In Russia, this low tree (or bush) with an ovoid crown and belonging to the Birch family is widespread. In our country, alder grows in natural conditions in the European part, in Western Siberia and the Caucasus.
Description of the tree
Alder can sometimes reach fifteen meters in height, but more often it does not exceed ten meters. Young branches are sparsely pubescent, sticky. The trunk is covered with smooth gray bark. The leaves are egg-shaped, they are densely pubescent on both sides.

Flowers gather into earrings. Female flowers are short oval, usually 3-8 pieces in a group, male flowers are sessile, longer, collected in 3-5 pieces. One-seeded nuts (fruits) are oblong cones. The tree blooms in March-April. Alder seedlings ripen in autumn.
Species, habitats
To date, forty-seven species of alder are known, twelve grow in our country. The most common is gray and black (sticky) alder. It develops well on drained soils along the banks and invalleys of rivers and lakes.

Alder seedlings: composition
In folk medicine today, bark, leaves, alder seedlings are widely used. The instruction says that infructescences with their composition contain many tannins of the pyrogallic group:
- gallic acid - up to 4%;
- tannin - up to 2.5%.
In addition, they have a lot of organic acids, glycosides, flavonoids (including the catechin group), phytoncides.

Useful properties of alder
In herbal medicine, alder has taken its rightful place, and sometimes it is not easy to find a replacement for it in the treatment of a number of diseases. Most often, alder seedlings are used, although medicinal preparations are prepared on the basis of both the leaves and the bark of the plant. They have the following effects on the human body:
- anti-inflammatory;
- astringent;
- hemostatic.
Their use is recommended for:
- inflammation of the large and small intestines (enteritis, colitis);
- duodenal ulcer and stomach ulcer;
- dyspeptic disorders of the gastrointestinal tract;
- dysentery;
- articular rheumatism;
- rheumatic fever;
- inflammation of the respiratory system.
Alder seedlings: instructions for use
This is an effective astringent containing tannins based on tannin and gallic acid, galactose, phosphoric acid, pentosans.

Indications for use
Tincture and infusion of seedlings are recommended for chronic and acute colitis and enteritis. In the form of an infusion or decoction of alder seedlings, a tablespoon (tablespoon) is used three times a day. A tincture is also used, for which alder inflorescences are used. The use of this drug is limited to 25 drops no more than three times a day.
Dry extract (thmelini) is recommended to take 0.5 grams up to six times a day.
Issue form
Alder seedlings are produced in a 100 gram carton box.
Storage conditions and expiration date
Store raw materials should be in a dry place, protected from light. Shelf life of infructescences - 3 years.
Alder inflorescences in folk medicine
Traditional healers recommend preparations based on seedlings for digestive disorders, including bloating and pain. In addition, infructescence is considered an effective diaphoretic. Baths with alder cones are recommended for colds and frostbite, dermatitis and leg fatigue, skin ulcers and itchy rashes, scrofula and wounds that do not heal for a long time.
Decoction is effective for burns, inflammation of the gums, bleeding from the nose, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, allergies, hemorrhoids. It has been successfully used for douching in inflammatory diseases in women.

Infertility in cosmetology
Alder seedlings are also used in cosmetology. Their use as a means of promoting hair growth, reducing hair loss and oiliness, fighting seborrhea, gives excellent results.results. In these cases, every day it is necessary to rub the infusion of seedlings into the scalp.
Alder seeds quickly relieve irritation and inflammation of the skin, reduce greasiness and porosity. Many women note their tonic effect.

Recipes for preparations from alder seedlings
Infructescence can be used both independently and in combination with other plants. We offer you recipes for the most popular drugs.
Decoction of seedlings
Four grams (a tablespoon) of seedlings pour a glass of boiling water and boil over low heat for a quarter of an hour. After that, the composition should be cooled at room temperature and filtered. Take 50 ml three times a day before meals.
According to patients, a significant improvement in well-being occurs (even with chronic colitis) after a few days of admission. A decoction can be taken for dysentery, used as a gargle for sore throats and other colds.

Pour ten grams of seedlings with a glass of boiling water and put the composition in a water bath for fifteen minutes. Then cool, strain and bring to the original volume with boiled water.
Take 50-70 ml three times a day thirty minutes before meals. Infusions and decoctions of seedlings should not be stored in the refrigerator for more than 2 days: they lose their medicinal properties.
Tincture of inflorescences
In case of inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract, vodka tincture from seedlings is effective, whichused as an astringent. One part of the raw material should be poured with five parts of high-quality vodka and insisted for at least a day. Take the composition of 25 drops three times a day.
Like the vast majority of medicinal plants, alder seedlings cannot be taken without restrictions. Contraindications for this raw material are primarily associated with individual intolerance to the herbal product as a whole or to its individual components. In addition, the use of alder-based preparations is not recommended for pregnant women, nursing mothers and children under the age of twelve.