irradiation are prescribed. It should be noted that self-treatment of uncovertebral arthrosis is prohibited. Painkillers can help only in the first stage of the disease. It should be understood that if it is not on it that a comprehensive and correct treatment is started, then it will be impossible to recover to a normal state. The course of therapy should be carried out completely, without neglecting it, even if the patient no longer hurts. The fact that there are no symptoms does not mean the retreat of the disease. It can recur at any time, and each new stage will manifest itself more radically.

Ultrasound Therapy
This type of treatment is used only if the synovial membrane remains normal. In this case, pain may be recorded. The method is quite effective, but there are contraindications to its use. These include the presence of menopause, mastopathy, and so on.
Most often, this treatment method eliminates uncovertebral arthrosis in elderly patients.
When conducting electrophoresis, dimexide is most often used, as it is able to reduce pain and relieve inflammation of the joint. Analgin and novocaine are also often used. They allow you to remove all the discomfort. If addmagnesium, sulfur and zinc, then all inflammatory processes will be eliminated.
In the event that a person develops uncovertebral arthrosis of C4 or any other vertebrae, then it is necessary to pay attention to effective methods of the physiotherapeutic method. Thanks to them, you can normalize metabolism. This method of treatment allows you to slow down the rate of development of complications. This procedure is different in that the circulation of all elements in the synovial membrane becomes maximum.

Local barotherapy is great for the development of arthrosis in humans, when the number of capillaries begins to decrease sharply. Therefore, there are problems with the blood supply. It is because of this that it is necessary to carry out local barotherapy for everyone who has been diagnosed with uncovertebral arthrosis of C5 and other joints.
Due to this procedure, a special level of pressure is created around the diseased area. Because of this, oxygen enters the body, improving blood flow. Also, this method allows closed capillaries to open and eliminate lymph stagnation.
This technique is used only if medical treatment does not give the desired results. However, one should be aware of contraindications: the development of synovitis, as well as problems with the cardiovascular system.
Traditional medicine methods
Traditional medicine methods should be considered if it is necessary to cure uncovertebral arthrosis of C6 and other joints.
It is allowed to put compresses that will relieve pain. As a rule, they use propolis, linseed oil. If we are talking about the occurrence of severe pain in the neck, then you can use turpentine. It should be supplemented with propolis. If mixed in equal proportions and rubbed in, the effect will not be long in coming.
If the pain becomes sensitive, it is best to consult a doctor quickly. This way you can avoid complications. It will be possible to cure the described disease, but this will not be easy. That is why you need to make an appointment with a specialist who can quickly diagnose the disease and prescribe the right course of treatment in the shortest possible time.
Preventive measures
No one is immune from the described disease. However, in order to protect yourself, you can take special measures to prevent it. You need to eat right, move more, and control your physical activity.
If a person has pain in the spine, problems with the joints, then you should immediately consult a doctor. The sooner a correct diagnosis is made, the sooner it will be cured. Accordingly, the chances of a full recovery will be much greater.
Complications and consequences
If you ignore the treatment of arthrosis, complications may arise. They can appear against the background of constant squeezing and injury of the nerve nodes, arteries and veins. Most of the consequences occur against the background of a problem that affects the joints C5-C6. It is in this place that the narrowing of the bone canal occurs.
If the patient refuses treatment, then his cerebral circulation may be disturbed. There will be prolonged migraine attacks. Hearing and vision may be reduced, and many different disorders associated with the nervous system will spread. If a person has a strong compression of the vertebral artery, then fainting may occur. In this case, the doctor has the right to assign a disability to the patient.

If you start treatment at an early stage, the prognosis will be as favorable as possible. As a rule, therapy takes from 1 to 2 weeks. If we are talking about the onset of the disease at a young age, then a complete cure can be achieved.
However, if we are already talking about more advanced cases, then the prognosis will be unfavorable. In order to prevent the occurrence of complications and various dystrophic processes, it is necessary to undergo several intensive courses, as well as conduct maintenance therapy to consolidate the results.
As a conclusion, it should be noted that it is best to follow preventive measures. This will prevent the development of arthrosis. So you can protect yourself from various negative consequences in the body. It is necessary to eat right, give up bad habits, and if you have sedentary work, do special exercises for the neck every 2-3 hours. They should help relax the muscles.
Do not self-medicate. Even in the case of a mild degree of the disease, you should consult a doctor for recommendations. When it comes to therapyinjury, you must stop playing sports. You should leave for a spa treatment, as well as sign up for a massage. This will allow you to get rid of the problem in the shortest possible time. One of the most effective diagnostic methods will be X-ray, as it makes it possible to fully view the condition of the spine.